Increasing engagement on Twitter with #MyWorkingWeek
#MyWorkingWeek Idea to help humanise our Twitter presence, create more conversations and make further meaningful connections online Give control of our Twitter account to a member of 1000 Lives Improvement Staff They share insights into their work and make connections with people that are relevant to them People can see more of the work we do Our staff can reach more people Tactics Guidelines Content plans Blogs and Storify round-ups Analysing: tracking influence, engagement rates, conversation and highlights Rotation curation idea for our organisation, taking inspiration from accounts like: @Sweden, @Ireland, @londonisyours, @cardiffisyours and @PeopleofNZ
#MyWorkingWeek - guidelines Dos and Don’ts Do Sign off your Tweets with your initials – e.g. for Will Barker, tweets would be signed off ‘-WB’ or ‘^WB’ Engage in interesting and meaningful conversations about your working week and wider work. Tweet outside of working hours, but keep it about work – this is a week of work insights, not how you like spaghetti Bolognese on Tuesdays and sausage casserole on Thursdays. Promote your great work. It’s absolutely fine to promote your work during the week – it’s what we do normally on Twitter on your behalf and we encourage you to share what you’re proud of and tell people why you’re proud of it. Check that you’re tweeting from the right account if you’re not talking about work. Don’t Say nothing. The idea is to share your experiences; from thoughts about meetings you’ve just had (as long as they are not confidential or sensitive) to events or conferences you might be attending, so make sure you say something! Be afraid to share your opinion – but ensure it is informed and respectful to others, and in line with our social media policy. Change the password to the account or alter settings/bio information. If you feel there is a need to change details for whatever reason, please ask the communications team. Respond to organisational questions on our behalf – the communications team will be monitoring the account and will answer questions relating to the wider activity of 1000 Lives Improvement. Created a set of guidelines that would work through with each member of staff – trying to take into account that staff at different levels of Twitter use, so not top level but not patronising Living, breathing document that has been added to already – hadn’t put anything in about Rting Consisted of reasons behind the project what’s in it for me as comms and in it for them as a staff member, logistics around when and how the passwords will be handed over to the member of staff
#MyWorkingWeek - guidelines Top tips Be yourself. Be friendly, helpful, informative and respectful. Ask questions, answer questions addressed to you and encourage conversation. Promote your work. Use the 1000 Lives resources like blog posts you have written or web pages to link to your work. Let your online community know you’re taking part. Tell your Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections this is happening and encourage them to get involved with your week. Tell your colleagues during the week. Make sure if you are tweeting about a meeting you have had, they would be happy for you to do so and again, encourage them to get involved with your week.
#MyWorkingWeek – data capture What are we measuring? Total Impressions Monday to following Sunday Follower increase – both on ours and on staff member account Follower drop off Replies Favourites RTs Link clicks Engagement rate %
#MyWorkingWeek – Impressions
#MyWorkingWeek – RTs Interesting the Rts reflect how the user uses the account Week 3 – Chris Hancock – large following, influential on Twitter and generates lots of RTs on his own account – doesn’t ahve much conversation, usually just people agree with his thoughts and share – just the nature of of different accounts What we saw in Chris’ week was a much lower reply rate, which isn’t great for our MyWorkingWeek aim – but the impressions weren’t effected and the following wasn’t either – learning from this was that it’s difficult to get established Twitter users to use it differently to how they usually do, even if it’s for an experiement. Not detrimental to our account or the project as a whole, but can take that into consideration with our next week – think how they use their accoutn day to day and how that might reflect during MyWorkingWeek.
#MyWorkingWeek – Followers
#MyWorkingWeek – Replies
#MyWorkingWeek Learning and outcomes Comms Shaping how we use our Twitter account More questions, giving us more content for the future Staff information that will influence how they progress with their work etc. They reach more people, tell more people about their work and engage some potentially useful contacts for the future Wider – Internal value for social and digital Talking and thinking about the benefits of social media See what it has helped them achieve through their week – connecting with people, learning and sharing Drip feed effect for more digital and social interaction Rotation curation idea for our organisation, taking inspiration from accounts like: @Sweden, @Ireland, @londonisyours, @cardiffisyours and @PeopleofNZ Learning COMMS Shaping how we use our Twitter account More questions, giving us more content for the future STAFF information that will influence how they progress with their work etc. They reach more people, tell more people about their work and engage some potentially useful contacts for the future WIDER – INTERNAL EFFECTS Talking and thinking about the benefits of social media See what it has helped them achieve through their week – connecting with people, learning and sharing Drip feed effect for more digital and social interaction
#MyWorkingWeek – next steps Keep applying the learning to the next account holder Take the best bits from each account holder and apply to account 24/7 Continue to seed more social and digital bits and pieces to staff Look wider than 1000 Lives Improvement for #MyWorkingWeek Apply #MyWorkingWeek to a different organisation – would/could your organisation do something similar? A week, a day, an afternoon? Questions? Rotation curation idea for our organisation, taking inspiration from accounts like: @Sweden, @Ireland, @londonisyours, @cardiffisyours and @PeopleofNZ Learning COMMS Shaping how we use our Twitter account More questions, giving us more content for the future STAFF information that will influence how they progress with their work etc. They reach more people, tell more people about their work and engage some potentially useful contacts for the future WIDER – INTERNAL EFFECTS Talking and thinking about the benefits of social media See what it has helped them achieve through their week – connecting with people, learning and sharing Drip feed effect for more digital and social interaction