Photoshop assignment Choose one of the pictures in the Multimedia Tech/Celebrity pictures folder and copy it to your folder (don’t drag, don’t cut, just right click and copy, and right click and paste) Open the picture in Photoshop Go to image size and change the height to 4 inches. Image should remain proportional. Go to Image/Adjustments/Brightness & Contrast and slightly increase both contrast and brightness Save the picture in your folder as yourname_photoshop_3-31.jpg (brit_taylor_photoshop_3-31.jpg)
Photoshop assignment Go to the appropriate mug shot folder (seniors or underclass) and open the “Index” at the bottom. Remember your number. Double click on the picture with your number, make sure it’s you , and copy it (don’t drag it or cut it) to your folder. Open this photo with Photoshop Using the Quick Selection tool, select the necessary parts of your head to cut out. Shift + Quick Selection – adds to selection Alt + Quick Selection – takes away from selection Use ctrl-C and ctrl-V to copy and paste your head onto the other picture. Use the Arrow tool to rotate and resize (use shift to stay proportional) your head correctly to fit on original picture. (Click on “Show Transform Controls” on top bar if needed.)
Photoshop assignment You can use the selections under Image/Adjustments to make your color or contrast match your celebrity’s a little better. Make sure you are on the correct layer. Next, make a vector mask by clicking on the head and clicking on the rectangle with a circle shape. This will erase without being permanent. Use a black paintbrush to make things disappear and a white paintbrush to make them return. Using the vector mask (make sure you are on the cutout head layer), erase any head parts that are in the way of microphones, hair, etc.
Photoshop assignment Select the type tool (big T) and draw a box where your name will go Type in your name and change the font, size, and color to where they all look different from the default (no Times) and will show when printed black and white Change the image to black and white – go to Image/Mode/Grayscale - follow the steps Check Brightness/Contrast again as needed Save and print the picture on the black and white printer!