Abandoning Adultery Matthew 5:27-30
Introduction Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus fulfills the Law Jesus warns against relaxing the Law Jesus “raises the bar” of the Law
The Origins of Marriage Genesis 1:27-28 & 2:23-24 Marriage was God’s idea God’s design for marriage is between a man and a woman. Sex is a sacred gift from God God established sex within the confines of marriage God gave us sex for a purpose(s) Reproduction/multiplication Pleasure Oneness with our spouse
The Gospel and Marriage Ephesians 5:25-32 Marriage is a picture of the Gospel
The Law – v. 27 Adultery = ANY pre-marital or extra-marital OR any promiscuous, sexual activity “You shall not commit adultery” – Exodus 20:14
Raising the Bar – v. 28 Jesus just raised the bar of the Law And He just implicated us all “looks intently” ≠ glance Purpose of lusting; feeding the inner sensual appetites Sexual impurity begins in the desires of the heart Adultery is a HEART problem The reason we sin in lusting and adultery is because we are NOT satisfied in Jesus
Adultery is destructive Proverbs 6:32 – “he who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself.”
Stats on Pornography Porn sites comprise 12% of the internet Every minute US$184,500 is spent on porn Nearly US$14 million is spent on porn annually 28,258 people view porn every second 1/4 of internet searches are for porn 1/6 women struggle with pornography Approx. 40% of pastors view porn regularly The largest users of porn are teenage boys 70% of young adult men view porn at least once per month 90% of teenagers have viewed pornography Source: churchm.ag
Establishing Guardrails – vv.29-30 Andy Stanley - www.northpoint.org/messages/guardrails What preventative measures are you using to avoid destruction? Purify the desires of your heart Yielding to the Holy Spirit’s sanctification Centering your life on the gospel of Jesus Christ Discipline the actions of your body Making wise choices Establishing boundaries
Decide on a biblical view of love, marriage, and sex Never allow yourself to be alone with a person of opposite gender Determine purity in your life…be stubborn Feed on the Word…be satisfied in Christ “Be satisfied with the wife of your youth” Internet boundaries Look away, discipline your mind Dress & act with modesty Others…