MARCH FIRST WEEKEND 2-4 Mar School of Oriental Religions (Tagaytay) 5 Mar Closing program, 50th anniversary of the Focolare in Asia (Tagaytay) 7 Mar Indiglo evening: Talk on “Islam Today” by Roberto Catalano and Rita Moussalem, in-charge of the Center for Inter-religious Dialogue SECOND WEEKEND Reserved for gatherings and activities of the local communities THIRD WEEKEND Reserved for the Orange: trips to provinces and mission areas, social outreach, small group formation meetings FOURTH WEEKEND Rest weekend for the whole Opera
APRIL FIRST WEEKEND 2 Apr Monthly retreats SECOND WEEKEND Reserved for gatherings and activities of the local communities THIRD WEEKEND 12-16 Apr National Gen 2 school (Tagaytay) Rest weekend for other realities in the Opera FOURTH WEEKEND Reserved for the preparation of the Mariapolis in Baguio and other summer activities FIFTH WEEKEND Apr 28 - 30 Mariapolis in Baguio (Teachers Camp)
MAY FIRST WEEKEND 4-6 May Youth Camp 7 May Run 4 Unity SECOND WEEKEND 12-13 May Summer gathering of Focolare intern members (which includes close adherents / ex-gen), in Terra Moy 14 May Open City / New Families 50th celebration, Terra Moy THIRD and FOURTH WEEKENDS Rest period for the whole Opera