Diabetic foot ulcers & DCH Adeel Ghaffar Consultant Diabetologist
Topics History of DCH service and developments National Diabetic Foot Audit Challenges Primary care/community care
New referrals to DCH Foot ulcer service
DCH Foot service timeline
DCH Foot service timeline
Numbers of amputations at DCH
Numbers of amputations at DCH
National Diabetes Foot Audit
National Diabetes Foot Audit DCH 6% >14/7 DCH 63%
NDFA Audit
NDFA data regarding ulcer healing
‘Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.’ Don Berwick
Challenges 42 week podiatry agreement with Dorset Healthcare- workforce and financial constraints Improve time to access CSR re-percussions Clinic re-configuration Walk-in service?
Risk of ulcers Low Risk Active Ulcer High Risk
Advice for pts Simple measures prevent ulcers: footwear, moisturising Foot checks +/- referral promptly High risk if neuropathy + callus and/or deformity
Questions? Advice?