Hobart and William Smith Colleges EU-China Sustainable Development: Balance between Economic Cooperation and Chinese Politics Jinghao Zhou Hobart and William Smith Colleges Geneva, NY 14456, USA zhou@hws.edu
Assumption The relationship between the EU and China essentially is not a bilateral relationship, but a triangle relationship between the EU, the U.S. and China. In Europe, the rising tide of populism and trade protectionism will possibly shadow the EU-China cooperation. In the U.S., Trumpism has heightened the uncertainty of China-U.S. relations. On China side, “China’s New Normal” has made the Chinese government increasingly feel insecure, so the top priority of the government is to retain its power through various efforts including the campaign against so-called “hostile Western forces.”
Two Questions What are the implications of the current global politics to EU-China sustainable development? How will the EU be able to reach the goals of green economy diplomacy toward China in the new era?
Arguments The uncertain future of China-U.S. relations will possibly help the EU cooperate with China. New Chinese development model will provide more opportunities for the EU- China cooperation. “China’s new normal” makes China more politically assertive in developing joint green projects with the EU. To deepen EU-China sustainable development, it is necessary for the EU to carefully balance between the economic cooperation and Chinese political issues while helping China enhance energy efficiency, reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen environmental protection, and improve the legal system.
Foundation and Challenges of the EU-China Cooperation Three Sections Global Populism and EU-China Cooperation Foundation and Challenges of the EU-China Cooperation Balance between Economic Cooperation and Chinese Politics
I. Global Populism and EU-China Cooperation 1. The widespread of Western populism is a great potential obstacle to EU-China cooperation. 2. The development Western populism. 3. The negative consequences of Western on the EU-China cooperation. Western populism is essentially against globalization and free-trade. The rejection of globalization will ultimately affect global democratization. 4. Chinese populism: nationalism and New-Maoism 5. The government’s political orientation toward globalization Economic globalism Political isolationism 6. There will be confrontation when Western populism meets Chinese populism: Western protectionism vs. CPC’s economic globalism Western political globalism vs. CPC’s political isolationism/protectionism. “Europe first”/ “America First” vs. “China Dream”/the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation/China First. 7. Globalization is becoming nationalized globalization, but real globalization is a powerful force. 8. China’s strategy:
II. Foundation and Challenges of the EU-China Cooperation The EU-China cooperation has a long history. The future of the cooperation will be brilliant. Why? 1. The EU and China have common ground to work together. 2. China needs the EU support in many general fields. 3. The EU-China cooperation will advance various Chinese foreign policy goals. 4. It is the time to help China transform a high-growth model of economic development to a model of sustainable development. 5. The further development of the EU-China cooperation serves the great interests of the EU. 6. The EU-China cooperation will help the EU’s economy. 7. The EU has moral responsibility to help China promote sustainable development.
III. Balance between Economic Cooperation and Chinese Politics There are various aspects of the EU-China cooperation, but trade and investment are the cornerstones of the cooperation. Can the EU-China cooperation be separated from ideology and politics? Chinese economy is political economy. The CPC prioritizes social and economic sustainability over environmental sustainability. To deepen EU-China sustainable development, it is necessary for the EU to carefully balance between the economic cooperation and Chinese political issues.
Is it time for the EU to lift arms embargo on China? In a perspective of economic politics, when the EU deepens its economic relations with China, it must deal with a couple of dilemmas. Is it time for the EU to lift arms embargo on China? Should the EU recognize China’s market economy status?
In a perspective of international politics, the CPC is very concerned with the “security issue”/ “sovereignty issue” in order to retain its power. One-China policy The disputers over the South China Sea Human rights issues
Conclusions Global populism has been increasing growing. There are great challenges and opportunities when Western populism meets Chinese populism. Both sides of the EU and China should face the challenges and take the opportunities to promote the sustainable development. One of the challenges the EU is facing now is to balance the economic cooperation and the Chinese political issues. The future of the EU- China cooperation remains promise if the EU can carefully deal with Chinese political issues while helping China enhance energy efficiency, reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen environmental protection, and improve the legal system.