NORTH SALINAS HIGH SCHOOL Student Bulletin August 11th 2017 ML CHAMPIONS Please display for 4th period class while bulletin is being read. Thank you.
STUDENT BULLETIN Students: Do you need : 1. Extra Credits 2. Support at your Job site 3. Vocational credits Come to the Career Center for information on our COOP class with Mrs. Diaz. Class starts 8/15 at 7:10 in room 506.
STUDENT BULLETIN The "Nutrition Club" meets every Tuesday in room 801 at lunch. Please join us for healthy food tastings, cooking demos, gardening and more!
Seniors if you still need your locker you can come to the main office. STUDENT BULLETIN Sophomore lockers are ready. If you turned in your form, stop by the Finance Office for your combination during lunch or after school. Junior locker distribution will be in room 845 today during lunch only. Freshmen locker distribution will be will be on Friday during lunch or after school. Seniors if you still need your locker you can come to the main office.
STUDENT BULLETIN Have you ever wondered what a glacier looks like up close? Is the ice really as blue as it looks in pictures? How big are grizzly bears? Do you enjoy beautiful mountain and ocean scenery? Do you want to earn 3 UC San Diego credits in Environmental Science? The NSHS Science Explorers Club is traveling to Alaska next summer. Stop by room 23 on Friday during lunch to learn more about this exciting trip.
STUDENT BULLETIN Follow all the exciting activities that happen at North High on Twitter @NSHSVikings55
STUDENT BULLETIN Submit photos to Photo of the Week Winner: Jerrald Arcega Submit photos to
All returning wrestlers must attend. ATHLETICS BULLETIN Attention anyone interested in wrestling this season MANDATORY MEETING TODAY at lunch. If you want your singlet and warm ups ordered on time you must attend. Bring a pen to write with. All returning wrestlers must attend.
ATHLETICS BULLETIN LAST Baseline Concussion test for fall student-athletes is today in Room 20 right after school. Hurry over so we can get you to practice!
ATHLETICS BULLETIN Are you ready for some Football?? One week from today we will host the SUHSD Football Jamboree at Rabobank! PRE-SELL tickets go on sale on Tuesday, August 15th at the Finance Office. You don't want to wait in any lines and miss the action, so buy those tickets early. Adults are $8, Students & Seniors are $5 and Children ages 7-12 are $3. Children 6 & under are free. Remember there is a $5 charge for parking at Rabobank, so carpool, walk, ride your bike, or skateboard your way over to the stadium for the first athletic event of the year!
ATHLETICS BULLETIN The Resource Counselor at Salinas High School will be doing a make up DRUG-FREE contract for fall student-athletes who are still trying to join cross country and football, so get to Salinas High School Room 119 on Tuesday for a 4 pm signing. Park on Geil Street and enter through the cathedral doors and turn left. You must attend with a parent/guardian.
Congratulations to this week’s Very Important Vikings Congratulations to this week’s Very Important Vikings! Thank you for following the Viking Creed! David Angel Sanchez selected by Mr. White (last three digits of ID# 306) Leah Rose Monsivais selected by Ms. Harrison (last three digits of ID# 105) Gustavo Lopez selected by Ms. Thomas (last three digits of ID# 776) Marycarmen Ponce selected by Mr. Coria (last three digits of ID# 227) And… Mr. White is our Very Important Viking staff member! Come by the main office today during lunch or after school to pick up your prize from Mrs. Jimenez!
Honor Yourself and Others VIKING CREED Never Give Up Stay Focused Honor Yourself and Others Stay Positive 1 minute Perales 14