Gallery Walk Tape your poster on the wall Everyone will get one post-it notes Gallery Walk (5 mins) Find a posters you really like and write a positive comment on your post-it then stick it on the poster ***EVERYONE SHOULD REACT POSITIVELY TO THEIR CLASSMATES***
Learning Focus Silently read the Learning Focus on page 4. Circle anything you think might be important Answer Essential Questions 1 and 2 on page 5 Think-Pair-Share Quilting Bubble Map Graphic Organizer pg. 6
My Mother Pieced Quilts In the poem the speaker uses images of quilts and quilting to show connections to bother her mother and her heritage as a Mexican American Interesting fact: Quilts were originally necessary objects, but over time they have become cherished cultural objects. Today, quilting is considered an important form of artistic expression.
My Mother Pieced Quilts Read the poem draw an illustration for each stanza which you will then share with your group Group discussion: Why is this memory significant to the speaker? How does the poet use imagery to convey the significance of the memory?
Identify: Topic of the poem Purpose of the poem Occasion
My Mother Pieced Quilts Reread the poem Each group has a responsibility for identifying the following in the poem: Nouns—yellow Verbs—blue Adjectives—orange Adverbs—green Pronouns—purple Articles--circle
My Mother Pieced Quilts Select one noun, one verb, one adjective, and one adverb Look each word up in the dictionary to give the denotations (meanings) of the word Then give as many connotations (suggestions/feelings with that word) as you can
My Mother Pieced Quilts Using the same words give 3 synonyms for each (you may use a thesaurus) Explain why you think Acosta chose the particular word she did rather than one of the synonyms Explain how the poem would be affected if Wright had used one of the synonyms
My Mother Pieced Quilts Pick the most significant word in the poem regardless of its part of speech, and discuss why you think this one word is so important Answer questions 3-4 on page 9 with your group