CatView Ltd Disposable View Catheter Moshe Refael CEO
Contents The technology platform The product Development roadmap Regulatory pathway Investment sought.
Key Personal The Entrepreneurs: Moshe Refael – CEO Prof. Steve Lipson. Optics, Technion Haifa Prof. Ariel Roguin. MD, Rambam Hospital Haifa Dr. Yaron Hefetz Optics, GE Haifa Avinoam Baruch, Mech. Eng.
Current Endoscopy Methods Regular metal pipe line guides NO Viewing guides available on the market (not created.. yet)
The problem Part 1 There are 4 major problems: Light scattering by blood cells. Optical absorption by plasma To provide an image using a few optical fibers. To introduce a stent in the right position
The solution The planned catheter guide To have a channel for introducing a clear liquid in front of the camera, in order to clear the red blood cells and improve the transparency
The solution To provide a viewing guide which allows placement of the stent in the optimum position.
The angiographic beauty of stenting The regular procedure The angiographic beauty of stenting
Stent Placement Guide Balloon Stent
CatView Product The Solution: * To develop a guide with real-time visual observation capabilities, with or without a working channel. * Following this, surgeons will be able to conduct their guides in real time as in gastroscopy.
The Technology Platform The project will create a platform for minimal invasive treatment such as: Heart Catheterized procedures Anaesthetization. Lungs – Bronchoscopy. Urology – in-vivo observation and biopsy Brain blood vessel inspection and treatment
CatView’s Catheter Features Camera creating 80 pixel image Optical fiber bundle with 100 fibers, outer diameter 250µm, for illumination and imaging Nozzle to introduce a clear physiological fluid in front of the imaging lens Navigation drive ---------------------------------------------- Total 325± 25 µm diameter
The calculation is as follows: Optic Calculation Requirements The calculation is as follows: The required resolution according to the MD’s is 500µm The cross-sectional area of the artery is: 4=15.5mm2 Image is projected onto 100 optical fibers Four fibers used for illumination
Fluid injection Annular space around the fiber optic to transport clear fluid to the imaging region Pump to introduce the fluid
Product Overview The Diastolic Head The Intracorpus probe Proximate Joystick Light source Liquid Pump Proximate Interface USB Interface
Front end- Probe Lens Liquid spraying nozzles Navigating head
Probe’s Cross\cut section Fiber Optic Bundle Vacuum & pressure tubular + SPRED LIQUIDS
Cross Cut section 2
Navigator system
Probe’s cross section Fiber Optic bundle Vacuum liquid nozzle Transparent liquid pipe Fiber Optic bundle Vacuum liquid nozzle
Proximate Unit Liquids pipe Optic fiber Lens Beam Splitter Reflected Image Light source CMOS Camera Camera Board
Activities Technological: Detailed design study. Management: Breadboard system Testing Management: Market search & Business Plan Patent search & PCT filing. Helsinki Approval Marketing (for raising money) Preliminary experiments on animals Regulatory strategy FDA path (Human experiments – 3rd year) Technical writing
Gantt R &D Activities 2016 2017 2018 Characterizing Optical design Mechanical design Purchasing* Building of first model Lab test first round Re-design after test improvement Business Plan Strategic regulation Helsinky certification Animal trails FDA approval Human trails Marketing** Money In 500$ K $1.5M $ 4M * Fibers, Camera board, Beam splitter, pump, Joystick ** marketing = Raising money
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