Welcome to Year 4!
Start of the Day Children can arrive at school any time between 8:40 and 8:55am. We encourage them to come in independently and to start their early morning work. This may be correcting mistakes from the previous day’s work, trying out a challenge or reading quietly. The register starts at 8:55 am and closes at 9.05. Anyone arriving after 9.00 is marked as late in the register and after 9.05, they will have been marked as absent.
Topics Autumn 1 Africa Autumn 2 Race to the South Pole Spring 1 & 2 Anglo Saxons Summer 1 The Human Body Summer 2 The Stone Age
Maths Abacus Variety of methods taught Abacus assessments at end of half terms (arithmetic and problem solving) Times tables 12 x 12 Differentiated activities (chilli levels)
P.E. Swimming: Children need to bring: a one piece swimming costume or swimming trunks (not long shorts) swimming hat (this is a rule from Abbey pool) Towel (no shampoo or shower gel) We will be swimming after Christmas. Kit: Children will need: - A change of t-shirt - A change of trousers or shorts - A change of shoes for outdoor P.E Long hair must be tied back, so come prepared with a hair band in kits. Any jewellery must be removed, other than stud earrings.
P.E. Jade Class: Sapphire Class: Indoor P.E. Wednesday Outdoor P.E. Tuesday Sapphire Class: Indoor P.E. Wednesday Outdoor P.E. Monday Indoor P.E. consists of dance, gymnastics and swimming (after Christmas on Wednesdays). Outdoor P.E. consists of invasion games, athletics and Outdoor Adventure Activities.
Other Subjects French is on Thursdays (Parkside Coleridge Federation) Music is on a Wednesday in Sapphire Class with Mr Ecclestone (Netherhall) Jade class will have Mr Ecclestone later on in the year. Ukuleles with Mr Boyd (Fridays). Sapphire for first half of the year, Jade for second half.
Homework Homework is given out on a Thursday and is due in on the following Tuesday. The children will receive a Homework Menu to choose one English and one Maths task from each week. They are related to topics we are covering this term. The children will also receive spelling homework each week. Long term homework is given out at the start of each half term. It will be linked to the topic, and will usually involve making something creative! This gives the children a chance to do some extra research on the topic at home.
Spellings Each half term, the children learn spelling rules or patterns. They then take home ten words to work on. The spelling rule is included in the list, along with other key words. There will be spelling tests most weeks. Do not worry too much about the results of spelling tests – instead, support your child in developing their understanding of the rules being used.
Anything else? PPA Jade Class –Tuesday Sapphire Class – Tuesday morning Questions or queries Contact the office to make an appointment.