Mrs. Cegers-Coleman’s Class Expectations Winner’s Pact Mrs. Cegers-Coleman’s Class Expectations
1. Thank you for being prompt. Winners line up outside the door quietly (not leaning against the wall or blocking the hallway) Enter the room quietly Read the Bellwork on the board and immediately begin working on the assignment(s)individually (on their own) before the bell rings.
2. Thank you for being prepared. When you have your name tag, STUDENT PLANNER, pencil or pen, notebook/binder, any keyboarding papers, clean notebook paper, and completed assignments DAILY you don’t have to miss out on the learning experience. Winners are always prepared.
3. Thank you for being respectful of your classmates. When you keep your hands, feet, books, personal belongings and all other objects to yourself, you allow everyone the maximum opportunity for growth. To keep our classroom discussions orderly, winners listen to others without interrupting and raise their hand to question or respond, and speak clearly. Winners use the pencil sharpener, one person at a time, before or after class discussions so that the person speaking does not have to speak over the sound of a pencil being sharpened.
When coughing or sneezing, please do so in your arm When coughing or sneezing, please do so in your arm. If you cough or sneeze in your hands, please wash them and/or use hand sanitizer to avoid spreading germs. Also, by not swearing, not using rude gestures, not teasing, not putting down others, and not name calling, you show the good in yourself. A winner knows that when you tear down others, you tear down yourself, as well. A winner knows that you can have everything you want in life if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want.
4. Thank you for being respectful of Mrs. Cegers-Coleman. When you follow directions the first time they are given, you (a winner) rise to the top because you don’t have to be told more than once. Winners never talk back to the teacher. A winner knows that much more can be accomplished by calmly discussing a situation to come to a mutually accepted solution. Winners raise their hands and wait to be recognized by the teacher before speaking so class remains orderly. Winners use good manners like saying, “Please, Thank you, Yes Ma’am, No Ma’am,” etc. instead of “Huh?, What?, Yeah, Naw,” etc.
When a guest is in the room to speak with Mrs When a guest is in the room to speak with Mrs. Cegers-Coleman or a student, and when someone is speaking on the intercom, winners remain quiet. Keep working until the bell rings at the end of class to have maximum typing time. After being dismissed by the teacher, winners put chairs back in the proper position before leaving class. Winners show respect for authority.
5. Thank you for being neat and organized. Winners put things back where they belong so they will be easier to find the next time they are needed, and winners dispose of their trash in one of the two waste baskets in the room and recycle white paper by placing it in the recycle bin before or after class discussions. This is a basic rule of time management used by all winners. Winners keep all unneeded materials on the floor underneath your station, not in the floor, not in an empty seat, not on top of the cabinet, etc. By making sure our hands are clean and by leaving food and drinks (and other liquids) outside the classroom, we as winners can sit in dry chairs, use unblemished materials, and keep our hardware and software in working order.
6. Thank you for being responsible. We are very fortunate to have equipment, furniture, and materials that will provide you with the opportunity to learn and to develop skills which you can use for the rest of your life. Winners leave the blue cardboard keyboard covers in place AT ALL TIMES, unless Mrs. Cegers-Coleman instructs you to move them Winners get Mrs. Cegers-Coleman permission before making changes to any equipment in this computer lab. Winners write on appropriate materials instead of cabinets, countertops, mouse pads, etc. Winners appreciate and take responsibility for the equipment and materials they use.
Winners take care of their personal needs between classes or before or after school to avoid missing important class time, but you are allowed up to three emergency bathroom passes (without penalty) per nine weeks during class time if necessary. Before class starts winners let Mrs. Cegers-Coleman or a nearby adult know that they are going to the bathroom, to get water, etc. to avoid being counted tardy even if the tardy bell rings, as long as they make it to class within the first two minutes of class. Winners DO NOT ABUSE THIS PRIVILEGE by trying to come to class after the tardy bell rings on a regular basis.
Winners operate their own equipment (keyboard, mouse, etc. ) Winners operate their own equipment (keyboard, mouse, etc.). If a neighbor needs help with something on his/her computer, for example, you may tell them or show them what to do by pointing out where they should click or what they should press. However, you should LET THEM DO IT FOR THEMSELVES since each student should operate only his/her equipment, no one else's.
Winners do not play with the handle to move their chair up or down unnecessarily, for example. Do not bounce or spin in the chairs, either. Winners do not spin in the chairs or roll across the floor, for example. Instead they get up and walk to wherever they need to go to avoid damaging the waxed floors.
Winners make sure assignments are turned in completed and on time Winners make sure assignments are turned in completed and on time. When winners get behind on their work in this class, they complete it during study hall and/or after they eat lunch. When winners miss class time for any reason (absences, bathroom, being called to the office, etc.) they read the daily agenda on the board to know what assignments were missed and the due dates so they avoid consequences of not completing all assignments but instead benefit from the opportunity to learn what they missed so that they remain caught up with all work. Winners who are absent complete missed work before the number of days they missed has passed which helps them stay on the right track with the rest of the class.
When someone comes to the door in this room, whoever is sitting closest to the door should open it, only after the teacher tells them to open it. If you need to leave the room during classtime, but plan to return, do not prop the door open. (If you are ever in an active shooter situation, remember to RUN, HIDE, FIGHT!)
Cellular phones and other electronic equipment must be turned off from first bell to the last bell of the day UNLESS by teacher directive. The consequence for the first time a cell phone rings in the classroom is a warning, and the student should turn off the phone. The consequence for the second time a cell phone rings in the classroom is an office referral. The first time a student is using a cell phone for non-academic reasons (texting, listening to music, etc.) is an immediate office referral.
After school students must be off campus before they can use the phone After school students must be off campus before they can use the phone. If a student needs to call or text a parent, they should get permission from the teacher first (allow them to step aside and use the phone). Students on cell phones (without permission) after school in the bus/car holding area, should receive a warning. After the warning if a student refuses to put away the phone, an office discipline referral form should be completed. These guidelines apply to any electronic device.
7. Thank you for being trustworthy and honest. When winners make mistakes, they take responsibility for their actions instead of blaming others, and try to learn from the mistakes. When you use your materials and do your own work, you are demonstrating the qualities of character, honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. Winners know these are important qualities for success.
Please recite together: I plan to follow all rules, classroom expectations, and instructions that Mrs. Cegers-Coleman gives me.