Knives and forks and pepper and salt What the ?!
Welcome: T.R.I.Y.A. Sailing Tup Radford, an Old Boy of Scots, wanted to give all Wellington area college age students a bigger boat to learn to sail in. A remarkable asset.
TRIYA runs… Learn to Sail. E.O.T.C . Teams Racing: Goal, Local Champs then Nationals April 2018 Advanced fleet sailing. Goal, Nationals March 2018 Naval Point YC.
Learn to Sail for those College age, that missed out on Opti LTS Learn to Sail for those College age, that missed out on Opti LTS. Extension for those that did Opti.
Teams Racing. Tactical, Close racing, Rules application. Planning ahead Decision making Execution and Response. Imaging the value in fleet racing. Eg Buoy room set up and response.
We invite students from all colleges around Greater Wellington
Winter and Summer Programs
Lots of SKILL work.… Moving together in the tack
Teams racing: 3 v 3 boats STARTING tactics The tight racing sharpens your rules application…
Lots of Strategy.
Lots of Safety and get sailing again techniques
Learn key Flags !
Adjustments: what and when to adjust Capsize and recovery techniques TEAMS Racing Program: Rigging and Boat set up, Adjustments: what and when to adjust Capsize and recovery techniques Starts and starting tactics Rules and rules application. Speed control to create situations. Eg Mark traps. Boat handling, mark rounding. Tactics, Boat positioning. Magic number 10, Racing. Teams Racing is about the APPLICATION of the rules to gain advantage for your team. The very close short racing forces teams to plan and execute rules for boat position or avoidance decisions. AWESOME SKILLS
8 Teams : Local Champs April 2018 Evans Bay. Goal, 8 Teams : Local Champs April 2018 Evans Bay. 2 teams : Nationals April 2018, Taupo Teams Racing 2017 Goal achieved Personally amazed at the acceleration of knowledge and application . Committed sailors , knowledgeable , skillful, confident. Great coaches at TRIYA.
Wellington (Paremata) team to Teams Racing Nationals 2016 Wellington (Paremata) team to Teams Racing Nationals 2016. Bronze to half way in silver fleet. VERY PROUD
Sailing nicely: Speed v height. Winter Program and summer blocks, GOAL: to extend a group of experienced young sailors to perform creditably at National Competition
Double Luff Spinnaker handling
12 Much better. Trapeze skills
Trapeze Skills.
Racing tactics. : gybe inside and soak down
Great skills for progressing into the E6 Youth Scheme. What do I do NOW ???? Great skills for progressing into the E6 Youth Scheme. 17. It can be close, Learn the rules of sailing.
19. Start line tactics in big fleets, mixed fleets and small fleets
Team work is big here, we work together to launch and retrieve the RIB
So. Why is 420 so good for the job.
Olympic Sailors learned skills in 420: Peter Burling Blair Tuke Alex Maloney Olivia Powrie Jo Aleh Jason Saunders Paul Snow-Hansen and more !
So What did they learn as 14 to 18 year olds in 420 class. Boat and rig set up. Inter relation of the parts of rig, sails, hull, foils and optimising the relationships. Double luff kite. Teamwork
All parts are interrelated All parts are interrelated. Understanding how rig works… Eg Windy day C of E – boat balance - cunno - Rake – jib fairlead – Jib luff tension – rig tension - Spreader effective angle- prebend – leech tension – vang & cunno - mainsail twist - pointing speed and height - centreboard rake - C of E
Fleet Racing Regatta Course covers: Technical rigging set up and adjustments Pre-race routines Starting in big fleets (mixed class and one class fleets) Boat handling for big fleets, first beat decisions. Tacking and gybing for speed. Trapeze techniques Spinnaker handling (double-luff, Pole spinnaker) Boat speed vs height decisions. - modes Mark rounding tactics and techniques Using the rules. Capsize and recovery techniques Weather systems, geography, wind oscillations. Wind variations and “local knowledge”, sailing in the Nationals course area. Fitness.
Prestart check Start sequence 420 10 Kite set check. Tack Angles up course Kite sheets set. Line Bias TIME Transit 5 Course Flag 4 cunningham Vang set Plate angle Venturi 1 Jib sheet Free SPACE 30 Weather sheet set 15 Hook Up Wire Gone. Prestart check
Pathway 420 sailing at TRIYA Pole, double luff spinnaker handling. Tight close racing, rules applications are paramount in teams events and training. Makes TRIYA program a natural pre-requisite to the E6 Youth Scheme that runs to U23 age.
Pathway Pole-Double Luff spinnaker Obvious step to keel boat sailing Rigging and boat set up… Required understanding of many adjustments on the 420 makes it an ideal trainer for any boat you move into.
Pathway Types of courses – trapezoid, triangles in 420 sailing. Greater range of tactical decisions required with the double luff spinnaker. Go high and set ? Go low, set and dump ? Just go and hope ?
GOAL for current program : Goal achieved : 4 of 5 boats offered place in NZ team. NZL Nationals 9-12 March 2017 in Evans Bay. Selection for Worlds…?
420 International class World Championship, 15-23 December 2017 Freemantle AUS . Congratulations on Selection: Andre VanDam, Fin Georgeson: Daniel Winsley, Ryan Tait: Hamish & Alex Edwards: Darby Georgeson, Helena Terry:
TRIYA enrol on the website, Learn to Sail, Teams racing, Advanced Fleet racing Or Talk to Phil.