Art as Emotion© Lesson Plan 2 - Visual Art Integration with History Dome Duomo of Florence, Face of God – Head Young Woman Tousled Hair Santa Maria del Fiore Sistine Chapel Filippo Brunelleschi' Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) RESEARCH Renaissance Artist (2) Create- REPORT on selected Renaissance Artist (3) Recreate Artwork from selected artist or art style
Visual Art I Renaissance Artists VIRTUAL TOUR SISTINE CHAPEL Select Artist from text or Internet
Art as Emotion© Lesson Plan 2 - Visual Art Integration with History TNDOE WORLD HISTORY 1.0 Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures. Learning Expectations: The student will 1.1 Understand the multi-cultural components to world culture. 1.2 Understand the development and migration of art, architecture, language, religion, music. 1.3 understand the ways in which individuals and groups contributed to changes in social conditions. TNDOE Standard 4: VISUAL ART I Historical and Cultural Relationships Students will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures. Learning Expectations: The student will 4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how historical and contemporary works of art reflect and influence societies and cultures. 4.2 Interpret the function and explore the meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures. 4.3 Demonstrate how history and culture influence the production of art
MNPS Objectives MNPS Objectives World History 1.1 Understand the multi-cultural components to world culture. 1.2 Understand the development and migration of art, architecture, language, religion, music and theater. 1.3 Understand the ways in which individuals and groups contributed to changes in social conditions. Understand the diversity of achievement during the High Renaissance in painting, sculpture, as well as the sciences. MNPS Objectives Visual Art I - CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS : Understands art history, art production, and design in the context of visual culture. **Examines specific works of art and artists in terms of history, aesthetics, and culture. Differentiates specific works of art and artists as belonging to particular cultures, movements, time periods, and places. Identifies how the visual arts reflect cultural history, purpose, and function. Understands how culture context influence the function, meaning, creation of artwork.
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION This is a biography of _________________________________ Birth Date __________________________________ Place of birth __________________________________
Education Life & Career: (4-5 facts)
Art Style: Dates of the art period Country Major artists of the art style
How does the art reflect the religion of the period and the political power structure? A. Who or what was controlling power vested in? B. Was there political support, censorship, or neglect of art?
Were there significant inventions and advancements in scientific research during this period?
Significant Artworks 1 Artist Name Artwork Title Date Medium In Italics Date Medium Ex: Oil on canvas Where displayed
Significant Artworks 2 Artist Name Artwork Title Date Medium In Italics Date Medium Ex: Oil on canvas Where displayed
Favorite significant artwork 1 Artist Name Artwork Title In Italics Date Medium Ex: Oil on canvas Where displayed