Congratulations Class of 2016!!! “Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you will go.” Four Tips for Graduates
1. Understand the time value of money. Two Examples: Example 1: At 30 years old, $200 invested/mo at 7% interest at 60 years old = $244,000 Example 2: At 20 years old, $200 invested/mo at 7% interest at 60 years old = $525,000 Difference: $281,000 more; more than double!!!! This is the ONLY time you’ll have this much time on your side. Proverbs 13:11 Whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
PERSON A PERSON B $2,288,996 $1,532,166 Age Invested Total 19 $2,000 $2,240 $0 20 $4,749 21 $7,558 22 $10,706 23 $14,230 24 $18,178 25 $22,599 26 $27,551 27 $30,857 30 $43,352 35 $76,802 $33,097 40 $134,646 $72,559 45 $237,293 $142,104 50 $418,191 $264,665 55 $736,995 $480,660 60 $1,298,837 $861,317 65 $2,288,996 $1,532,166 $16,000 $78,000
2. Enjoy the season you’re in We spend years looking forward to the next season: “Can’t wait to get to high school.” “Can’t wait to graduate high school.” “Can’t wait to get to college.” “Can’t wait to graduate college.” “Can’t wait to get married.” “Can’t wait to have kids.” Then we spend years saying, “I wish I could go back to when I was ____.” Enjoy the season you’re in: Philippians 4:11 I have learned to be content in whatever season I am in.
3. Be content with what you have Solomon experienced everything the world has to offer: Power: ruled all the nations of the earth Popularity: the whole world brought him gifts each year Wealth: so much gold silver became worthless Entertainment: parties around the clock in the palace Relationships: 700 wives and 300 mistresses More money, power, & fame make us want more money, power & fame. He wrote a book of the Bible about his experiences: Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Ecclesiastes 6:7 Men’s appetites are never satisfied.
4. Understand the Purpose of the Ten Commandments Two verses: Romans 3:20 Nobody is good by obeying the Law (Ten Commandments). The Law simply shows us how sinful we are. Galatians 3:11 Nobody can be made right with God by trying to obey the Law (Ten Commandments) Why don’t the Ten Commandments make anyone good? Answer: Because nobody follows them!
Let’s take a simple test and see… If you’ve loved anyone or anything more than God you had an ____ in your life making you an ________. (#1 & 2) If you’ve taken God’s name in vain you’re a _________ (#3) If you’ve ever disobeyed your parents you’re a ______. (#5) If you’ve hated someone you’re a ________. (#6) 1 John 3:15 Anyone who hates his brother has committed murder in his heart. If you’ve lusted you’re an _________. (#7) Matthew 5:28 Anyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in his heart. If you’ve stolen you’re a _____. (#8) If you’ve lied you’re a ____. (#9) If you’ve ever wanted something that didn’t belong to you you’re a _______. (#10)
So who can go to heaven? Romans 3:10 Nobody is good; not one single person. Galatians 2:21 I do not disregard the grace of God, because if I could be good by obeying the Law, Christ died for nothing. Here’s the Gospel (or Good News): Acts 13:39 Everyone who believes in Jesus is declared good – something the Law (or Ten Commandments) could never do.