The Mark of the Beast! St. Matthew 7:21-23 Some who believe they are saved will be lost I John 2:4 If you claim to know God yet disobey Him, you are a liar II Thessalonians 2:10-12 If you don’t accept the truth of the Bible you will believe the lies from the devil Daniel 7:23 A beast represents an earthly kingdom or government Revelation 13 Describes a leopard-like beast: (1) Receives his authority from the dragon (Satan, Revelation 12:9) (2) Is or has been a world power (verse 7) (3) Must rule for 42 months (verse 5 & Daniel 7:25) (4) Must have received a “deadly wound” which was healed (verse 3) (5) Must be a blasphemous power (verse 6 & Daniel 7:25) (6) The beast would persecute God’s people (verse 7 & Daniel 7:21) (7) Must have the mystic number, 666 (verse 18) Numbers 14:34: Ezekiel 4:6 A day in prophetic is a literal year Revelation 13:16 The mark is given either in the right hand or in the forehead Revelation 14:9-12 The mark is opposite to God’s commandments Exodus 31:12, 16, 17 The Commandments are God’s seal Hebrews 10:16; Revelation 7:3; Revelation 9:4 God’s people will receive His seal in their foreheads