Asian Paints & St+Art- Bringing art to the masses
SITUATION Art is for everyone to appreciate and not just for people to see it within four walls Asian paints in its endeavor to be seen much more than just a paint company, partnered with ST+ Art India Foundation (a not for profit public art initiative) to make art more accessible to the public Our task was to highlight this association to enhance the overall image of Asian Paints as a responsible company which adds color and creates a vibrant and happy environment in India and its surrounding communities
CHALLENGE Asian Paints was only seen as a sponsor by the media and hence dropped in all art stories The constant round the clock on ground work done by artists made it difficult for media to engage St+Art works as a standalone big entity where their focus was more on artists and seeking permissions on properties to paint versus promoting the association and the individual artwork which is giving out a message to the community
OBJECTIVE To create awareness about Asian Paint’s association with St+Art and to create a more positive and vibrant living by beautifying public space through Art And Colour To build Asian Paints as a brand which endeavors to support St +art in India and not just be seen as a Sponsor
CREATIVE SOLUTION Every artist’s work was treated as a separate project based on the cause it supported. Hence, separate set of media and influencers were brought on board and leveraged, including a personalized quote by Asian Paints representative for every artists Leveraged each artist’s artwork and the inspiration behind the artwork through interviews, large feature story and key social media influencers Leveraged colour workshops with the artists who interacted with students to showcase how they conceptualized their art to write back history and re- create culture by giving it back to the city through their artwork
EXPOSURES Bangalore Mirror Deccan Herald
EXPOSURES New Indian Express Deccan Chronicle
EXPOSURES The Hindu Femina
RESULTS Generated 100 + high reach impact media feature exposures with INR 8.6 Crores media worth with ROI 1: 43x We have garnered 387 million impressions and we have been able to reach 5.53 million users Asian Paints got featured in 50% of the total print and online stories and was established as a key partner with St+Art Initiated a series of stories around the artists and the theme of their art work with Deccan Herald, The Hindu and New Indian Express over a period of month Leading lifestyle bloggers did photo shoot in front of the murals and shared it across their social media platforms Social media engagement was 2.6 Million (clicks , likes , shares) Consumers started taking pictures of the artwork and posted on their social media post organically Overall Asian Paints was seen as a corporate brand that connected with the masses not just as paint company but one which played an important role in beautifying India and making art an important part of daily lives The campaign engagements and PR value achieved surpassed all the Asian Paints campaigns done before