Miss Lyall – P1a Miss Allan - P1b Mrs Flockhart/Miss Davidson - P1c Primary One Miss Lyall – P1a Miss Allan - P1b Mrs Flockhart/Miss Davidson - P1c
Maths / Numeracy Main Focus Number Words and Numerals Number Structures Addition and Subtraction Early Multiplication and Division (later) Maths - time, shape, money, patterns Problem Solving Homework Resources used Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning (SEAL) Midlothian Understanding Mathematics Programme (MUMP)
Literacy Main Focus Developing listening and talking skills (eye contact, when and what is appropriate) Phonics - blending and segmenting words. Correct letter formation Build sight vocabulary (key/common words) Foundations of Writing then progress to independent writing. Homework French Resources used Jolly Phonics Oxford ReadingTree books/ Floppy Phonics Picture Books
Music and RME –specialists Nativity Term 1 Topics Living Things: Planting for sensory garden, growing/ life cycles People Who Help Us: within school and our community Science Week - October Literacy and Languages week - November Structured Play: linked to learning outcomes Art Drawing and painting Health and Well Being Golden Rules Hygiene- hand washing P.E Fitness, Basic Moves Music and RME –specialists Nativity
Term 2 Topics Toys and Materials: floating and sinking/ pushing and pulling. Old Dalkeith: people and places in the past Art Collage Health and Well Being Cool in School Hygiene- looking after our bodies Technology: -Beebots P.E and RME specialists
Term 3 Topics Planet earth: Sun, Moon and Stars Art The Work of Artists. Health and Well Being Cool in School Keeping Myself Safe Sports Day P.E and RME specialists
Behaviour Great Day -Warning -Thinking Time -Loss of Golden Time - Can bring own toy on Fridays only to play with as treat.
Housekeeping P.E : shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes. Names on EVERYTHING please, including hats/scarves. Only water during class time. Juice during milk time if preferred. Milk sent home if not drunk in school. One snack is sufficient. Healthy snacks encouraged. Homework bags to be brought to school every day.