Olga M. Noriega, Purchasing Agent Procurement Procedures 2017-2018 Olga M. Noriega, Purchasing Agent
Purchasing Department Staff Olga Noriega, Purchasing Agent 464-1620 Ext. 1128 om.noriega@donnaisd.net Gustavo Flores, Asst. Purchasing Agent 464-1620 Ext. 1160 gustavoflores@donnaisd.net Xavier Garza, Purchasing Clerk 464-1620 Ext. 1125 xfgarza@donnaisd.net Luz Salas, Purchasing Clerk 464-1620 Ext. 1126 L.salas@donnaisd.net
Requisition Requirements Supporting Documentation Requirements: All supporting documentation must be attached to the requisition created in TEAMS. Requisitions lacking proper supporting documentation will be returned to the requesting department. Requisitions must have the correct and updated Award RFP/Bid # Five (5) W’s… What - In-service/Training/Services to be provided When - Date of Event Where - Location Who - Campus/Department Requesting Services Why - Reason Services are needed Correct Function and Object Codes (refer to Account Code Structure and Reference Manual) Attach a valid and current quotation in U.S. dollars from the supplier. (refer to Purchasing Quote Guidelines) Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) or District Improvement Plan (DIP)
Purchasing Quote Guidelines NOTE: All efforts should be made to purchase with *Awarded Vendors before soliciting quotes with Approved Vendors. Amount Quotes or Proposal Procedure $0.00 to $499.99 Two (2) verbal quotes (recommended to compare for best value and cost) Approved Vendor $500 to $24,999.99 Three (3) written quotes (attach to requisition) $0.00 to $4,999 One (1) quote (attach to requisition) *Awarded Vendor (Board or Cooperative Agreement) $5,000 to $9,999 Three (3) verbal quotes (secured from awarded vendors along with an explanation why vendor was chosen) $10,000 to $24,999.99 Three (3) written quotes on company letterhead (attach to requisition) (Board or Cooperative Agreement $25,000 or more Board Approval (Any single contract or purchase valued of $25,000 or more must be approved by the Board of Trustees) Purchasing Dept.
Purchasing Quote Guidelines What can be done if a vendor will not provide a written confirmation of telephone quotes? Since the use of quotes is required by local policy, if the vendor refuses to provide a quote, the district can notify the vendor that they may be disqualified and deleted from the vendor list.
Purchasing Cooperative Agreements Donna ISD Board of Trustees has entered into inter-local agreements for the cooperative purchase of goods and services between itself and other local governments or agencies. These contracts, if competitive bid by the cooperative administration provide an assurance of “Best Value”. BuyBoard https://app.buyboard.com/Search/CommoditySearch/ Texas Department of Information Services (DIR) http://dir.texas.gov/View-Contracts-And-Services/Landing.aspx Harris County CO-OP https://www.choicepartners.org/vendors HGAC - Houston-Galveston Area Council http://www.hgacbuy.org/program/contracts/default.aspx Keystone Purchasing Network (National Cooperative) http://www.thekpn.org/ P.A.C.E. Purchasing Cooperative http://programs.esc20.net/default.aspx?name=pace.Contracts Region 1 ESC http://www.esc1.net/Page/917 State Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) https://comptroller.texas.gov/purchasing/ TexBuy Cooperative Region 16 ESC http://www.texbuy.net/ The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) http://www.procuresource.com/categories/browse TIPS/TAPS https://www.tips-usa.com/vlist.cfm U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance http://www.uscommunities.org/suppliers/all-contracts-by-supplier/
Sole Source It is incumbent upon the district to obtain and retain documentation from the vendor which clearly delineates the reasons which qualify the purchase to be made on a sole source basis. Selected purchases may be exempt from competitive procurement if they meet established criteria for a sole source purchase (the item is only available from one source): “My name is . I am over the age of 18, have never been convicted of a crime and am competent to make this affidavit.” “I am an authorized representative of the following company or firm: “The above name company or firm is the sole source of the following item(s) or products(s): (If listing multiple items, attach separate list on company letterhead with all sole source products and copyright year for each) “Competition in providing the above named item(s) or products(s) precluded by the existence of a patent, copyright, secret process, film, manuscript or captive replacement part or component for equipment.” Patent #: Copyright Year: There is/are no other like items(s) or product(s) available for purchase that would serve the same purpose or function and there is only one price for the above named item(s) or product(s) because of exclusive distribution or marketing rights.”
Students Meal Allotment (to include Extra-Curricular and Athletics) Student Meals: Breakfast (depart by 6:00 a.m.) Lunch (return to school after 1:00 p.m.) Dinner (returning time must be after 7:00 p.m.) Pre-Game Meals: Players must be in class all day to qualify for meals. (Varsity, Sub-Varsity, and Coach’s - $5 per meal) Varsity Teams: Overnight out of valley travel $7 per meal. When Sub-Varsity travels with Varsity teams, meals allotment will be $7.50 per athlete. NOTE: Meal Allotment not to exceed $21 per day. (Refer to Athletic Students’ Combo Meal discount list on purchasing website.)
Travel Guidelines Required Documentation: Per Diem form for: All employee travel must be preapproved by campus administration Per Diem form for: Meals - Not to exceed $46 per day. (Itemized receipts shall be presented for all meals) Breakfast - $12 (depart before 6:00 a.m.) Lunch - $17 (return is after 2:00 p.m.) Dinner - $17 (return is after 7:00 p.m.) Mileage - .53.5¢ per mile. Travelers are required to calculate mileage by using the following method and attach a print out to the travel voucher. Electronic mapping source (such as that on www.Mapquest.com or any other online mapping service). Lodging - $85 per night for Non-Host (Provide information for Host Hotel, Donna ISD will pay going rate) Conference Agenda information Registration (a registration form or certificate of attendance must be attached to the payment form) Rental or District Vehicle (group of 4 must travel together or employee will not get reimbursed) Flight fees (if applicable) Day Trips – The IRS views meals reimbursed for day trips as taxable income. Therefore, only meals for overnight trips will be reimbursed. NOTE: Travel Request & Travel Claim forms must be signed and approved by all required District Personnel. Once travel is approved, requisition may be entered (must submit at least 2 weeks in advance)
Travel Reimbursements Required Documentation: Approved copy of Travel Copies of detailed receipts for meals Copies of gas and parking receipts, etc. (if applicable)
Contracted Services Before submitting any Contract Service form: Email copy of driver’s license to Human Resources Secretary to conduct Criminal History Check Ensure that the fingerprinting packet (1) or (2) have been completed Consultant signs contract Approval by Campus Principal Approval by Director if using Federal, Migrant, Bilingual, etc. Approval by Superintendent or designee Once approved at all levels, requisition can be created.
Non-Instructional Onsite Contracted Services This contract is used for any on-site installation or services where there is no direct contact with students. Approval by Campus Principal Approval by Director if using Federal, Migrant, Bilingual, etc. Once approved at all levels, requisition can be created.
New Vendors Request Required Documentation: Request for New Vendor Form http://www.donnaisd.net/Portals/Donna/District/docs/Business%20D ept/Purchasing/NewVendorRequestForm.pdf W-9 form Signed Conflict of Interest form NOTE: Once a vendor has been entered into the system, you must email the Purchasing department, to include, the category (employee, misc., contracted services, official, etc.) so that it can be approved.