Wednesday, April 19th
Agenda English 3: Honors: Collections: “Food Product Design” Short Story: “Most Dangerous Game”
English 3 Collections: “Food Product Design” Pg. 359 – 368 Analyze the Text, Pg. 370 #1 – 7 All work from Monday, yesterday, and today are due by Friday for a grade. When you have finished all 3, please staple them together in order and turn them in to the bin. Monday: Close Reader: “The Yuckiest Food In the Amazon” Pg. 83 – 90, #1, 2, 4, 5, 7, & 8 Yesterday: Collections: “from The Jungle” Pg. 351 – 355, Analyze the Text #1 – 5, 7
Honors Announcement: Today: If you have a project and have not presented it yet, I need to see you TODAY during Office Hours. Other wise I will have to enter your IRP grade in as a ‘0’ for the Progress Reports today. Today: We are finally beginning our creative writing/ short story unit! We will spend the next few days reading some short stories in order to see how different authors use different writing styles, genres, and techniques in order to effectively tell a story. Today’s focus: The effective use of tone. We are going to read Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” We will discuss the story after we finish reading it.