Higher physical education Factors impacting performance unit 2.1 preparation
Explain your personal development plan and the appropriate development targets you set throughout.
What does this mean? I must explain a six week training programme which looks to improve my weakest social and physical sub-factor which I identified in outcome 1.2. I must use at least two different development strategies throughout my programme, for each sub-factor. I must show an appropriate use of the principles of training (fidosr/sporRt/fitT) if developing an aspect of physical fitness. Or I must show a consideration of the principles of effective practice if developing a particular skill/technique and communication.
Task 1 What does p.d.p stand for? How long will my pdp be? Give three reasons why your pdp will be this long? ***think about why you wouldn’t have it any shorter…*** ***think about why you wouldn’t have it any longer…*** ***think about when, in the year, you would complete this pdp…*** Answers to be put up on the board!!!
Principles of effective practice Factor – physical Sub-factor – skills/techniques These are considerations that I must take into account when planning my training programme. In doing so, I will make sure that my personal development plan (PDP) is more effective and more appropriate to me.
Principles of effective practice (task 2) Factor – Physical Principles of effective practice (task 2) Factor – Physical Sub-factor – Skills factor – Social Sub-factor - communication Discuss with a partner, what you think the following principles mean (write down your answers on the paper provided): Variety Model performer Progressive Specific Measurable Realistic Time Exciting
Principles of training Factor – physical Sub-factor – fitness These are considerations that I must take into account when planning my training programme. In doing so, I will make sure that my personal development plan (PDP) is more effective and more appropriate to me.
Principles of training (task 3) Factor – physical sub-factor - fitness Discuss with a partner, what you think the following principles mean (write down your answers on the paper provided): Frequency – Intensity – Duration – Overload – Specificity – Reversibility -
No. Principle Definition 1 Variety Practices must be varied so you are motivated to improve and learn the skill through a range practices. This also prevents boredom. 2 Model Performer Performance should be compared to and based on model performers. A top performer should be investigated and copied. 3 Progressive Practices must show progression. To develop a skill, you can move on to increasingly demanding practices. This could be by increasing the level of competition, performing the skill in a shorter time period, increasing the level of accuracy of the skill, performing the skill repeatedly over a long period of time and being able to cope with the subsequent demands. 4 Specific Practices must be specific to the performer’s ability (not too hard or too easy) and their experience. It must also relate to the results of the analysis and the type of skill (open/closed, internally/externally paced) and the stage of learning (cognitive/associative/automatic).
No. Principle Definition 5 Measurable Set measurable targets for improvement. For example, improvement in drop shot scattergram, observation schedule, and knowledge of results. Practices should show success and achievement. 6 Realistic Practices must be realistic to the challenges of the game (game-like). By doing this it is easier to transfer your improvements back into the activity. Increase game demands and pressures. 7 Time Adequate time should be allowed for the performer to improve their skill. If the session is too short, learning will be reduced and if too long, fatigue and boredom can arise (lowering skill level). Practices must have intervals of rest to maintain quality. This will avoid fatigue setting in and increase motivation. Regular practice is required to ensure learning takes place, a minimum of 2-3 sessions per week. 8 Exciting Practices must be exciting and challenging. This makes you want to practice and keeps high levels of concentration and motivation. A short, exciting, and interesting training session is better than a long session where you become bored and disinterested (plateau).
No. Principle Definition 1 Frequency How often I train or how regular my training sessions are. How many rest days do I have in between sessions and/or throughout the PDP. 2 Intensity How hard I am training. This could relate specifically to the pace, distance, time, weight, repetitions, sets I am using throughout my sessions. 3 Duration How long is my overall PDP AND how long are my individual sessions lasting. 4 Overload How I gradually increase the demands of my training. These could be made ‘little and often’ throughout the PDP with changes being made to my pace, distance, time, weight, repetitions, sets (INTENSITY) etc. The FREQUENCY and DURATION of my training could also be altered. This needs to be considered as my body begins to cope better to the current training demands. 5 Specificity How I make my training appropriate to my current level of fitness, my level of experience, my aspect of development, the facilities and equipment available to me, and my current training commitments. 6 Reversibility The point at which my level of fitness reverts back down towards my initial level. This is often due to a lack of specificity AND/OR overload.
What will I need to include each week? Match day Rest day(s) Team training session(s) – physical and social development? Individual training session(s) – physical and social development? Remember, that the rest days and individual training sessions are likely to change throughout the pdp.
Task 4 Using the points below, plan out week1 in relation to when your match day might be, rest days, team sessions etc: match day - At least one/two/three rest days each week - At least one/two team training sessions per week - At least one individual session per week -
An example for volleyball… A match day - friday At least one/two rest days each week – Thursday & saturday At least two team training sessions per week – Monday & wednesday At least one session out-with these team sessions – Tuesday & sunday
Goals & target setting Throughout my pdp, it is important I set goals. I must make sure that my goals are: S – specific M – measurable A – accountable R – realistic T – Time considerate What could my goals be based on throughout my pdp? How many goals would I set? (long? Medium? Short?) How would I know if I met these goals? What would I do if I didn’t meet them?
Task 5 On the pieces of paper in front of you, write down a specific goal for someone who is developing their cre levels. Swap pieces of paper… Do you agree? Could you add anything to this goal to make it more s.m.a.r.t? Do the same for… Speed Speed endurance Passing skills Tackling skills Shooting skills
Task 5 continued… Turn the piece of paper over and describe one session of… Interval training Continuous training Partner practice (shooting) Opposed practice (passing) Repetition practice (dribbling) You must clearly state how long or how many reps/sets you will complete in this practice/drill. You must include a labelled diagram.
Example… Week 1 – Session 1 Repetition Practice In this session I will complete 5 sets of 15 repetitions, of the practice outlined below. I will attempt to volley the ball to one of two targets. My coach will feed me a high ball that will allow me to play a straight forward volley. As the ball is fed, my coach will shout out a colour. This is the colour of the cone that I then attempt to volley to. My coach needs to have enough time to move from where he fed the ball, to the cone and then catch my volley. This will encourage me to play the volley with lots of height. We then repeat this process 15 times per set. We have two minutes off between sets where my coach gives me feedback on my volleying.
Fip outcome 2.1 In order to pass outcome 2.1 I must do the following: Explain the duration of your pdp. Explain the development strategies used throughout your pdp. Explain how and why you used the principles of effective practice (skill/communication) OR the principles of training (fitness) to maximise improvements. Job done