Intercultural Competence Defined


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Presentation transcript:

Intercultural Competence Defined Unit four lesson 8

What did you learn in the last lesson?

Answer the following questions handout number 8 Think back on Unit 1, The Diplomat in Me. What are some of the things you learned in that unit that might help you now as you get ready to research a country to learn more about its culture? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Think back on Unit 2, Interpersonal Communication (body language/active listening.) What did you learn that might help you interpret the visual cues (body language, etc) and customs in the culture? __________________________________________________________________________

Answer the following questions 3. Think back on Unit 3 (or, for those who’ve only started, the beginning of Unit 3). Think back on what you learned from the “Banana” lesson and the Pandya-Chirpa party simulation. What have you learned from those lessons that will help you now? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Add anything else that you think is important to keep in mind. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think are the most important points that will help make a cross-cultural encounter successful? _________________________________________________

Intercultural competence Handout 9

Includes, the ability to show: Respect (“valuing of others”) Self-awareness/identity (“understanding the lens through which we each view the world”) Seeing from other perspectives/world views (“both how these perspectives are similar and different”) Listening (“engaging in authentic intercultural dialogue”) Adaptation (“being able to shift temporarily into another perspective”) Relationship building (forging lasting cross-cultural personal bonds) Cultural humility (“combines respect with self-awareness”) Source: (page 24.)

Interpreting, Analysing and Understanding Photographs Handout 10 What is going on in this picture? / Describe what you see. What do you see that makes you say that? What more can you find? What is the mood or feeling of the image? What details reveal this? What rule of photo composition did the photographer use? What can you find in the photo that relates to the country and its culture? Read the explanation of the photograph. Watch the video of the photographer as he / she explains, if relevant (not all photographs have videos).

Homework Prepare a short presentation on this photograph to be presented to the class.

You have completed the lesson Well done You have completed the lesson