Wednesday, 4/26/17 Plan today Take out your vocab For your Newscast project: SEND ME A LINK (if on youtube) or Give me a flash drive, etc. Plan today Take out your vocab Pick out important people Put on timeline like this: Homework SUPERQUIZ on Friday 1500 ENGLISH RULERS Henry VII (1485-1510) ENGLISH “OTHERS” Wars of Roses (1455-1485) 1400 SPANISH RULERS Ferdinand & Isabella (1469-1516) SPANISH “OTHERS” Columbus (1492-1503) Printing Press (1440) Columbus first sailed (1492)
Thursday, 4/27/17 Plan today Take out your timeline Insert events on bottom Go through it with a partner, name what each guy did Homework SUPERQUIZ tomorrow! 1500 1400 ENGLAND Henry VII (1485-1510) SPAIN Ferdinand & Isabella (1469-1516) Printing Press (1440) For your Newscast project: SEND ME A LINK (if on youtube) or Give me a flash drive, etc.
Friday, 4/28/17 REMINDER: DO NOT COME HERE ON MONDAY – GO TO ROOM A:6 For Newscast project: SEND LINK (if on youtube) or Give me a flash drive, etc. POD – AP European History Set up for SUPERQUIZ #4. Speed-dating style quiz. All boys sit on right side, all girls sit on left. All cell phones off and away. At the start, absolutely no talking or peeking. 10 min of taking test on your own. Desks should be apart, eyes on own paper. After 10 min, Mr. Jacoby will announce for desks to be pushed together, paired up. At this point, you can WHISPER, point, and punch throughout the quiz. Well, not punch. But, you can share answers at will. After a minute, a bell will sound. Girls will stand up, move forward one desk. After another minute, a bell will sound again. Girls will again stand up, and move forward one desk, and again, sharing without punching. This will continue until the girls have moved 13 times, or until you’re back with the first person you worked with, whichever comes first. At this point, you go silent, push desks back apart, and finish the quiz on your own, another 5 min or so. Then, we’ll grade the quizzes together. Homeworks: HW handed in today worth 2pt. Journal handed in today: -15pt (1/2 on Mon) Nothing will accepted after Mon. REMINDER: DO NOT COME HERE ON MONDAY – GO TO ROOM A:6
Monday, 5/1/17 POD – AP European History Short answer practice Each group gets one packet At end of period, I’ll give a packet to everyone We will discuss expectations (next slide) Packet work: One person should read question #3 to the group. Then, next person should read student responses #3, and discuss how good of a job they did. Go ahead and read the commentary on the last page to see how the readers thought they did Next person should read the next student response. Discuss. Then, move on to question #2. It’s harder. Together, brainstorm what you could use for an answer. Do the same for question #2, then question #1. Time permitting, try #4 HOMEWORK: Write out your own response to one of the Short Answer questions. Each group member should do a different one.
Tuesday, 5/2/17 POD – AP European History More Short answer practice Check homework – the one you tried Circle each example given (up to three) Underline each supporting argument for each example For each example proven, that’s one point. You get up to three. Discuss what was difficult Try a few of these together D1 – German blame for WWI C2 – Working class during Industrial Revolution in Britain B1 – Enlightenment Homework I’ll be checking timelines tomorrow (DUE COMPLTED FRIDAY) UPCOMING DATES: Friday May 12 - AP Exam Tue May 16 and Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL Th-Fri May 17-18 and M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days
Wednesday, 5/3/17 UPCOMING DATES: Per 04-06 Friday 5/5 POD – AP European History Last day for Short answer practice One last review of expectations Complete packet during class UPCOMING DATES: Friday May 12 - AP Exam Tue May 16 and Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL Wed-Th May 17-18 and M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days Per 04-06 Friday 5/5 Go to room 218
Wednesday, 5/3/17 Per 04-06 Friday 5/5 Go to room 218 UPCOMING DATES: POD – AP European History Long Essay practice In packet, go to page 12 Look at both questions Brainstorm info (evidence) that would help answer question #2 UPCOMING DATES: Friday May 12 - AP Exam Tue May 16 and Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL Wed-Th May 17-18 and M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days Per 04-06 Friday 5/5 Go to room 218 Homework Timeline is due tomorrow!
Monday, 5/8/17 UPCOMING DATES: Friday May 12 - AP Exam POD – AP European History DBQ practice and March Madness brackets Use packets to pick the guy you’ll present in the next couple of days as the most impressive European. YOU CHOOSE the criteria Plan out DBQ 2016 Newscast from the Past UPCOMING DATES: Friday May 12 - AP Exam Tue May 16 and Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL Wed-Th May 17-18 and M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days Today’s Review packets: The rulers The top people Homework Choose several guys – tomorrow, you’ll get ONE to present (30 sec.) Plan out DBQ
Tuesday, 5/9/17 POD – AP European History DBQ practice and March Madness brackets Newscast from the Past for the day; homework check (DBQ 2016) Choose your “most impressive” European. Put your name and the name of the guy (anyone in Euro) you want to do on a card. For each “contest,” I’ll randomly pick a card. If you “lose,” cross out that name and put down another not already picked YOU’LL GIVE ME THE CARD, AND WE’LL CREATE THE BRACKETS THURSDAY Use packets to gather the info on why your guy was most impressive European; compare to others. YOU CHOOSE the criteria Discuss DBQ 2016 What were your categories and POV What was your outside info and synthesis? Score the student sample; discuss Hand out DBQ 2016; quick discussion show Commentary for each document (the block under it) Score the three DBQ student samples Homework Score one of the student samples Prepare your “guy” for Thursday – 30 sec. to prove to the class he’s the most impressive/impactful European; tomorrow we’ll practice writing a DBQ one last time Tuesday, 5/9/17 Today’s Review packets: Philosophers
Top Europeans in MM bracket for 04 Vladimir Lenin Elizabeth I Christopher Columbus Louis the 14th Michelangelo Peter the Great John Locke Adolph Hitler Gorbachev Charles V, HRE John Calvin William II of Germany Joseph Stalin Johann Gutenberg Henry VIII Oliver Cromwell John Wycliffe Gustavus Adolphus Montesquieu Otto von Bismarck Martin Luther Karl Marx
Top Europeans in MM bracket for 07 Johannes Gutenberg Joseph II Henry VIII Martin Luther Nicolo Machiavelli Otto von Bismarck John Locke Tycho Brahe Thomas Hobbes Louis Pasteur Petrarch Gorbachev Louis XIV Joseph Stalin Elizabeth I Copernicus Adolf Hitler Napoleon Boneparte John Calvin John Wycliffe Frederick the Great Isaac Newton William II Rousseau
Wednesday, 5/10/17 POD – AP European History DBQ Practice Newscast from the Past for the day – postponed until tomorrow DBQ 2015 Sample Question Section III use all your skills! 15 min plan time 40 min write time (class if 56 min, bell to bell) Homework Prepare your “guy” for Thursday – 30 sec. to prove to the class he’s the most impressive/impactful European Today’s Review packet: The Wars
Thursday, 5/11/17 POD – AP European History Final review Final Newscast from the Past March Madness Brackets Drop in your guy into bracket Hand in cards I’ll pick randomly – then, you choose where your guy goes Review some images and multiple choice samples Homework Do not review ANYTHING after 9pm Eat a balanced dinner Get a good night’s sleep Get up with enough time to NOT be frazzled
EXAM DAY! Best of luck; You can do this!! Friday, 5/12/17 EXAM DAY! Best of luck; You can do this!!
DBQ 2016 Bismarck’s government
Step #1 – source analysis Look for caveats for each source Circle anything that stands out Make notations in RIGHT margin of DBQ This is anything that shows the writer has some kind of bias or purpose purpose, tone, reliability, attribution, bias Examples: Look at the picture in doc #4 – see any tone? How do you know? What is the purpose for doc #2 – how do you know?
Step #2 – document analysis Look for ways the document can answer the question In this case, you’re looking for anything that reveals the conservative nature (or opposite) of Bismarck’s politics First off, what IS the opposite? Look for support for the idea of traditional conservative, vs. his brand of government Find the docs support either side Make these notations in the LEFT margin
Step #3 – Organize documents Choose three (or more) “chunks” In this DBQ, I’d go for the two styles of government, and make two lists. See if you need a third Group docs into three boxes (make an “other” box) Then, label the boxes: why did you group them like you did?
Step #4 – Thesis development What is a direct answer to the question? Develop an opinion which clearly answers the question, but is NOT a statement of fact Be ready to describe what you mean. This, and your contextualization will be your opening paragraph
Step #5 – Contextualize What is the bigger picture? How does this subject fit into time and development of the era? How might this subject fit into a larger picture of Europe at this time? Prepare to slide this into your opening paragraph
Step #6 – Synthesize What is similar to this subject? What is a quick description of that event? What similarities does it have with this subject? Be prepared to discuss this in several sentences. This will become your conclusion
Step #7 – Outside information What else is going on at this time that is NOT mentioned in these docs? What can be mentioned to help support ideas presented, but was not presented? Be prepared to do two things with this info: Be ready to describe it in several sentences Tie it into the subject and show connections In other words, what would you recommend be document #8, and why…
Homework: Have all these done: Thesis Contextualization PLUS Have a few people in mind for the “March Madness” brackets. Focus: who was the most impactful and/or impressive European? Have all these done: Thesis Contextualization POV markings for each doc on right side DOC analysis for each doc on left side Three boxes Label each box Outside information (at least a full sentence) Synthesis (a sentence AND commonalities) Return to calendar
What makes a good thesis Show you understand all parts of the question Show you can glean some ideas to show some analysis from the docs in opening paragraph Fill up a page with your analysis
What makes a good [analysis of] POV The “relating author: has TWO elements: Show that the source has some bias, AND How his words in THIS article are showing that bias Tone – should be described referring back to where tone was shown, and THAT his tone effected his words Reliability – that his reliability is in question, or that he IS reliable, why, and how he shows it Purpose of Docs – describe what the purpose is, and how his words show that purpose
Example: Authorial Good: “Prince Leopold discussed how Belgium are capable of owning colonies, and how they help make a state powerful. As heir to the Belgian throne, it is not surprising that Prince Leopold supported imperialism since he wanted to increase the power and prestige of the country he would one day rule (doc. 1).” Bad: “Louis Bernard was a French colonial official who, in his memoir, stated that he felt France got over its humiliation by conquering Algeria (doc. 12).”
Example: Authorial Good: “Joseph Chamberlain discussed how important colonies are to Britain. Since Chamberlain was a British industrialist, he naturally supported imperialism since he probably stood to gain economically from the continued growth of the British Empire (doc. 4).” Bad: “Benjamin Disraeli encouraged taking Suez Canal as a political move, rather that purchasing it as a business venture. Since Disraeli is a politician, he must be biased (doc. 2).”
Example: Reliability Good: “The resolution from the German Social Democratic Party Congress is probably a biased source since as socialists they would naturally condemn a capitalist agenda (doc. 9).” “Merlin is a governor general of a colony so his pro-imperialist point of view is not surprising since his job was dependent upon the success of French imperialism.”
Example: Docs have dif. purpose Good: “Since Benjamin Disraeli was delivering a speech to the House of Commons, he probably chose his words carefully to persuade members to support his political agenda (doc. 2).” “Lord Rosebery was writing a letter to a newspaper, which was clearly a public forum; therefore, this document could be viewed as a form of propaganda (doc. 8).” Bad “Since Archibald Philip Primrose is writing a letter, he is being honest (doc. 8).” Why is this unacceptable? This statement fails to account for the fact that Primrose is writing a letter for a newspaper, which is a very public document, not a private correspondence.
Example: Tone “Because Bismarck was most concerned with power politics on the European continent, his comments regarding imperialism seem somewhat satirical (doc. 3).”
What it means to analyze docs Show you know what the intention of the document is, in relation to the question DO NOT QUOTE Show you’re using the document to prove your thesis
Other elements Contextualization Outside Information Synthesis Show how this subject fits into a larger picture Make this CLEAR AND OBVIOUS (Include this in opening paragraph) Outside Information Make this it’s own paragraph Make the opening sentence a clear reference to outside information Synthesis Make this your conclusion paragraph Compare this subject to something unrelated, then show who they have common elements
Final clean-up Put numbers of docs in outside margin Label POV in same margin where you attempted POV Verify you used a majority of the docs Label Contextualization Label Outside information Label Synthesis Return to calendar
SHORT ANSWERS INSTRUCTIONS Four questions, in 50 minutes (~12 min each) Use historical examples to directly answer a question IN FULL SENTENCES (no bulleting) No paragraph formatting necessary At least two will include a stimulus, like the multiple choice (image, speech, graph, map, etc.) You can score up to 3 points, but how they are awarded depends on the question. Usually, it’ll b easy to see the three parts. You either get it, or you don’t. Full point or no point. Expectation: answer each in just two stages: PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(s) AS EVIDENCE explain how the evidence proves your first sentence FEAR NOT if you don’t get one aspect of the question. Do your best to figure out what it means from the context of the rest of the question
SHORT ANSWER TYPES Defend or Refute (argue a specific statement as true, or false, and prove it) Analyze (examine detail, relationships, etc) Evaluate (judge worth or advantages) To what extent/in what ways (how/how much) Assess validity (judge value/determine truth) Contrast and Compromise Explain Discuss Describe Return to Calendar