Smart Start Why are other groups sometimes not mentioned as much or at all when discussing the Civil Rights Movement? What are some other groups impacted by this movement?
1. Feminist Movement Feminism- the belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men. By 1960 40% of women worked outside of the home but were experiencing wage discrimination Women were being paid far less than men for doing the same job
Women’s Movement Betty Friedan – 1963 The Feminist Mystique Lead to Women joining together to fight for their equal rights National Organization of Women (NOW) 1966 Title IX Gloria Steinem – journalist - politics
NOW Helped segregate classified employment ads for men and women Changed airline rules (required women to retire at the age of 32) Worked to help women entering the workforce Equal Rights for Women Jobs, education, and marriage
Equal Pay Act of 1963 Report that uncovered though women were much of a growing part of the workforce that they were paid less than men (performing same jobs, etc) The act was passed to prohibit employers from paying women less Did this stop the discrimination? Why or why not?
Equal Rights Amendment ERA 1972 First introduced to congress in 1923 by Alice Paul Equal rights cannot be denied because of sex/gender If passed would change the traditional roles of society and eventually lead to the breakdown of the family. Not enough states passed for it to be amended
Women still made progress Higher Education Gained more job opportunities Higher level positions Politics (Sandra Day O’Connor, Condoleezza Rice, Hilary Clinton)
Roe v Wade One of the most controversial issues NOW and feminist supported Supreme Court ruled women had the right to choose an abortion during the 1st three months of pregnancy Prior to this abortion had been illegal and were being performed illegally
2. Latino American Civil Rights Latino population includes – Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Caribbean Islands, Central and South America 1970 made up 4 % of US pop 2000 made up 12 % of US pop Mexican Americans largest Latino group in USA
Cesar Chavez 1960’s Latino Americans wanted equal rights and respect for their culture and heritage Chavez believed the only way to improve conditions for Latino farm workers was for them to unionize – power in numbers
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United Farm Workers Organizing Committee California – fruit and vegetable workers Companies refused to recognize the union 1965 Boycott the companies grapes Also believed in non-violence Chavez went on a 3 week fast 1970 union was recognized
Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) Latinos began organizing politically in the 1960s Sponsored candidates Educated voters Lobbied for legislation that would benefit the Latino community Help elected Latinos to Congress
Dolores Huerta Labor movement leader Took action to prevent discrimination against Latino Americans
La Raza Unida United Peoples Party 1970 Ran Latino candidates in elections for school boards, city councils and mayors
3. American Indian Movement (AIM) 1953 Eisenhower – policy of termination Native Americans refused to assimilate Wanted greater opportunity to govern their own lives 1965 Johnson heard Native American concerns regarding self-determination Native Americans disappointed by slow process formed AIM
AIM Often militant – turned to violence Began in 1968 in MN Restore Native American land, burial grounds, fishing and timber rights and respect for their culture 1972 Trail of Broken Treaties March Able to get land rights back after court cases
4. Hippies Idealistic youth of the 1960s Mostly Caucasian middle class college students Lack of organization and use of drugs caused the group to accomplish little and eventually disbanded Against materialism, technology and war
Hippies Anti war demonstrations Peace, love, harmony, Sit-ins non-violence Outrageous clothing Religion – Buddhism – enlightenment through meditation In the end turned violent 1969 (Charles Manson, Rolling Stones Concert – free concert – Hells Angles 4 killed) Drug overdoses – Joplin, Hendricks
5. Asian Movement Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality (Developed in 2003) Focuses areas of California and West Coast
6.Americans with Disabilities Number of laws passed in the 1960’s & 70’s Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 Still continuing the fight today Video clip brownvboard/events.htm diaspora/church.html stores/art/sallman... photos/people/ghandi.jpg thoreau.jpg a_philip_randolph.html steinem.htm Betty%20Friedan.jpg Nowacumig/backgrnd.html index%20casa.htm 020329.html presidents/36_johnson.html