SLA San Diego Fall Seminar Round Table Discussion “Effective and Efficient: Designing a User Interface that Encourages Learning” Jamie Lin, September 2016
The Current Website (before redesign)
The LibraryU page houses Research Guides, Tutorials, and Webinar recordings. It’s organized by general topic: Foundations, Getting Started, Research Essentials It’s not bad, but it’s not dynamic, and it’s organized by librarians for librarians.
Questions How do our students/patrons ask for information? Let’s design the page so that it addresses the questions they ask us, instead of organizing it by things we think they should know. User behavior on the website. Do they click the links? How many times will they click to get to a resource? Maximum two clicks to find most tutorials. Common questions and their related tutorials will appear immediately. Require zero clicks. Location of and navigation to content Keep webinar content separate? Include a list of all tutorials
The Plan – LibraryU (tutorials) website redesign and new information literacy modules, Q3 & Q4 2016. The new tutorials page will include a new series of instructional modules that will cover the vast majority of questions we receive. Modular structure allows for easy customization of content for different courses. Full Tutorials (made of several modules) include: “How Do I Begin?” “Help! Need Article” “The Research Process”
IS SOMETHING NOT WORKING? (Technical Help Section) Add some text to show that these are tutorials Tutorials Add technical help section IS SOMETHING NOT WORKING? (Technical Help Section)
DRAFT Most Common Issues How Do I…? Start My Research Search and Find I don’t understand my assignment. How do I use the library? Help! Need article(s) Get Better Results Save and Organize Write and Cite What Is…? Can I use the internet for my research? I can’t find anything on my topic. How do I choose keywords? View All Tutorials Full tutorials on left hand navigation menu, short modules addressing specific need accessed via buttons. Webinars DRAFT
DRAFT How do I start my research? How Do I…? Start my research How Do I Begin? The Research Process How do I begin? How do I use the library? How do I know what I should write about? Research, Keywords, Databases: An Overview Choosing Keywords Search and Find Get Better Results How do I choose keywords? Save and Organize Write and Cite What Is…? View All Tutorials DRAFT
DRAFT How do I search and find… How Do I…? Start my research How do I find an article? How do I search for original research? How do I find an ebook? Help! Need Article How to Search For and Identify Original Research Database Search Tips Internet Research Get Better Results Save and Organize Write and Cite What Is…? View All Tutorials DRAFT
DRAFT How do I get better results? How Do I…? Start my research Find I’m not finding anything on my topic. How do I read a scholarly article? Choosing articles and revising results Choosing Articles & Revising Results Evaluating Sources How to Read a Scholarly Article Boolean Operators Using Database subject headings Truncation Literature Reviews Save and Organize Write and Cite DRAFT What Is…? View All Tutorials
DRAFT Writing Center Resources How Do I…? Start my research Find Get Better Results Format Paper Pick a Topic Cite in APA Save and Organize Saving , Organizing, and Citing Research Write and Cite Link to Writing Center external site How to write a good discussion post. What Is…? View All Tutorials DRAFT
DRAFT What Is… How Do I…? What Is…? Primary and Secondary Resources A Digital Library Research, Keywords, and Databases: An Overview Primary and Secondary Sources Scholarly, Popular, Credible Resources Subjective and Objective Statements Factual and Analytical Information A Digital Library Quick N Dirty – needs a new title Scholarly, Popular, and Credible View All Tutorials DRAFT
LibraryU tutorial page redesign in progress Play this video to see an example of what the new tutorial page will look like.
Tutorial Creation Philosophy Engaging – Students will click on one embedded link. If it is boring, they will not watch anything else. Interactive – Students answer questions, choose their path, library will explore adding assessment at end of tutorials. Adaptive – Format allows for students to go from one tutorial to the next, choosing what topics they want to explore.
Information Literacy Module: “How Do I Begin?” Interactive, Adaptive LEGEND New Tutorial Umbrella Main Sections New Content Modules Pre-Existing Resources
My search results suck. (The Research Blues) Modules connect to each other HELP! Need Article I have a research topic, but need held finding scholarly articles Have citation, need specific article My search results suck. (The Research Blues) How Do I Begin?
?? Please contact Jamie Lin