Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Entering the Kingdom Luke 13:22-30 Jesus, the Good Shepherd, has identified Himself with God, confronted the Pharisees and returned to Galilee Luke 13:22-30 Jesus is slowly making His way to Jerusalem, but is teaching in the cities and villages as He goes
The Question Luke 13:23 Politically, the Jews were looking for a Messiah that would save them from Rome and reestablish its power If Jesus was not restoring the nation to bring about national salvation, was His plan to only save a few?
The Question Luke 13:23 The theological question of the extent of salvation from God’s judgment is more in view in Luke’s context Would the kingdom be expansive (Luke 13:18-21) or greatly limited (Luke 13:1-5)?
The Question Luke 13:23 The word “saved” (swvzw / sōdzō) is general with specific meaning determined by context Jesus’ answer is to all the people and concerns being eternally safe in God’s kingdom
Striving for Salvation Luke 13:24 Many Scriptures emphasize God’s sovereignty in salvation: John 1:12-13; 6:44,65; Ps. 14:1-3; Eph. 1:4, etc. God’s sovereignty in salvation humbles man, and man’s pride is why so many people reject it
Striving for Salvation Luke 13:24 This is one of many Scriptures that emphasize man’s responsibility in salvation - this is a command The context is clear that this is the narrow door to the kingdom of God / eternal salvation (Matt. 7:13-14)
Striving for Salvation Luke 13:24 Jesus is the only means of salvation from sin and its consequences (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; etc.) “Strive” (ajgwnivzomai / agonizomai) is a command - agonize, exert, fight, endeavor, persist, strain This is not works of righteousness - for they cannot save you (Isa 64:6; Titus 3:5-7)
Striving for Salvation Luke 13:24 Striving begins with Hebrews 11:6 - faith to believe God is and will reward those who seek Him Striving involves diligence and passion in seeking God - Deut. 4:29; Jer. 29:13; Psalm 34:18; 145:18
Striving for Salvation Luke 13:24 Striving requires mental concentration - Isaiah 1:18; 1 Cor. 1:18-31; Acts 17:22-34; Isaiah 55:8-9 Striving requires self-denial - Luke 9:23-24 Striving must be a priority that is not delayed - Isaiah 55:6-7
Limited Opportunity Luke 13:24b-25 Opportunity ends at death (Hebrews 9:27) Opportunity ends at the Lord’s return (Matthew 25:31-46) Opportunity ends when the Holy Spirit ceases to convict and the person becomes hardened (Exodus 7-9)
Knowing vs Following the Lord Luke 13:26-27 An acquaintance with Jesus is not the same as being a sheep with Jesus as your shepherd Physical proximity is not enough - Jesus does not welcome into His kingdom those who don’t follow Him
Knowing vs Following the Lord Luke 13:26-27 This warning applies today for what is true of false teaches is also true for their followers (Matthew 7:21-23)
Grief and Rage Luke 13:28 These are the reactions of different people & the mix of emotions in individuals - both arise from selfishness The sorrow of remorse of what could have been but is not and never will be - missed opportunity The sorrow of unfulfilled desires and of suffering the consequences of sin
Grief and Rage Luke 13:28 The rage of hating those unjustly blamed for causing the suffering - especially God (Revelation 9 & 16) Rage & sorrow are amplified by seeing the patriarchs & prophets in the kingdom but excluded themselves
Hope for Gentiles Luke 13:29-30 People coming from the four points of the compass refers to Gentiles coming from every land There will be equality of outcome in God’s kingdom with Gentiles included along with Jews
Conclusions The answer to the question is that many will seek and be too late; some Gentiles and some Jews will enter Be sure you are one of those that “strives to enter” - you do not want to be surprised on judgment day There is an urgency to be accurate and true to the gospel message for tomorrow may be too late
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ