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Presentation transcript:

Artists Observe In this unit, students will: Explore observation and how it relates to art making. What do artists observe? Why do artists observe? Develop observational drawing skills. Sketching, contour drawing, scribble drawing, negative space, simplifying shapes, shading Create personal artwork that is meaningful, challenging and applies knowledge of observation.

Artists Observe Learning Objectives COMMUNICATE: I can evaluate and reflect on the artwork and working process of myself and others. DEVELOP SKILLS: I can make art that shows my knowledge of tools, techniques, and concepts. ENGAGE & PERSIST: I can focus on art-making that is challenging and personally meaningful. Artists Observe Learning Objectives

#1 EXPLORE: MindMap ? ? ? ? Artists Observe Make a mind map in your sketchbook. What are different things artists observe? What do you like to observe? You should have at least 10 parts to your mind map. ?

EXPLORE: How do contemporary artists observe? #2 EXPLORE: How do contemporary artists observe? The Stakeout Color Me Katie What do these videos show about how artists observe? Write a paragraph about what you learned / noticed about how artists observe in a google doc. You will print this out at and turn it in with your final artwork.

Sketching Sketches are not “finished” pieces of artwork. The artist draws quickly. Sketches can take as little as a a few seconds. What is the purpose of a sketch? To record something the artist sees To develop an idea for later use To visually communicate an idea

Examples of Sketches

Examples of Sketches

DEVELOP SKILLS: Sketching #3 DEVELOP SKILLS: Sketching Object Suggestions Toy car or animal Wooden mannequin Plant or flower Tape dispenser Old camera Too simple Glue bottle, book, laptop, cell phone Choose a fairly complex 3 dimensional object (not a photo or anything on a screen) to draw. Follow this link and complete all drawings based on the directions given on each slide.

Famous Artists Observe Too

EXPLORE: Famous Artists Observe #5 EXPLORE: Famous Artists Observe Step 1: View the slideshow. Choose one of the artists and complete more research. If you are not interested in the artists in the slideshow, feel free to find your own famous artist who uses observation as a key aspect of their work. Click on the additional links in the slideshow and study that artist's work. In your sketchbook write a paragraph about your thoughts on the artist. Some prompts are: What do you like and/or dislike about their work? Would you hang their artwork in your home? Why or why not? Does the artist's work in an abstract or realistic style? Why do you say this? What interesting facts did you find out about them?

Claude Monet, 1840-1926 Founder of French Impressionism The Impressionists wanted to express their own perceptions of nature - especially light. Painted outside (plein-air) landscapes. Video Biography Artwork

Edgar Degas, 1834-1917 Also a French Impressionist. Famous for painting, drawing and sculpting dancers. Interested in new angles and perspectives (rather than the subject always in the middle). “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” Artwork

John James Audubon, 1785-1851 One of the first people to attempt to paint and describe all the birds of America. Began as a failed businessman who drew as a hobby. Published a very famous book, Birds of America, with a collection of 435 life-size prints. Namesake of the current Audubon organization that focuses on preserving native habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Robert Bateman, 1930 - Canadian born artist and naturalist. Experimented with lots of styles of painting but is now famous for his realist paintings of nature and animals. Bateman has published 6 books and his artwork is reproduced in many different areas. Video Biography

DEVELOP SKILLS: Famous Artists Observe #6 Step 2: On a WHOLE PAGE in your sketchbook, sketch your version of one of their artworks using whatever material you wish (at least 30 minutes of active art making). TIP: Use the sketching techniques from the beginning of this unit to draw more accurately!

#7 = YOUR TURN ENGAGE & PERSIST: Create a piece of artwork with drawing pencils that relates to this unit. It should be both meaningful and challenging. PRESENT: Your artwork will be displayed with an artist statement. Acrylic Painting by Adan Reyes