2017 Annual Report Guidelines Overview The Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign
Webinar Objectives Clarify expectations of the 2016-17 Annual Report Guidelines Explain changes to 2016-17 Annual Report Guidelines Explain requirements and changes to recruitment and retention plans (R&R plans) Answer your questions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Just the facts No later than August 1 of each year, each charter school must submit an annual report to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department). The charter school statute includes a requirement that all charter schools have an R&R plan in place and that it is updated annually. The school’s annual report contains a section on the school’s implementation of its previous R&R plan and also includes an updated R&R plan for the upcoming school year. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Just the facts By August 1, a charter school must also submit a copy of the annual report to its local school committee, and also make the annual report available to the public, as set forth in the charter school statute (M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section 89(jj). Please note: Regulatory requirements (603 CMR 1.08) state that each charter school must make the annual report available on the school’s website. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Reminders Due August 1st this year Please submit through the dropbox function on the security portal Submit in Word or PDF Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Changes to the 2016-17 Annual Report Guidelines
Introduction to the School Page 2 Enrollment as of (fill in the date) Students on Waitlist as of (fill in the date)
Faithfulness to Charter Mission and Key Design Elements (p.4) Key design elements support the implementation of the school’s mission and make the school unique and distinct from other schools. Key design elements should all relate to the mission statement or the intentions set out in the school’s original (or amended) charter. If your school has developed an Accountability Plan since 2013 (using the new guidelines), please use the key design elements as articulated in the Accountability Plan. 3-7 KDEs Should link back to original charter, subsequent amendment, or Mission statement. No changes to this section Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Dissemination Efforts (p.5) A new comprehensive table to describe dissemination practices and the outcomes. Drop down menu (highlighted) to align with criteria it best aligns with Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Academic Program Success (p.6) Program Delivery: Math, ELA, and Next Gen Science Standards: Acknowledge awareness of the revised standards Provide a plan for how the school will revise its curricula The school’s timeline for revisions. In January of 2016, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) voted to adopt the 2016 Science and Technology/Engineering Standards, and directed the Commissioner to incorporate the standards into the 2016 Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework. In March of 2017, the Board voted to adopt revised learning standards for mathematics and English language arts and literacy. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Organizational Viability (p.5) Organizational Structure of the School If applicable, describe any changes to the organizational structure made during the 2016-2017 school year and/or anticipated changes for the upcoming year. Please provide an up-to-date organizational chart. Network Structure or Multiple Campus Organizational Structure (if applicable) If you operate multiple schools or multiple campuses of schools with similar grade levels that are governed by one board of trustees, describe any changes to the organizational structure made during the 2016-2017 school year and/or anticipated changes for the upcoming year. If the network organizational chart has changed, please provide an updated copy. Please include a brief description of how the board is overseeing and ensuring the success of all network/campus schools. Teacher Evaluation If applicable, please describe any recent changes to your school’s systems for teacher evaluation. Nothing new-just to re-emphasize Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Budget and Finance (p.7) A. Unaudited FY17 statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets (income statement) This statement should set forth, by appropriate categories, the revenue and expenditures for FY17 (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017). Since independent audits for most schools will not have been completed by the August 1 deadline, please note that the report is an unaudited statement but should use similar line items as the audited statements. B. Statement of net assets for FY 17 (balance sheet) The balance sheet should set forth the charter school’s assets, liabilities, and fund balances or equities in the same format and using the same line items that will be included in the audited statement. C. Approved School Budget for FY18 Provide a detailed copy of the school’s budget for fiscal year 2018 including similar detail that is included in the school’s audited financial statements. Provide the date the board of trustees approved the budget. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Budget and Finance, pg. 7 D. Capital Plan for FY18 If the school does not have a Capital Plan for FY18, please explicitly state this. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Appendix A: Accountability Plan Evidence should reflect performance during the 2016-2017 school year. Schools that did not make progress toward reaching their measures should include an explanation of why this was the case and what the school is doing to attain these measures in the coming year. Avoid using jargon or acronyms when providing evidence. Audience is the general public. If needed, attach any additional evidence to explain performance as a part of Appendix A. Added dissemination table, if included in Accountability Plan Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Appendix B: Changes to R&R Plan New Template School will insert CHART data and select above/below for comparison sentence Prompts schools to partner with local community organizations to enroll or retain subgroups in comparison to sending district(s) Option to name a timeline to see CHART data move New strategies separated from previous strategies October 1 SIMs Data If the school believes CHART data will meet CI or GNT with release of October 1 SIMS data, can request to wait until R&R Plan is reviewed. New Template: schools will insert their own CHART data into the template and complete a sentence as to whether their data is above or below comparison data. To make it easier and more explicit for DESE and other stakeholders, schools will now separate out new strategies in the template from previously tried or continuing strategies. Schools will also have a strategy they believe will take longer than one year to show progress, schools can name a specific timeline (i.e. 2 years) instead of being reviewed annually. For schools that need to revise their R&R plans but feel like they can’t think of additional strategies or believe they have tried everything, there is push to partner and collaborate with local organizations. There is a prompt to name these organizations in the template now as well. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Appendix B: Recruitment Plan Directions CHART Look at CHART: Enrollment Review your school’s enrollment for English learners, students with disabilities, and students who are economically disadvantaged AR Template Fill out CHART section (a) and complete the sentence. In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section (b), copy and paste the previous year’s recruitment strategies in list form. At or above CI/GNT In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section, check the box, “Met GNT/CI: no enhanced/additional strategies needed”. The school does not need to complete the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” below, but may add strategies if the school believes it is necessary to maintain enrollment numbers. In the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” section (c), check the box, “Did not meet GNT/CI: additional and/or enhanced strategies needed”. List enhanced or additional recruitment strategies to attract and enroll a student population that is demographically comparable Students at risk of dropping out of school (This includes elementary schools.) Students who have dropped out of school (not elementary schools) Below GNT/CI Copy and paste the 2016-2017 Annual Report recruitment strategies for students who are sub-proficient, students at risk of dropping out of school, students who have dropped out of school, and other subgroups of students who would be targeted to eliminate the achievement gap and add any additional strategies the school will use in 2017-18. 2016-17 Strategies Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Recruitment Template Example Look at CHART Review your school’s subgroup enrollment paying particular attention to the enrollment of students who are English learners, students with disabilities, and low income/economically disadvantaged students. Determine for which of these subgroups the charter school enrolls a comparable population (meaning the charter school rates of enrollment of the subgroup is at or above the comparison index (CI) OR meeting the gap narrowing target (GNT)) and for what subgroups the school falls below the comparison index or is below the gap narrowing target. In the template, the subgroups special education, English learners, and low income/economically disadvantaged are split into three sections. In the CHART data column (a), fill in the most recent CHART data for the school and choose the appropriate words to complete the sentence below In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section (b), copy and paste the previous year’s recruitment strategies in list form. If CHART shows that the school enrolls a subgroup population above the CI or meeting the GNT: In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section, check the box, “Met GNT/CI: no enhanced/additional strategies needed”. The school does not need to complete the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” below, but may add strategies if the school believes it is necessary to maintain enrollment numbers. If CHART shows that the school does not enroll a subgroup population above the CI or meeting the GNT: In the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” section (c), check the box, “Did not meet GNT/CI: additional and/or enhanced strategies needed”. Then, please list enhanced or additional recruitment strategies to attract and enroll a student population that is demographically comparable to similar grades in schools from which the charter school enrolls students. Also, include how long the school expects each strategy to take to show an increase in enrollment for this subgroup (i.e. 1 year, 2 years). Please also note if the school collaborated with a specific local community organization to develop or implement these strategies. For rows labeled (d) “2016-2017 Strategies” (for additional subgroups), copy and paste the 2016-2017 recruitment strategies for students who are sub-proficient, students at risk of dropping out of school, students who have dropped out of school, and other subgroups of students who would be targeted to eliminate the achievement gap in list form from the 2016-2017 Annual Report and add any additional strategies the school will use in 2017-18. Do not repeat strategies. Each group should have its own set of specific and deliberate strategies. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Recruitment & Prevalent Languages If the school is located in a district with 10 percent or more of limited English-proficient students, the school’s recruitment strategies must include a variety of outreach efforts in the most prevalent languages of the district. (As specified in M.G.L. c. 71, § 89 (i)(3)) Boston Lynn Brockton Malden Chelsea Marlborough Everett New Bedford Fitchburg Salem Framingham Somerville Holyoke Springfield Lawrence Worcester Lowell www.mass.gov/ese/dart Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Appendix B: Retention Plan Directions CHART Look at CHART-Indicators Review your school’s attrition for all students, English learners, students with disabilities, and students who are economically disadvantaged AR Template Fill out CHART section (a) and complete the sentence. In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section (b), copy and paste the previous year’s retention strategies in list form. At or below 3rd quartile Calculate the school’s retention rate by subtracting the all students attrition rate from 100. For example, if all students attrition rate is 8.3%, then the retention rate would be 91.7% (100-8.3 = 91.7%). Establish a retention goal for the 2017-2018 school year and record it in “Overall Student Retention Goal” below. Retention Goal In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section (b) check the box, “Below third quartile: no enhanced/additional strategies needed”. The school does not need to complete the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” (c), but may add strategies if the school believes it is necessary to maintain retention numbers. Also, include how long the school expects each strategy to take to show a decrease in CHART data for each subgroup (i.e. 1 year, 2 years). Please also note if the school collaborated with a specific local community organization to develop or implement these strategies. The retention plan may include activities that address the needs of all students in the school, but must be designed to impact the target groups (students who are English learners, students with disabilities, and low income/economically disadvantaged students, etc.). In the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” section (c), check the box, “Above the third quartile: additional and/or enhanced strategies needed”. List enhanced or additional retention strategies meant to lower attrition rates. Above 3rd quartile Copy and paste the 2016-2017 Annual Report retention strategies for students who are sub-proficient, students at risk of dropping out of school, students who have dropped out of school, and other subgroups of students who would be targeted to eliminate the achievement gap and add any additional strategies the school will use in 2017-18. 2016-17 Strategies Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Retention Template Example Look at CHART data: http://www.doe.mass.edu/charter/finance/chart/. Review your school’s attrition in CHART paying particular attention to the attrition of students who are English learners, students with disabilities, and low income/economically disadvantaged students. Calculate your school’s retention rate by subtracting the all students attrition rate from 100. For example, if the all students attrition rate is 8.3%, then the retention rate would be calculated as 100-8.3 = 91.7%. Establish a retention goal for the 2017-2018 school year and record it in “Overall Student Retention Goal” box (not shown). In the template, the subgroups special education, English learners, and low income/economically disadvantaged are split into three sections. In the CHART data column (a), fill in the most recent CHART data for the school and choose the appropriate words to complete the sentence below. In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section (b), copy and paste the previous year’s retention strategies in list form. If CHART shows that the school has attrition rates for subgroups that fall below the third quartile: In the “2016-2017 Strategies” section (b) check the box, “Below third quartile: no enhanced/additional strategies needed”. The school does not need to complete the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” (c) below, but may add strategies if the school believes it is necessary to maintain retention numbers. If CHART shows that subgroups have attrition rates above the third quartile: In the “2017-2018 Additional Strategies” section (c), check the box, “Above the third quartile: additional and/or enhanced strategies needed”. Then, below this box, please list enhanced or additional retention strategies meant to lower attrition rates. Also, include how long the school expects each strategy to take to show a decrease in CHART data for each subgroup (i.e. 1 year, 2 years). Please also note if the school collaborated with a specific local community organization to develop or implement these strategies. The retention plan may include activities that address the needs of all students in the school, but must be designed to impact the target groups (students who are English learners, students with disabilities, and low income/economically disadvantaged students, etc.). For rows (d) “2016-2017 Strategies”, copy and paste 2016-2017 retention strategies for students who are sub-proficient, students at risk of dropping out of school, students who have dropped out of school, and other subgroups of students who would be targeted to eliminate the achievement gap in list form from the 2016-2017 Annual Report and add any additional strategies the school will use in 2017-18. Do not repeat strategies. Each group should have its own set of specific and deliberate strategies. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Resources for R&R Plans Prevalent Languages (select DART Detail: English Language Learners): www.mass.gov/ese/dart In upper left corner, select the district where school is located. Compendium of Recruitment Strategies R&R Reconvening Webinar from April 2017 with MCPSA and DESE Fellow Charter Schools (see table from R&R Reconvening Webinar to the right) Local Community or State Organizations CHART: Attrition and enrollment data by grades/subgroups: School/district profiles Student Tab Attrition Rates (left hand side) These are a list of resources schools can use when creating or modifying their R&R plans. Prevalent languages from DART detail for requirements for recruitment of ELs located districts from slide 17. Compendium of recruitment strategies for ideas. R&R convening webinar with a list of schools with high or increasing rates for recruitment and retention Local and community organizations. Reach out to see what families need and what they believe may be helpful strategies to employ. CHART. This is the data DESE uses to compare schools to sending district(s) data. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Appendix D: Additional Required Information No school schedule submission this year since schools submitted it last year. If it has changed, please submit an amendment. Key Leadership changes: new table to align to categories found on the Directory Profiles page and list whether there has been no change, if it’s a new position or if it’s an open position. Please keep this updated throughout the year to reflect any changes or additions in Directory Profiles. Emphasize importance of this and receiving information from DESE. Also-change from last year is no need to submit school schedule. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Next Steps and Questions The annual report must be received, through the dropbox function in the security portal on the Department’s website, on or before August 1, 2017. If any part of your school’s AR needs revising, your school’s liaison will contact the school leader outlining next steps. Any questions? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education