Welcome to 2nd Grade
Introduction Goals for the students Curriculum items Housekeeping
Vision Everyone feels safe, respected, and confident as a learner and individual. Academic growth is evident and valued. Students and teacher have a growth mindset with high expectations for learning. Students, staff, and parents work together to achieve success.
Professional Learning Our professional learning will impact your child’s education. Here are the professional learning experiences we have this year as a district and building. 1. Full-day Kindergarten (K teachers only) 2. Common Core State Standards Math (1st & 2nd grade) Literacy (3rd-5th grade) 3. New writing materials (K-5) 4. Book Study: Comprehension & Collaboration: Inquiry Circles for Curiosity, Engagement, and Understanding 5. Inquiry Learning – writing one unit in science or SS so our students can experience this kind of learning. Please note Dr. Osburn’s summer newsletter that was sent to all community members – MW was highlighted for this kind of learning.
Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum - Literacy Literacy Instruction connected to the CCSS Regular practice with complex texts and their academic language Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from texts, both literary and informational Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction We will use a workshop model Read alouds Direct instruction mini-lessons Small group instruction Time for independent practice Writing about reading Conferring with the teacher Time for collaborative conversations
Reading Fundamentals Used to guide reading instruction Each unity of study includes: Mentor texts A variety of books for guided reading and independent reading A selection of digital shared teaching resources that systematically integrate reading skill/strategy instruction with the study of genre For more information visit www.schoolwide.com
Writing This year District 95 elementary classrooms are implementing a new writing curriculum using the Schoolwide Fundamentals Writing Units. It mirrors the reading curriculum and is aligned to the Common Core standards. Writing instruction will also be taught using a workshop model in which students will experience direct instruction, guided instruction and time for independent writing practice. Within the writing instruction, students will learn narrative, informational/explanatory, and opinion writing.
Word Study/Phonics/Spelling Teachers provide direct instruction of word study as it is developmentally appropriate for students and in the context of literacy instruction. Word Study is based on learning word patterns rather than memorizing words. We use Words Their Way resources to support a developmental approach to word study.
Math Math instruction connected to the CCSS Greater focus on fewer topics Coherence: Linking topics and thinking across grades Rigor: Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity Stepping Stones (Origo) is an online reaching resource Students will have print journals, but there will not be a printed math textbook Students will use manipulatives, visual representations, traditional computation, number sense and fact fluency
Science National Geographic Science is the material used Each grade studies units on earth, life and physical science The science curriculum offers a broad range of pint and digital resources as students engage in science study and inquiry
Social Studies A variety of resources are used for instruction K-1 teachers introduce students to concepts of family and community life 2nd grade begins the study of peoples and places 3rd grade has an in-depth study of the state of Illinois 4th grade studies the regions of the U.S. 5th grade learns about the building of our nation
Feedback, Reporting & Homework Policy As a staff we have reflected on our feedback, grading, and homework practices to ensure they are positively impacting student achievement & their mindset towards their work. Please take note in our next newsletter what these practices will entail.
Homework District 95’s policy states that the purpose of homework is to reinforce learning. Homework should be minimal as there is little evidence to support its positive impact on elementary aged students Read each night…. Optional reading log on my Webpage and on desks Reinforcing basic math skills… counting coins, doubles facts, telling time. I will be in charge of teaching the Common Core Curriculum at school. You can help by reviewing basic math facts at home. Words Their Way (spelling) practice. Once we have worked on WTW in class and the children have a solid understanding of the procedures, then an At-Home piece will be sent home. No work will be required to be turned in, it is simply practice.
What does math look like in 2016? A snapshot of what a daily math lesson looks like Be mindful of the rich language that the children are using with the teacher and each other. https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/persist-through-challenges-perts
Reminders Turn in class t-shirt money to the red bin next to the teacher’s desk Check for your child’s green folder today Sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Room Parent (on the board) Always contact me with questions.