What’s New? Horticulture Handbook Changes Pensacola Flower Show Schools Symposium Allied Topic, 8 March 2017 Tina V. Tuttle
8.5”x11” size $25 + S&H from NGC— 13 in a box--- No quantity discount. Put your name in it or on it!! Effective date: July 1, 2017 No updates for 2 years!
Point Scoring Sheets for Horticulture Chapter 14, Scales of Points Only ONE Point Score Sheet for ALL cut, or container-grown Horticulture Specimens and Collections: Arboreal, Flowering, Foliage and Fruits/Vegetables and Nuts (HB p. 129) One Point Score Sheet for both Combination Plantings and Gardens. (HB p. 129) Still a Point Score Sheet for Displays. (HB p. 130)
Point Scoring Sheets/Scales of Points for Horticulture Added CONFORMANCE block to Criteria. Worth 5 points. All or nothing. “Peak of Perfection” replaces “Cultural Perfection”. Worth 75 points total. Includes Form, Color, Maturity/Size and Condition/Blemishes. Deleted “Substance” and “Texture”. Deleted “Distinction”. Actual point scoring forms found on NGC web site.
Horticulture Curriculum for Flower Show Schools (Chapter 13) Course 1 MUST be taken first! Attend 3 in 1 year. Deleted all “how to grow” information…no instruction on environmental factors (light, water, fertilizer, soils, etc). Course 4 no longer includes Collections and Displays. Those are now Symposium topics. Plants to study are limited to Arboreal, Cut and Container-grown, each taught twice and perhaps 3 times. Info found in (Green) Manual only, p. 3. Petite Horticulture now taught in Course 2 vice Course 4.
Botanical Arts Division Chapter 10 New Arboreal types: Fall Color: Trees and shrubs with recognized natural fall color interest; the majority of leaves should be firmly attached. (Oakleaf Hydrangea, Red Maple, Gingko, etc.) Winter Interest: Deciduous trees and shrubs with recognized natural winter color, form or textural interest. (Harry Lauder Walking Stick, Winterberry) Naturally Large Branches: Specimens which do not show the beauty of mature form within the 30” limit allowed for normal specimens. Schedule may set maximum limits on length such as 36”, 42”, 48”, etc, provided there is space for staging.
Botanical Arts Division Chapter 10 Dried and Preserved Specimens: Must be correctly named with binomial. No additional embellishments permitted but may use hairspray, Super Surface Sealer to prevent shattering of fragile seed heads, etc. Schedule determines quantity and classes (cones, gourds, seed heads/seedpods, foliage, flowers, glycerinized or skeletonized, pressed plant material).
Botanical Arts Division Chapter 10 Landscapes: Gardens-May be permanent or temporary. May be club or individual member’s project of home or public gardens. Size and description of allocated space must be stated in schedule. Garden must include living plants with any or all the following: structures, sculptures, rocks, furniture, other accessories, water feature/s. Each garden must have all plants labeled with botanical or current scientific designation. Judged by Combination Plantings Scale of Points.
Botanical Arts Division Chapter 10 Landscapes, continued: Container-Grown Miniature Gardens- A Miniature landscape/scene, such as a Fairy Garden or diorama, etc. All types of accessories permitted. Emphasis is not necessarily on plant material, but some live plant material must be included. Size and description of allocated space must be stated in schedule. Each specimen must be correctly and clearly labeled with name and location in the garden. (Single chart or individual placards). Judged by Combination Plantings Scale of Points.
Botanical Arts Division Chapter 10 Manipulated Plants: Espalier Topiary Grafted Cacti Any plant whose natural growth has been altered. (‘Lucky Bamboo’, braided Ficus, etc.) *Judged by Horticulture Scale of Points. *Botanical Arts entries do not count for exhibiting credits.
Other Notable Changes New Horticulture Specialty Show (HB p. 6-7): 10 classes, 40 exhibits, no designs permitted, new award. Arboreals must have been in exhibitor’s possession for 6 months vice 90 days (HB p. 55). Handbook no longer lists ‘Horticulture Favorites’…Handbook for Exhibiting and Judging is supplement to the Handbook. Exam passing score is now 75 vice 70. Unlimited Horticulture Section Awards can be given (HB p. 39). Single Glossary. Specific epithet replaces species in binomial name (HB p. 53) Minimal artificial plant material allowed for staging purposes (HB p. 3). Sub-dividing should be formed with 3 specimens.