Emma Delhaye1 & Christine Bastin1 Impact of aging on associative memory for pre-existing unitized associations: the case of compound words Emma Delhaye1 & Christine Bastin1 1 Cyclotron Research Center, University of Liege, Belgium INTRODUCTION Aging is characterized by an episodic memory decline with impaired recollection (retrieval of the information and qualitative contextual details) but preserved familiarity (recognition without retrieval of contextual information). Retrieval of associations is thought to rely on recollection. Unitization (to encode an association as an integrated whole), however, would allow to recognize associations on the basis of familiarity only. OBJECTIVES This study investigated the possibility that the age-related associative deficit would be attenuated by the use of pre-experimentally unitized compound words versus non-compound word pairs, by allowing familiarity-based recognition. We predicted: More familiarity for compound than non-compound words in both young and older adults More familiarity using a forced-choice compared to a yes/no paradigm. A discrimination advantage for compound versus non-compound words in older adults only. METHOD: Participants RESULTS Study 1 Study 2 Young Older Age (SD) 22,6 (1,7) 66,9 (4,4) 23,4 (1,73) 72,15 (6,86) Education 15 (1,92) 16,1 (4,13) 14,18 (1,7) 14,4 (1,5) Gender F/M 10/10 12/8 11/9 Mattis DRS _ 140,95 (2,52) 142,4 (1,43) Mill-Hill (/33) 25,25 (3,04) 27,5 (4,51) 21,55 (3,85) 23,55 (5,48) Study1 : Yes/No recognition paradigm Study 2 : Forced-choice paradigm * p < 0,05 ** p < 0,01 *** p < 0,001 METHOD: Procedure Encoding : 66 word pairs across 2 conditions Unitization condition: compound words No unitization condition: new word pairs Retrieval: Study 1 Study 2 + Remember/Know/Guess RKG paradigm RKG paradigm casse cou Un casse-cou est une personne qui prend souvent des risques herbe idée Piétiner l’herbe n’est pas une bonne idée Did you study this pair ? casse tête Which pair did you study ? casse tête casse cou DISCUSSION The use of pre-experimentally unitized compound words enhanced familiarity in associative recognition similarly in young and older adults across studies. Yes/No recognition paradigm: No attenuation of the age-related associative deficit in the recognition of unitized associations due to a strong pre-experimental familiarity that cannot be counteracted by older adults’ impaired recollection Forced-choice paradigm: No age-related associative deficit observed. Forced-choice allows for a reliable use of relative familiarity, which is stronger for unitized associations and allows for a better discrimination of compound words. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & SPONSORS SAO-FRA and the King Baudouin Foundation (grant 2011-R12860-003), Inter-University Attraction Pole P7/11, F.R.S.-FNRS (FRSM grant 3.4511.11 ), and the University of Liège. Cyclotron Research Centre | http://www.cyclotron.ulg.ac.be | Emma Delhaye | emma.delhaye@ulg.ac.be