Monet & Treviana HOA ― Construction Open House November 17, 2016 Bruce Schmith & Eric Adams, SANDAG
Project Timeline
Project Overview 26-mile route between Otay Mesa Port of Entry and Downtown San Diego 12 stations (6 in Chula Vista, 1 in Otay Mesa, and 5 in Downtown San Diego) Provides service to areas not currently served by rapid transit Offers mobility choices Connects to the region- wide Rapid network Service expected to begin in 2018
Corridor Improvements: Immediate & Future
Project Features Simulation A dozen Rapid stations are planned along the 26-mile route, like the one shown above along East Palomar Street near Magdalena Avenue. Simulation Simulation Six-miles of transit-only lanes are being constructed in the median of East Palomar Street from Interstate 805 to the South Bay Expressway and along Eastlake Parkway in Chula Vista.
Project Features cont. Simulation An elevated transit guideway bridge will be constructed over a portion of the transit corridor between Magdalena Avenue and Town Center Drive. Simulation Simulation The elevated transit guideway bridge will traverse the South Bay Expressway and include a pathway for walking and biking.
Construction Timing
Olympic Pky. to Heritage Rd. Construction Segment
Olympic Pky. to Birch Rd. Construction Segment
Monet TCE Acquisition - 14,828 sf Treviana TCE Acquisition - 10,603 sf Temporary Construction Easements (TCEs) Monet TCE Acquisition - 14,828 sf Treviana TCE Acquisition - 10,603 sf
Temporary Parking Lot
Sound Blankets
Guideway Bridge Simulation
Guideway Bridge Elevation
What to Expect During Construction
What to Expect During Construction cont. Temporary lane closures Reduced lane widths Some night and weekend work Sidewalk and pathway closures Vegetation/palm tree removal Restricted street parking Intermittent lights, noise, and dust Reduced speed limits
Questions? Construction Hotline: (888) 754-5062 Email: Webpage: