Personality What is ‘Personality ? The dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychometric system that determine his / her unique adjustments to the environment. In the study of O. B., we can consider Personality’ as - ‘ The sum total of the ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others.
Personality Personality Determinants – It’s a matter of debate, whether Personality is predetermined at birth or it’s a result of individual’s interactions with his surroundings? There is no ‘Black-and-white’ answer to this question. The ‘Personality’ appears to be result of both influences. Over & above, third factor which influences ‘Personality’ is – ‘Situation’.
Personality Heredity – heredity refers to those factors which are contributed at the time of ‘conception’. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, gender, temperament, muscle composition, reflexes, energy level and biological rhythms are the characteristics which are substantially influenced from the parents This theory argues that the ultimate explanation to an individual’s personality is the molecular structure of the genes located in the chromosomes.
Personality Environment – As far ‘Personality’ is concerned, we can see that three main factors constitute ‘Environment’. They are – Culture – is the pattern or life-style in which are developed. Early Conditioning – The preferences our parents decided about the child in early stage. Experience – Right from the beginning, child starts gaining different ‘Experiences’ , knowingly or unknowingly. Such experience becomes ‘Mental environment’.
Personality Situation – ‘Situation’ influences ‘Personality’ , apart from ‘Heredity’ and ‘Environment’. Therefore, reaction of the same individual changes in different situations. Certain situations are more relevant than others in influencing ‘Personality’.
Personality Traits Personality Traits are those characteristics which are exhibited in a large number of situations. It’s more consistent pattern of behavior occurring more frequently in a diverse situations. The characteristics more commonly observed as his / her ‘Personality Trait’, are – Shyness, aggressiveness, submissive, lazy, ambitious, loyal and timid, etc.
Personality Traits The Myers-Briggs Type indicator – (MBTI) Is the most widely used ‘Personality-assessment’ instrument in the world. It’s a ‘100 Question personality Test’ (asking people as to how they usually feel or act in a particular situation). On the basis of the answers, as could be classified as – Extrovert or Introvert, Sensing or Intuitive, Thinking or feeling, Judging or Perceiving.
Personality Traits The ‘Big Five Model – The basic dimensions those underline all others and encompass most of the significant variations in human Personality’. They are – Extraversion – They tend to be assertive and sociable. (Introverts are Reversed) Agreeableness – It shows person’s propensity to agree with others. They are cooperative & trusting. Conscientiousness – Conscientious person is more reliable, responsible & dependable.
Personality Traits Emotional Stability – Individual’s ability to withstand ‘Stress’. People with positive ‘Emotional Stability’ are more calm, secure and self-confident. Openness to Experience – It’s an one’s range of interests and fascinations with novelty. Extremely open people are creative, curious and artistically sensitive.
Personality Traits Other Psychological Tests for Measuring ‘Personality Traits’ – 16 P F (Personality Factors) – D I S C ( Drive, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance) – Thomas Profiling – F I R O – B Belbin Team Role Profiling – Personality Assessment Preference Inventory ( P A P I) -