LOOK, FEEL, LIVE YOUNGER LONGER LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM LOOK, FEEL, LIVE YOUNGER LONGER {Talk about one or two things in your lifestyle that have helped you remain healthy and able to accomplish your goals. Emphasize that you are constantly trying to get better at those things, and that you intend to learn new and better ways to stay healthy.} Finding and sticking with good choices and finding better ones is how you will discover Lifelong Vitality. The Lifelong Vitality program has been around since almost the beginning of dōTERRA. It is a fundamental piece of the wellness lifestyle. The Lifelong Vitality Pack is the product core of the program. How many of you take the Lifelong Vitality pack? How many have considered it? How many are hearing about it for the first time today? Regardless of which group you are in, I hope you will come away today understanding just how important it is! © 2016 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC
The story of LLV’s development Rob Young, one of the dōTERRA founders, now living in China and developing great products for that market, originally designed the product. He combined the best of everything he had learned over his career at a number of companies. At each of those companies, there were restrictions for one reason or another on what ingredients could be included. So he was never satisfied; he just took notes for the future. Due to the unique opportunity and organization of dōTERRA, he was able to overcome all of those restrictions. Everything he wanted could be in there at a price that was unprecedented. But Rob also knew he didn’t have all the answers and that there would be new opportunities, so he involved new technologies and new expertise to improve the product. Over the years, other doTERRA scientists have contributed their expertise and ideas but the core purpose of the product has always been the same. That will be the core message of this presentation.
dōTERRA Wellness Lifestyle At our core, dōTERRA has always endeavored to empower moms to be able to better care for their families. But we’ve never taken away any responsibility for health. In the Lifelong Vitality program, it is still incumbent on you to manage each lifestyle and healthcare step. doTERRA just makes them easier. At the base of the pyramid is eating right. Though LLV fits in this category, it will never replace your need to eat or provide a healthy diet to your family. In fact, we’ve designed LLV to surround and fill in the dietary gaps and provide things you can’t easily get in your diet, empowering your health, just as we empower your healthcare through our oils. Good nutrition and good supplementation also does not give us a free pass from a regular exercise regimen. No matter what our age, body size, or level of health, we can all do something appropriate to those conditions that will help us burn calories and strengthen our muscles. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise routine. Sometimes we forget that rest is an important aspect to overall good health. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that the average adult get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, but we also forget that simply relaxing and taking a break from the rigors of every day is also important to get the rest our body needs but also to manage the amount of stress we expose our bodies and minds to on a daily basis. What is toxic load? Breathing exhaust at an intersection, or overconsuming sugar, alcohol, or any other single concentrated substance are examples of toxic load. It is too much of one thing that often results in toxicity. Now let’s switch to the top of the pyramid, which is healthcare. Those who are more interested in informed self care, which is probably all of you today, are also generally better at making correct lifestyle choices! That is one reason I am excited to be with each of you today. I love knowing how to take care of my family. For example (use one of your own), for the last several years, I have studied fruit, and wouldn’t you know it, I now eat more fruit. I know why I need it and what it does for me. Being more informed, I eat better. Eating right is in the same class as supplements. Supplementing is eating right once you know what you need to supplement. Supplementing should provide things I don’t eat or can’t get, and should have a known benefit. Finally, at the top of the pyramid is proactive medical care. Just as we don’t eliminate your responsibility to eat right, we also don’t eliminate the value of appropriate medical care when needed. It’s a balanced approach.
CLINICALLY-SUPPORTED BENEFITS: Cellular Longevity/Lifespan* Cellular Inflammatory Response * Cellular Energy/Metabolism * Powerful DNA Protection * Network Antioxidant Defense * Immune System Support * Stress Management * Cardiovascular Health * Bone and Joint Health * Brain/Cognitive Health * Digestive Health*, and more… We wanted a product that was effective but also backed by science. This has been a hallmark of everything we do and have done at dōTERRA. We exhaustively review each ingredient in LLV for its clinically supported benefits. Every claim we make is backed by a body of science. We understand how each ingredient works in the body, how much is needed to make a difference, and why it will make you feel better. We love our science, but we always apply it on behalf of the health of our people first. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Aging? But most importantly, we wanted a product that did something; that really made a difference in the lives of people. So what is the main challenge we all have to deal with? Aging!
“I have discomfort” “I have less energy” “I am forgetful” “I don’t feel well often” “I don’t sleep well” “I am less emotionally stable” Here are the most common phrases that we hear from family, friends and loved ones as a result of aging. Do any of these apply to you? Have you ever said any of these to someone or heard them say them to you? Especially if you find yourself going in the wrong direction, this list gets longer. You might wonder what you are doing wrong and how you can reverse direction. “I am forgetful” “I have to see my doctor more often”
Compression of Morbidity: Lifespan Chronic Disease Death Healthy Lifestyle Put simply, the main concern you are trying to avoid is a chronic disease that starts too early, lasts too long, and that might lead to your death. We call this process morbidity. But if we make a change now to our lifestyle, we can compress morbidity, moving it to a short period at the end of our lives, and pushing the end of our lives out farther. This gives us more time to enjoy different periods of our lives regardless of age. If you could be doing something that influenced you positively now and influenced your future, it would be of value. It sounds like a good plan to me! > Delay onset of chronic disease by 7–12 yrs. > Time between events and death shortened
Atoms Molecules Cells “Life” Tissues Organs Systems Organisms All health begins at the cellular level. If you go smaller than that, you are into the stuff that makes up other things, but an atom or a molecule is not complex enough and does not meet the basic requirements of life: growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change. Though we are far more complex than a single cell, it is at this level that our organism fundamentally operates and where all the functional activity happens!
Aging Oxidation Inflammation Unfortunately, aging is happening in all that functional activity too. Here is what is behind all those symptoms of aging. Oxidation and inflammation are tightly linked. Too much of one always leads to the other, and sometimes in a never-ending cycle. First I will discuss oxidation. (click) As an apple oxidizes, it turns brown. The metal in a car oxidizes into rust. Choosing to smoke destroys your lungs through oxidation. The process of oxidation always involves the transfer of electrons. Oftentimes, free radicals are formed.
Unstable molecules with one or more unpaired electrons. Free Radicals Unstable molecules with one or more unpaired electrons. “Oxidation” A free radical is an [read definition]. These unpaired electrons actively seek another electron, often stealing one from another molecule nearby, which changes its structure and can destroy its function. Worse, free radicals can cause chain reactions, where one molecule steals from another, which steals from another, and so forth. The whole process is a significant source of risk for our health and our aging.
Extrinsic Free Radicals Sunlight, radiation Pollution, infection Smoking cigarettes 1,000,000,000,000,000 free-radicals per inhalation! (1 quadrillion) There are two sources of free radicals, extrinsic and intrinsic. Our environment is a steady extrinsic source of oxidative stress on our bodies. Choosing to smoke is extremely damaging. A very interesting scientific paper estimated that the lungs are exposed to 1 quadrillion free radicals per breath of a cigarette. That’s quite the attack!
Intrinsic Free Radicals Stress, sickness, inflammation Eating, breathing, exercising Intrinsic free radicals are produced by sometimes normal and sometimes temporary conditions within the body. It has been estimated that our own metabolism makes a mistake 10 percent of the time, producing free radicals. All of you are producing free radicals and trying to fight against them even as you sit in this meeting today.
Results of Oxidative Stress Discomfort Less energy Weakened immunity Sour mood Now that you know where it all comes from, what does it all do? When you experience oxidative stress, there are four main categories that result. Until I learned this principle, I really didn’t know why I was more grouchy than usual, or didn’t feel as well. Now you know it may very well be coming from oxidative stress!
So what is the source of intrinsic oxidative stress So what is the source of intrinsic oxidative stress? Remember we talked about the cell being the basic unit of life? Well, one of the basic needs of life is the production of energy. That energy is produced inside an organelle found in every cell in the body, the mitochondria. This is the powerhouse of the cell, but as a result, also a source of free radicals.
Mitochondria Energy Production Oxygen ATP Exhaust (free radicals) Food (glucose) e- Let’s think of the mitochondria as the engine of the cell. Though it is a very efficient engine, taking in oxygen and food and turning it into ATP, it still produces some free radicals, 10 percent or so. Let’s compare that to a car engine for some perspective. It is estimated that a car engine is only about 30 percent efficient at converting gasoline into energy that propels the car forward. The means 70 percent of the energy of gasoline is turned into heat and exhaust. A cell that is 90 percent efficient is pretty amazing! Though our cells only have to deal with 10 percent exhaust, it’s still enough to require important systems to deal with it. The red dot with the e represents a free radical that runs around looking for another electron to pair with, which can damage the cell.
Antioxidants Stable molecules with one or more electrons to share. Nature does not leave us defenseless. One of our protective systems are antioxidants. These are molecules that have just the right structure to directly counter free radicals. Antioxidants donate their electrons to free radicals, neutralizing them and preventing harm to important functional parts of the cell.
Exogenous Antioxidants Endogenous Antioxidants (from food) Just like free radicals are intrinsic and extrinsic, so are antioxidants. On the right, our body makes antioxidants that reside in the cell to protect it from potential free radical damage. On the left are the antioxidants you eat in a healthy diet. Now let’s take a vote. Which is more important? How many of you think the endogenous antioxidants made in the body are more important? Ok, now how many of you think dietary antioxidants are more important? If you said the diet, you were correct! Some of you may be surprised. Let me explain. First, researchers that studied food antioxidants found that what the body made wasn’t enough on its own. Second, healthy food provides essential components the body needs to make endogenous antioxidants effectively. Third, healthy foods provide antioxidants directly that supplement the body’s defenses in a critical way. (from food) (made in body)
Lifelong Vitality Program Now let’s talk about the Lifelong Vitality program directly. The kit consists of three products, each with its own purpose. I will talk about each of those purposes and where it’s found. But it’s important to remember that Lifelong Vitality products works best together!
Lifelong Vitality Program 12+ servings of fruits & vegetables First, the big picture. We wanted to understand a little about the value LLV would be providing, so we did a series of tests on the pack to see how it compared to fruits and vegetables. Though it wasn’t designed to replace a healthy diet, this does give us a point of comparison for its potency. LLV provides the antioxidant capacity of 12 or more servings of fruits and vegetables. This means you can be confident in its power and potency to protect and provide for your antioxidant defenses. (USDA & HHS recommend 5 servings a day per 2000-calorie diet)
Polyphenol Blend Alpha CRS®+ Silymarin from Milk Thistle Baicalin from Scuttelaria Root Resveratrol from Polygonum Capsudatum Ellagic Acid from pomegranate Curcumin from Turmeric Root Proanthocyanidins from Grape Seed Quercetin, a flavonoid To give you an idea of where some of the benefits come from, here is the polyphenol blend in Alpha CRS+. One of the important principles of LLV is that it provides things that you wouldn’t normally eat, but that are really beneficial to how you will feel over time. We also know that variety is important, as each ingredient provides a different family of phytochemistry that benefits your body. Finally, we don’t skimp on dose. We provide enough of the ingredient for it to be beneficial and make a difference. © 2016 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC, Unauthorized duplication prohibited
Carotenoid Antioxidants Alpha & Beta Carotene (natural vitamin A) Lutein (marigold flowers) Lycopene (tomato fruit) Astaxanthin (algae extract) Now we don’t stop with just a polyphenol blend. There are other major families of plant nutrients, like carotenoids. We don’t just provide some beta-carotene and tell you that it represents the whole family of carotenoids in nature. We include a wide range of them, as each functions a little differently and supports your body in different ways. Let me tell you a little about astaxanthin to illustrate this point.
ASTAPURE® Microalgae We use Astapure astaxanthin. Astaxanthin comes from a green algae. This green algae is grown and carefully controlled in containers, and then pumped out into the sunlight. Until this point, the algae is green. Note that one of the reasons we chose Astapure is that by keeping the astaxanthin confined to the tubes, it does not take on environmental contaminants, like other bacteria, pollutants or other things.
ASTAPURE® UV Under the UV light of the sun, as a protective mechanism, the algae starts to produce astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a strong protectant against the high energy UV rays from the sun, so all the algae is doing is adapting to the new sunlit environment. But it means that they are producing large amounts of this important carotenoid.
ASTAPURE® Here is a comparison view. The red has become so strong, you can no longer see the green. It’s the opposite of tree leaves, which are green in the summer from chlorophyll, and you only see the reds and yellows in the fall when the chlorophyll breaks down!
CPTG® Essential Oil Blend Frankincense Peppermint Caraway Clove Bud Ginger Thyme Orange Cumin In addition to the carotenoids and polyphenols, LLV also includes a potent blend of essential oils with strong antioxidant power. This is something that really sets dōTERRA apart. We recognize the health value of our oils as a daily supplement against aging and in support of health. These oils are great antioxidants and cellular protectors. German Chamomile
Aging Oxidation Inflammation We’ve talked a lot about oxidation and what LLV does to prevent it. (click) Now let’s discuss inflammation.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Omega 6 Pro-inflammatory Essential fatty acids are an important part of how our body responds to inflammation. There are many common fats that are consumed in the US. Unfortunately, most of them come from plants that contain predominately omega 6 fatty acids. While these fatty acids are essential to our immune system ability to respond, it is out of balance, and when an inflammatory response is needed and only omega 6 fatty acids are available, the response can be over-inflammatory and the body may not recover back to normal as quickly as it should.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Omega 3 Control inflammation Contrast that with omega 3 fatty acids. They balance out an inflammatory response. The can also be used by the immune system during an inflammatory event, and the resulting signal molecules carry out the inflammation in a more controlled way, leading to an anti-inflammatory result.
1:1 Dietary EFAs Omega 6 Omega 3 Ideally the amounts you get of each should be at a 1:1 ratio, so that an inflammatory response uses an equal number of each to respond. This results in the best, most balanced outcome
Dietary EFAs Omega 6 Omega 3 Now if your dietary EFAs come from meals like this, or you don’t know where your dietary EFAs come from, then you likely have a ratio in your body right now that looks more like this:
15:1 Dietary EFAs = inflammation Omega 6 Omega 3 Even a small inflammatory signal can lead to an excessive inflammatory response if this is the ratio you have available in your body when you body needs to carry out an inflammatory response. = inflammation
1:15 xEO Mega It Fights Back! Omega 6 Omega 3 The essential fatty acids in LLV contain the opposite of the typical diet, promoting healthy inflammatory responses. It’s like the Luke Skywalker to the fast food Vaders of the world. In fact, sometimes I’m travelling without much time or the kids win the food request battle, and I eat fast food. But on those occasions, I don’t have to worry, because I take LLV regularly, so I know I’ve already brought balance to the essential fatty acid force within. It Fights Back!
No pesticides, heavy metals, etc. Fish Oil Concentrate 950 mg pure fish oil with 300 mg EPA/300 mg DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acids Molecularly filtered No pesticides, heavy metals, etc. Another important consideration is the balance of essential fatty acids within the omega3s. We chose a highly purified fish oil concentrate that provides the two most potent essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, in an equal ratio, (300 mg of each per daily dose.) This will keep your body well stocked in the event of an inflammatory event that needs to happen, then needs to stop happening. You’ll just feel better over time; I promise.
“It’s not just a matter of lifespan. I want to FEEL younger, longer.” I can’t emphasize this point enough. You will feel good as you put consistent effort into LLV. LLV is one of the best ways to feel those benefits. In fact, this is probably a good time to tell your LLV story. (The following is Dr. Tory Parker’s story) Immunity was a benefit I was looking for. I had taken many products from many companies, and also tried dietary means alone. I knew exactly what to eat and how and when to eat it thanks to my background and profession in Nutritional Science. However, I found that it was simply hard to do with all the demands on my time, and so I was inconsistent. LLV was finally the solution I was looking for. I noticed my body’s ability to deal with health issues. I felt healthy. I felt like I had a healthy immune system. LLV filled all the gaps I had been struggling to fill for many years. I actually got younger; I had pushed that aspect of morbidity into the future.
Mitochondria Energy Production Oxygen ATP Food (glycogen) New let’s move to another benefit of LLV: energy. Fundamentally, to feel energy, our body needs to be able to produce it efficiently and consistently. We also have to have enough engines.
e- Mitochondria and Aging: 1. Fewer per cell 2. Less efficient output 3. More toxic exhaust e- When we age, three things can happen. Our cells may have fewer mitochondria per cell. This lowers your overall output of energy and thus the overall sense of having energy to do what you need or want to do. Second, the existing mitochondria start working at less than 90 percent efficiency, so you don’t turn your food into energy as quickly or as readily as you used to. Finally, the exhaust you produce can be more damaging because the internal protection doesn’t work as well as it used to. LLV is designed to target all three of these.
Cellular Energy Blend Quercetin (50 mg) Coenzyme Q10 (50 mg) Resveratrol (50 mg) Alpha-Lipoic Acid (50 mg) Acetyl-L-Carnitine (50 mg) The cellular energy blend in Alpha CRS+ stimulates overall cellular health, helping to keep cells and mitochondria going strong. It provides nutrients like coenzyme Q10 and acetyl-l-carnitine that are directly involved in the efficiency of the engines, and, finally, it provides directly protective antioxidants like quercetin and alpha-lipoic acid to keep the defenses up against the exhaust.
Energy Factors in Alpha CRS®+ Promote mitochondria biogenesis (total number of mitochondria) Support mitochondria efficiency (total power output per cell) Manage toxic mitochondria byproducts (cleaner exhaust and more antioxidant protection of DNA and other structures) The result is that you get better biogenesis, better efficiency, and better protection. I almost feel like I’m promoting a fancy new motor oil for your car! But there’s nothing synthetic about these great ingredients in these great products! I really want you to see that there are real reasons why people feel more energy when they take LLV.
Other Energy Factors Essential Fatty Acids Essential Vitamins Essential Minerals Another way LLV helps you feel better comes from Microplex VMz and xEO Mega. When your body’s cells have the right tools on hand at any given time, they work better. Because LLV provides all the essential nutrients, cofactors, and fatty acids, all the normal metabolic, enzymatic, and energy-using processes in your cells can work at optimum efficiency.
Sugars Stimulants NOT in Energy Blend: Nothing makes me more annoyed than to see some new energy product come on the market and claim that it provides “energy” when all they do is put in a couple token ingredients in token amounts, then backload the product with caffeine. It’s even worse when they claim all the “energy” effects are coming from these strongly advertised, but weakly effective, token ingredients. dōTERRA does not work that way. Instead, we understand our ingredients, we understand how the human body works, and we provide an effective dose, so we don’t need stimulants, and we don’t ever use them in any of our products.
MICROPLEX VMz® Essential Minerals Essential Vitamins FOOD NUTRIENT COMPLEX Essential Minerals Essential Vitamins And now a couple of thoughts on Microplex VMz specifically. I’ve mentioned the role of vitamins and minerals, such as part of the energy effects of LLV. This product impacts so many processes in the body that influence how we feel. But it is designed with the purpose of providing benefits, not individual nutrients. Sometimes it can become a point of contention to compare the amounts or sources of this or that nutrient between Microplex VMz and other companies’ products of a similar nature. Please understand, this is not necessary or productive with LLV or Microplex VMz, because our products are designed for a different purpose. Microplex VMz is designed to be directly aligned with the benefits of LLV: more energy, less discomfort, immunity support and mood improvement. I promise you will get enough nutrients and that they will be in the most bioavailable forms available. They will also be completely safe and fully recognized and usable by your body. So let’s focus on LLV going forward.
Glycoprotein Matrix Chelated Minerals A mineral ion combined with an organic compound to enhance nutrient bioavailability Nutrients presented in a format for improved absorption/bioavailability If you absolutely must have details, I will give you this note on the bioavailability: We use a glycoprotein matrix for our vitamins and a fully chelated form for our minerals. Chelated means the mineral is bound to an amino acid. This gives the mineral two mechanism of absorption in the intestines, vastly improving the absorption. By using just two main technologies, it is designed to be simple and easy to remember! Safe nutrients, the right amount, two bioavailable forms.
dōTERRA LIFELONG VITALITY PACK® Cellular Longevity Blend Essential Fatty Acids Essential Vitamins Now back to the big picture view so you can place all the important nutrient families with the products. We have generally grouped the botanical extracts into Alpha CRS+, then fats soluble nutrients and essential oils in xEO Mega, and the vitamins and minerals in Microplex VMz. But don’t forget you need all 6 categories to get all 4 benefit categories. Cellular Energy Blend CPTG® Essential Oils Essential Minerals
“I have less discomfort” “I have more energy” “I have less discomfort” “I feel healthy” “I am sleeping better” “I am less anxious” Now let’s come back to where we began; where it really matters. We have all the data to back up our ingredients’ safety and efficacy, but what you really want to know is does it work? Well, yes it does. This is what we consistently hear from those who consistently take LLV. I add my voice to the third item down; that is where it made a difference for me. It really does affect the focus of the mind, your comfort level, the energy you have, and how well your immune system works. “I am more focused” “My doctor wants to know what I am doing”
dōTERRA LIFELONG VITALITY PACK® Alpha CRS®+ $69.50 (34180001) xEO Mega® $49.50 (34310001) Microplex VMz® $39.50 (34200001) Total = $158.50 wholesale LLV Pack = $? If you were to buy the products in LLV individually, the total would be $158.50 wholesale. If you are familiar with dōTERRA, you already know where this is going. If you are new to dōTERRA, you will soon learn that when there is a combination that is of real value to your health, we do more than you would expect to make it a reality for you.
$250+ And no, that doesn’t mean we increase the price so you know how much value you are getting! But it is an interesting exercise to compare the potency of our products with buying these ingredients separately. Other companies try to overvalue their single ingredients. But your body needs a complex mixture of ingredients to really fill the gaps. Each is important, but only as part of the whole LLV.
dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® $79.50 Item code: 21480001 dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® $79.50 So, if you’ll commit to taking the LLV pack every month, you get it for half the cost of buying the individual products. We knew that we could provide better ingredients, more potent ingredients, and a better composition than anyone out there; that we could prove it to you in how you felt; and that we could do it at a price that was unbelievable if you were committed.
YOUNGER, LONGER LOOK, FEEL, AND LIVE So let’s all look, feel, and live younger, longer, together, today. LLV will give you that. Thank you!