United States of America


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Presentation transcript:

United States of America By: Liam Gracielle Chato & Sumaya Almubarak

The flag of U.S.A 50 stars representing 50 states of the country. 13 stripes represents the thirteen colonies that revolt against British Monarchy The flag is also called "Stars and Stripes", "Old Glory,” and "The Star-Spangled Banner"

Barack Obama President of the United States of America 44th President of the U.S.

Bordered by Canada and Mexico

White House

Type of government: Presidential Democracy. The government is divided into three branches: Executive, Legislative, Judiciary.

Executive Branch: President. Vice president. Secretary of state- deals with the Foreign affairs. Cabinet members; often acts as advisers of the president.

Legislative Branch: House of representatives and the senate

Judiciary: The supreme court of the U.S.A. Judges & Juries.

How are leaders selected? U.S. citizen can indirectly VOTE for the person they want to be the president that will lead the country. (Electoral College) People of each state also vote for their Senators. The Senate is made up of 100 senators, 2 for each state. The representatives are also voted by the citizens every 2 years.

Is consent of the governed an important principle in this country? YES! that’s why the people have representatives from different districts or states.

Is there a peaceful way to change the government? Impeachment is when the House of Representatives decides that the president is not doing his job properly according to the Constitution then the Senate holds the trials against him. Examples of this possible misbehaviors are; treason & bribery. People get to vote for a new president after his 4 year term.

Do government leaders follow the rule of law? The government leaders follow the supreme law, which is the U.S. constitution. The Constitution is a set of laws or principles that states the power of each branch in the government.

Is the present government left wing, or right wing? Democrats Logo The Democrats is the majority party in the U.S. congress. The government is in the center left wing in the US Political Spectrum. The government provides public service and mostly deal with the country’s problem. Church or religion views is separated from the state. They let people decide for their selves. the right wing party is called as Republicans.

Resources: Mr. Williams http://www.whitehouse.gov/ http://www.whitehouse.gov/our-government/legislative-branch http://www.smartvoter.org/2000/03/07/ca/la/vote/ladner_j/paper 1.html http://www.democrats.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_Democratic_Party_Logo.svg http://www.roman-empire-america-now.com/left-wing-politics.html http://www.enchantedlearning.com/vote/presidential_elections.sht ml  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg

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