“The Most Dangerous Game” Test Review World Literature I
These questions will appear in multiple choice format and be worth 3 points each. “The Most Dangerous Game” can best be described as what? What is the first significant event in the story? Why doesn’t Zaroff consider his sport immoral? What events or statements add suspense to the plot? What is Zaroff’s problem with hunting? At the beginning of the story, how does the author create suspense? Why does the General study Rainsford during their first dinner together?
These questions will appear in multiple choice format and be worth 3 points each. When does Rainsford first realize that he is going to be the prey? What defeats Zaroff? (besides Rainsford) What occurs at the resolution of the story? To what can Rainsford attribute his success? Know these vocabulary words from the story: Deplorable Scrupulous/Scruples Solicitously
Compare and contrast Sanger Rainsford and General Zaroff. Open Ended Response: worth 15 points You must have not only an accurate answer, but also the required format. Compare and contrast Sanger Rainsford and General Zaroff. What qualities do they have in common? What qualities do they not share? Right now, to prepare for this essay, draw a Venn diagram as a prewriting strategy. Rainsford Both Zaroff