Psychology of Childhood & Youth Tutorial 4


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Presentation transcript:

Psychology of Childhood & Youth Tutorial 4

Tutorial 4 Focus Health Check TMA03 Literature Searching

Health Check Initial reactions to module to date Week by week completion of study Study difficulties Study skills

Skills Watch this short video and evaluate the sub text ( perhaps in terms of the 5 key themes) beneath what the children are saying:

Finding external resources Hierarchy of evidence. Activity: What order would you put the following in (highest to lowest) and why? wikipedia; text book; newspaper article; academic journal; professional website; policy documents; facebook comments; professional magazine;

Finding external resources My order would be: (there is some room for different opinions here) Academic journal; Textbook; Policy document; Professional website; Professional magazine; Wikipedia; Newspaper article; Facebook comments.

Finding articles Another way would be to: Go to Google scholar Type in your key words Go to the left hand side and select since 2013 Look at the list and find an article that seems possible Go to the OU library and put the name of the journal in the ejournal search Go to the journal and find the article Read the abstract and if it seems possible download it. (The OU has also supplied material about finding sources from the OU library but I find this simpler)

Tutor Tip for strategic lit search Once you have found some interesting articles that seem relevant to your task/essay, save them. Step One: Have 3 piles (or files on your computer): File 1 for articles which are most relevant File 2 for articles less relevant File 3 for articles not at all relevant (delete, trash as you go along). Step Two: Read the abstracts ONLY first and based on this place article in file 1,2 or 3. Step Three: Read the articles in File 1 thoroughly and then revise which pile they need to be in. Step Four: Return to File 2 for articles which may be useful.

Approaching TMA03 Discuss adolescence from the perspectives of self regulation and emotional development Choose at least 3 themes to help answer the essay question, consider Steinberg video and conduct your own literature search ? 5 Module Themes (Attachment, Identity, Representation, Emotion and Communication Critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of this argument, assessing the relative importance of self- regulation and emotional development in adolescence

TMA 03 Analyse the question Adolescents are ‘all gasoline, no breaks and no steering wheel’ (Bell and McBride 2010, p565) In what respects does evidence from research concerning self-regulation and emotional development support this view? What do you think the quote actually means? Evidence from research NOT evidence from theory What three areas do you think will be important? As well as asking you about self-regulation and emotional development this TMA requires you to show you can make use of different types of evidence which you are required to evaluate. Begin with the three sources given and then branch out to the research from the respective chapters, study guide and articles

TMA 03 What does the recommended approach mean when it says you should consider ‘external and internal’ influences? How might you structure this assignment? Perhaps place your assignment in the context of what you have learnt (from research in particular) in the previous stages of your chosen themes In this assignment see if you can relate your three themes to each other at some point, even if this is only in the conclusion. Have a go at an introduction From the introduction you should be able to say what you expect to be in each paragraph.

TMA 03 Try to show breadth as well as depth by saying what areas you have considered writing about and why you have selected what you are going to write about. You should include articles you have found yourself. What key words might you use for the search? Remember we are looking for examples from research so do not chose theoretical or position papers.

Making Links In preparation for TMA 03 I want you to do one of the following (in pairs/three): Work with material from Ch 9 and Ch 16 (and any relevant articles/videos audio material) on attachment Or: Ch 10 and Ch 17 on identity Feedback to the other groups You have 30 minutes for this activity

Social Identity Theory (Tajfel, 1978; Tajfel & Turner, 1986) Membership of different social groups (gender, ethnic and national groups) become internalised as part of self-concept. Positive self-worth arises from belonging to each group, however, ingroup membership must be better than that of outgroup membership. Positive self-esteem arises when individuals believe the ingroup is superior.

Four Theoretical Approaches (Social Learning & Cognitive) Social Learning Approach Social Cognitive Approach Children are reinforced (rewarded) for gender congruent behaviour and observe stereotyped behaviour around them. The role of the environment is key. Cognitive factors are acknowledged but the primary driving force is the role of the environment on observational learning. Cognitive Developmental Theory Gender Schema Theory Once children understand gender as permanent (link to existential self?) they actively seek out information about gender roles based on cognitive processes. Processes of seeking gender roles occurs much earlier, in part, based on schemas as soon as child identifies their own sex.

The Role of Schemas (Martin & Halverson, 1981) ‘I am a boy…’ In/Out Group Own Sex Like the cognitive-development theory the child begins with an internalised thought although more emphasis is placed on this self realisation as aligning with constancy in the early stages rather than the latter ones. Unlike the SCT children have internal, self-regulating standards once they label their gender and do not rely on observation and/or reward/punishment.

Developmental Consumption Erikson (1968), suggests that identity formation is the single most important developmental task during adolescence (14+ years). Young adults in affluent society become ‘visible’ during adolescence due to their choice of clothes, music and leisure activities. Young adults use consumption tools (mobile phones, clothes, music) to demonstrate to each other and older adults that they are ready to fit into the ‘next step older’ (Eckert, 1994). Young adults may choose to adopt a particular style to either identify them as belonging to a particular group or to rebel against socially accepted norms.

TMA03 OU Live Support Session 26th February 7pm