Plant Identification!
Prunus serrulata Common Name: Japanese Flowering Cherry Deciduous Small tree Flower: April to May, white/pink ½”-2 1/2/” diameter Fruit: Black ¼” diameter Leaf: Simple, toothed 2-4” 15-25’ tall 15-20’ wide Needs: sun to part shade, good drainage soil. borers, scales, aphids. moderate growing, Washington, D.C, fragrant varieties.
Malus hybrida Common Name: Flowering Crabapple Deciduous Small tree Flower: white to rose/ April; 1-2” clusters Fruit: mid summer ¼”- 1 ½” diameter red to yellow Leaf: 1-3” long medium green 15-25’ tall 10-20’ wide Needs: sun; well-drained leaf defoliators, borers, scale, fire blight, powdery mildew, rust moderate growing; pretty in spring
Betula nigra Common name: River Birch Deciduous Small tree Flower isn’t noticeable Fruit: late spring, somara Leaf: 1 ½”-3” long, double toothed 20-40’ tall 16-30’ wide Needs: part shade, medium drainage, high moisture. new growth has fuzz, okay in wet conditions.
X Cupressocyparis leylandii Common name: Leyland Cypress Evergreen Large tree No flower Brown fruit Leaf: soft green; mature dark blue-green 60-70’ tall 12-17’ wide Needs: sun, medium drainage, rapid bagworms, red spider mites, worse if too much water Leaves come out in plane shallow roots
Acer rubrum Common name: Red Maple Deciduous Medium tree Flower: Feb- March, small; red Leaf: 2-4” long, 3-5 lobed-irregular toothed green/red in fall 40-50’ tall 25-35’ wide Needs: sun or shade, medium drainage maple insects and diseases Valuable as shade tree, beautiful color, easily transplanted
Liquidambar styraciflua Common name: Sweet Gum Deciduous Large tree Flower not noticeable Fruit: fall 1” round prickly Leaf: 5-7” lobed, star shaped 60-100’ tall 50-75’ wide Needs: sun or shade, medium to good drainage, slow to moderate Veins all come from one point
Quercus phellos Common name: Willow Oak Deciduous Large tree Hanging catkins Fruit: round acorn ½” long Leaf: Lance-shaped 60-80’ tall 30-40’ wide Needs: sun, good drainage, high moisture Gray-speckled bark, “fat roll” where limbs come out, fast growing
Quercus palustris Common name: Pin Oak Deciduous; tree Flower: Yellow/green catkins Fruit: Brown, acorn ½” long Leaf: 4-5” long; 5-9 lobes 60-80’ tall 40-50’ wide Needs: sun to part shade; medium to high drainage, high clay content Rapid growing
Magnolia grandiflora Common name: Southern Magnolia Evergreen Large tree Flower: May to June; white fragrant Fruit: gray-brown/ red seeds Leaf: 5-8” long, dark green, shiny, back is hairy 40-60’ tall 25-30’ wide Needs: sun to part shade leaf spot, sun scald Moderate to rapid growing, dark green, shiny leaves, brown hair back on leaf.
Pinus strobus Common name: Eastern White Pine Evergreen; tree No flower Fruit: pine cone 5-6” long, slender Leaf: gray/green needle 3-4”-5 needles 80-100’ tall 30-40’ wide Needs: sun, well-drained soil Blister rot, weevils, borers, aphids, woodrot Rapid growing, when young: ornamental specimen.
Plant ID #2
Lagerstroemia indica cv. Common name: Crape Myrtle Deciduous; small tree Flower: July-August 4-9” cluster new wood No fruit Leaf: late spring, simple round cluster 15-25’ tall 5-15’ wide Needs: sun, medium to good drainage Mildew when grown in shade New growth succulent bark peels lighter & spotty cluster leaves, round cut bloom head will bloom 2nd time
Cercis canadensis Common name: Eastern Redbud Deciduous; small tree Flower: small pea-like clusters, lavender pink Fruit: late summer, long flat pods Leaf: heart-shaped, dark green/ yellow in fall 20-30’ tall 12-25’ wide Needs: sun to part shade, good drainage Leaf rollers, aphids, spider mites Slow to moderate growing, very drought resistant (stadium entrance)
Pyrus calleryana Common name: Bradford Pear Deciduous; small tree Flower: later March-April; white clusters Fruit: orange/brown; ½” diameter, ball. May or June Leaf: simple serrated 2-3 ½” 20-40’ tall 20-30’ wide Needs: sun to part shade, medium to good drainage, medium to low fertility Fruit worms, scale, cedar apple, rust, scab Rapid growing, showy when in bloom, fall foliage, lives to about 12-15 years
Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Deciduous; small tree Flower: four petal/bracts, in early spring Fruit: red berry in fall Leaf: oval with wave; scarlet in fall 15-30 ft. tall 15-20ft wide Part shade Dogwood borer, anthracnose, dogwood canker NC state flower
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’ Common name: Dwarf Yaupon Evergreen Shrub No flower No fruit Leaf: gray-green; 1” long 2-4’ tall 3-5’ wide Needs: sun or shade; medium drainage Slow to moderate growth, foundation plant
Forsythia X intermedia Common name: Border Forsythia Deciduous Shrub Flower: early march before leaves, bell shaped yellow 1 ½” Leaf: 3 parted; 3-5” long 8-10’ tall 7-10’ wide Needs: sun; low to medium water; prune every 3 years to ground. Fast growing, easily transported, roots quickly, withstands city conditions
Berberis thurbengii Common name: Japanese Barberry Deciduous Shrub Flower: mid April, small cup-shaped creamy white Fruit: fall; berry shaped; ½” orange-red ½”-1 ½” teethed margin 3-5’ tall 3-5’ wide Needs: sun to part shade; medium drainage Moderate growing, grow okay in moderate/ bad conditions, impenetrable hedge.
Euonymous japonica Common name: evergreen euonymous Evergreen shrub Flower: early summer; white & tiny Fruit: pink to red, late summer/ fall capsule Leaf: dark green, thick serrated 1-3” waxy 6-7’ tall 3-5’ wide Needs: sun or shade, medium drainage, fertility anthracnose, crown gall, leaf spots, aphids, scale Fast growing, tolerates salt spray, used in hedges.
Euonymus alata Common name: Winged Euonymus Deciduous Shrub No flower Fruit: fall; pink to red capsule Leaf: green ½”-3” long; scarlet in fall 5-8’ tall 3-5’ wide Needs: sun to part shade; medium drainage and fertility Pests/problems: Scale Moderate growing; twig structure, fall color
Abelia X grandfloria Common name: Glossy Abelia Evergreen shrub Flower: ¾” cluster; pinkish/white red bracts No fruit Leaf: opposite, 1 ½” long glossy 4-6’ tall 3-5’ wide Needs: sun or shade, medium to good drainage, moderate growth Aphids Opposite leaf arrangement, bark streaks then grays, new growth stem is red, willow growth.
Plant ID #3
Myrica cerifera Common name: Wax Myrtle Evergreen; large shrub Flower: spring, stamens prominent Fruit: fall, berry Leaf: 2” long, teethed edge, dull green 5-10’ tall 4-7’ wide Needs: sun; medium to high moisture, moderate growing mites, scales, mushroom root rot. Distinct smell, salt tolerant, stem yellow on end
Juniperus horizontalis Common name: Blue Rug Juniper Evergreen; groundcover No flower Fruit: berry, 3/8” diameter-blue Leaf: needlelike; bluish green; rust-green in winter 12-18” tall 3-5’ wide Needs: sun, well drained alkaline soil. PH above 10 Bagworms & mites Moderate to rapid growing; city conditions- tolerated well.
Rhododendrom catawbiense Common name: Catawba Rhododendron Evergreen Shrub Flower: May, large groups, white, pink, red, purple Fruit: fall-capsules, brown Leaf: 3-5” leathery, medium to dark green 4-6’ tall 3-5’ wide Needs: sun to part shade, well drained soil. root rot, lace bugs, spider mites. Slow to moderate growth, well under pines.
Ligustrum japonicum Common name: Japanese Privet Evergreen; small tree Flower: may; strong, small, white Fruit: ¼” berry in fall Leaf: dull green, big leaf, pointed leaf 6-10’ tall 5-6’ wide Needs: sun or shade, medium drainage, rapid growth, pruning not necessary; good for topiary White flies, scale Distinct smell, dull green, big leaf, pointed leaf.
Aucuba japonica Japanese Aucuba Evergreen Shrub March-brown, white Winter; red berries 4-8” deep green variegated 4-5’ tall 3-4’ wide Shade, med. drainage, high fertility Spider mites, scale Variegated leaves are grown for attractiveness
Buxus semperivens American boxwood Evergreen Shrub No flower No fruit 1.5” dark green 3-6” high 3-4” wide Part shade, good drainage Nematodes, boxwood leaf miner, spider mites, root rot Excellent for shaped hedge
Ilex x attenuate ‘Fosteri’ Fosteri holly Evergreen Small tree Spring, inconspicuous white Clusters of bright red berries in fall and winter 1 ½-2 ½”; glossy dark green 20-30’tall 7-10’ wide Sun to part shade, well-drained soil No pests
Ilex x cornuta ‘Dwarf Burford Holly’ Evergreen Shrub Flower- early spring, can’t see 1/8” diameter berry in fall and winter ¾” to 1” long, med. Green 3-6” long 4-6” wide Sun to part shade Mildew, leaf spot, scale, sooty mold
Acer palmatum Japanesse Maple Deciduous Small tree Purple/red;March in clusters Samara 1”; 2 winged, red 2-4”, star shaped, red in fall 15-20’ tall 10-15’ wide Needs part shade; good drainage Maple insects Slow growing; accent plant
Pinus taeda Loblolly pine Evergreen Large tree No flower 2-5” long, cone-red brown in fall 5-10”; 3 in bundle, bright green 70-90’ tall 30-40’ wide Sun to part shade; well drained Rust,bark beetle, sawflies, pine weevils Rapid growth “Tarheel State”
Plant ID #4
Ilex x crenata ‘helleri holly’ Evergreen Shrub Flower and fruit are not noticeable ½” long leaf, med. to dark green 2-3’ tall 3-5’ wide Sun/shade Scale, spidermites, and nematodes Foundation plants
Juniperus conferta Shore Juniper Evergreen Goundcover Insignificant flower ½” berry in fall ½” needles, gray-green with white on tip 12-18” tall 4-6’ wide Full sun but ok in shade; low fertility Red spider mites Does well under trees
Nandina domestica Nandina Evergreen shrub Clusters of white flowers in April Fall/Winter; clusters of 12” red berries Green, compound turn maroon in fall 4-6’tall 2-3’ wide Sun to part shade, high organic soil No pests Dwarf varieties are very popular
Pinus mugo var. ‘Mugo’ Mugo Pine Evergreen shrub Insignificant flower Very small cone 2” long deep green 3-4’ high 2-4’ wide Sun, well drained soil Pine root rot, scale Used as specimen and container plant
Rhododendron kiusianum or obtusum japonicum Azalea Evergreen shrub Mid April, 1-2” flowers, white to bright red Not noticeable fruit Simple leaf ½” to 1” shiny 2-4’ tall 2-5’ wide Part shade, high moisture Lace bugs, scale, spider mites, root rot Flowers do best in part shade
Araucaria heterophylla Common name: Norfolk Island Pine Houseplant Tiny small tree No flower Fruit: small cone ¼” Leaf: needle-like round Up to 12’ tall Up to 4’ wide Needs: moisture, weak sun/shade Christmas tree
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengei” Sprengei fern Tropical houseplant Hanging plant Small white flowers Small dark purple berry Needlelike leaves ½” 10” high 2-3’ wide Part sun, light watering required, better dry No pests Easy to grow in the lily family
Chlorophytum comosum Common name: Spider Plant Houseplant No flower or fruit Leaf: grows 10-12” green or variegated 8-10” tall 8-10” wide Needs: lots of water & part sun Plantlets on end of stem, easy to grow, division.
Epipremnum aureum cv. Golden pothos Tropical hanging plant Houseplant No flower No fruit 2” variegated; heart shaped leaf 8” tall 3’ wide; can grow much longer Part shade, light watering Spider mites Hanging plant
Euphorbia pulcherrima cv. Common name: Poinsettia Seasonal Houseplant- perennial flowering shrub in nature Flower: small, yellow in center of bracts-red, pink, white, plum, variegated. Leaf: dark green; 2-6” bracts & leaves are same 6”-6’ tall 6”-4’ wide Needs: moderate water, bright indirect light, short days to flower. white flies, mealybugs, spider mites, fungus gnats Christmas flower, over 100 varieties
Plant List #5
Ficus benjamina Common name: Weeping Fig Small tree, houseplant No flower or fruit Leaf: oval, point at end Up to 12’ tall 4-6’ wide Needs: moist but not wet, filtered light May drop leaves with movement
Nephrolepis exaltata cv. Common name: Boston Fern Houseplant No flowers, fruit=spores Leaf: long frond 12-24” tall 16-24” wide Needs: moisture-mist often, part sun Hanging basket.
Dieffenbachia maculata Common name: Dumbcane Houseplant No flower or fruit Leaf: oval, green, yellow area from vein 3-5’ tall 2-3’ wide Needs: drench lightly/let dry out; filtered out lightly Yellowing on leaf, lots of different varieties, easy to grow
Ficus elastic ‘Decora’ Decora Rubber Plant Tropical Houseplant No flower No fruit Leaves 3-6”, long, dark green, waxy cover Up to 12’- not commonly this tall 2-4’ wide Full sun, medium water No pests White sap comes out when break off leaves
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Prayer plant Tropical houseplant No flower No fruit 2-4” leaf with distinct veins/midribs; variegated Up to 2’ tall 18” wide Part sun, moist soil No pests Leaves close up at night, looks like its praying.
Philodendron scanden var. oxycardium Parlor Ivy Tropical houseplant Vine No flower No fruit Heart shaped, waxy leaf 3-8” high 3-8’ wide Part sun, med. moisture, fertilize monthly No pest Easily propagated by cuttings
Saintpaulia ionantha African Violet Tropical houseplant Purple, blue, pink or white ½” flowers No fruit Oval, fuzzy med. green color 6-8” high 6-12” wide Part sun, moist but don’t overwater No pests Leaf propagation, don’t wet leaves- causes rot
Schefflera arboricola Dwarf Schefflera Tropical houseplant No flower No fruit Shiny green compound leaf, 7-9 leaflets 3- 5’ tall 2-4’ wide Parts shade, well-drained soil No pests Cuttings and air layering for propagation
Spathiphyllum cv. Peace Lily Tropical houseplant White ovate, prominent pistils, fragrant Brown seed pod Narrow to 1”, petiole is long, glossy 3-5’ tall with flower 2’ wide Part sun, well-drained, prefers being dry No pests Known as sympathy flower
Tradscantia zebrine Purple Wandering Jew Tropical hanging basket Houseplant Small purple/white Tiny berry Oval, gray w/purple stripes on top, purple underneath 12-18” tall 2-4’ wide Well drained, part sun No pests Easily roots from cuttings, variegated leaf
Plants 51- 60
Hosta sp. Common name: Hosta Deciduous groundcover Flower: August 2” bell shaped, not attractive. Lilac, pale lavendar No fruit. Leaf: slender, veins very pronounced 1 ½’-2’ tall Up to 4’ wide Needs: shade, high moisture perennial, usually green/ green and white rapid Slugs Division, perennial.
Canna x generalis Canna lily Perennial Flowers- all colors up to 4”; blooms all summer Seed pod in fall Leaves are up to 2’; lance shaped 6’ tall 2-3’ wide Full sun; rich, moist soil No pests In soil or containers; does well around ponds or water
Ajuga reptans Ajuga Perennial Groundcover Flower- spike flower, purple to blue in mid April 3-4”, rounded Dark berry in fall 3-5’ tall 6-12” wide Part shade, well drained soil Aphids and crown rot Fast growing, does well in moist locations
Chrysanthemum morifolium OR Pendranthema X grandiflora Football mum OR Garden/Florist mum Deciduous, perennial Flowers are all shades white to deep red/burgundy; distinct smell No fruit Leaf is 5 lobed; med. to dark green 6” to 5’ 4’ wide Full sun to light shade, med. Moisture Leaf miner, leaf spot Leaves made into pyrethrins (insecticide); potted plants, floral arrangements, and in garden
Chrysanthemum X superbum Shasta Daisy Deciduous, perennial White with creamy yellow center No fruit 2-4” jagged edge leaf 1-2’ tall 1-2’ wide Part shade to part sun Leaf spot, stem rot, leaf miners Potted plant, in floral arrangements and in garden
Hederi helix English Ivy Evergreen Vine Inconspicuous flower Bluish, black berry in fall 4”long, dark green w/white veins Up to 50’ Limitless Part shade to full sun, med. drainage, med- high moisture Scale, aphids, mealy bugs, fungus, leaf spots Let it grow on building for looks and insulation
Hemerocallis cv. Daylily Deciduous groundcover Blooms in summer, multiple shades Seed pod after blooming 2’ narrow, light green 14-32” tall 3-4’ wide Sun to shade No pests Blooms for 1 day and then dies
Liriope muscari Liriope Evergreen, ground cover Small clusters, lavender to pink Berry like clusters of fruit; black 1-2’ dark green 12-18” tall 12-18” wide Shade but tolerates full sun, medium moisture Scale Green or variegated leaves
Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo grass Evergreen groundcover Tiny spike flowers, pale lilac to white Berrylike, dark blue 9-12” dark green leaves 6-10” tall 6-10” wide Sun/shade, prune to 1” in March No pests Fast growing and drought resistant
Iris X germanica var. florentina Evergreen groundcover Perennial Blooms in May, Iris shaped white purple shades Capsules in summer Grey-green, lance shaped 2-3’ high 10-18” wide Sunny, sandy loam soil No pests A “bearded variety”
Plants 61- 70
Ageratum mexicanum Ageratum or Floss flower Deciduous annual plant Ground cover Flowers are many petaled; shades of purple, bloom in summer into fall Fruit- achemes (small pea pods) Leaf- simple ovate, light green toothed margins 4-10” tall 4-12” wide Sunny, sandy soil, moist No pests Potted plant or flower beds
Begonia x semperflorens Wax begonia Deciduous ground cover Perennial Flower- white to red in summer No fruit Waxy, round leaf; light green to dark purple green 6” to 3’ high 4” to 2’ wide Sun to part shade, well drained soil No pests Propagates by leaf cutting, stem cuttings easily
Coleus x hybrida Coleus Annual Bedding plant Flower- spike in summer, purple to white No fruit Ovate w/rounded margin; 2-6” long 8-32” tall 12-22” wide Shade to part sun; sun to full sun varieties Mealy bugs and aphids Most have variegated leaves, grown for leaves
Impatiens hybrid Impatiens Annual bedding plant Flower- 1-3” white, pink, red, purple No fruit Green, purple/green, ovate 1-2” 6-18” tall 8-16” wide Shade, well-drained soil White flies Great plant to use in shady areas
Pelargonium x hortorum Geranium Annual bedding plant, potted plant Clusters in spring/summer; white, red, pink No fruit Green round, 2-3”, line in center 4-24” tall 4-18” wide Sun to part shade, med. moisture No pests Used as gift for Mother’s Day
Salvia splendens Salvia Annual bedding plant Spike flowers in spring and summer: red, blue, pink , white No fruit 1-3”, crenate margin 8-18” tall 10-12” wide Full to part shade No pests First cousin to salvia (DRUG)
Tagetes species African marigold Annual bedding plant Yellow, gold, orange, white; spring and summer; 2 ½” to 3” No fruit 6 lobes, med. Green 14-36” tall 12” wide Full sun to part shade, well drained soil No pests Good deterrent to pests; new white variety
Viola x wittrockiana Pansy Annual bedding plant Flower- all shades; 2-4” some have “faces” No fruit Lance shaped leaf- 1-3” 4-12” tall 6-8” wide Full sun to part shade; fall and winter flowers Aphids, white flies Warm weather they die
Petunia hybrid Petunia Annual bedding plant Lots of colors; 2-5” tube flower No fruit Round, sticky leaf 4-12” tall 3-12” wide Full sun to part shade No pests Some very fragrant; Striped and double blooms