Welcome to Year Four
Who is Who? Mrs Chapman and Miss Mellin are the Year Four class teachers. Mrs Heming is also supporting Year Four children. All children receive Quality First Teaching, differentiated according to their ability. We will support some children, sometimes individually, sometimes in groups on areas of the curriculum where they would benefit from extra help. Mrs Berry and Mrs Morley will cover PPA time on Wednesday afternoon.
Our Timetable A copy of the timetable is available for you to take away. Please be aware that this is not set in stone! This is for the first term and as such includes one PE slot plus a swimming slot for Elm class. Elm class will finish swimming at Christmas. After Easter Maple class will begin their swimming sessions. On occasion, we may have a day of science, or a week of D.T. etc, depending on the tasks involved.
Homework Reading to be done at least 3 times per week if possible. Spellings will be given out weekly and then tested the following week. The termly passport system for literacy and maths is still in place and the children are to bring in their pieces as and when they have been completed. Remember it is expected that children complete at least 4 of the activities.
Reading Bookmarks The children have all received a reading bookmark. When they have read up to a page this is be written down on the first sheet. When they have completed the whole book then it can be recorded on the last piece of paper.
Our New Curriculum Autumn Term 1 2017 – Journey / Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Geography, DT, ICT, Science, French and RE will be covered through our theme where possible Literacy work will often tie in too
Twice a week– PE and games kit Physical Education Twice a week– PE and games kit PE-indoor Monday (Elm have swimming instead) PE-outdoor Thursday (Wednesday Autumn 1 due to Year 3 having forest school)
Winter Games Kit PE Kit Plain tracksuit White T-shirt Trainers Green shorts Black plimsolls Winter Games Kit Plain tracksuit Trainers
Targets Your child will have a English and maths target each term. Targets will be given at parent’s evening so that you can help. Please do not hesitate to come in and ask for any advice or resources to help your child achieve their targets.
Behaviour A high standard of behaviour is, as you know, expected at all times. Behaviour system – red, amber, green Be assured that incidents that happen between children in school will be dealt with as we feel appropriate. We will usually not involve parents. More serious incidents may require a brief meeting with parents. Please feel free to speak to us if you have any worries of concerns regarding your child.
How can you help? Support with homework and spelling activities, revisiting spellings over the week. Aim to hear your child read at least three times a week. Let us know if there are any significant changes at home. Medication- you need to complete a form from the office. Encourage your child to be independent – taking responsibility for own uniform, water bottle etc.
Sayers Croft In Year 4 the children have the wonderful opportunity to go to Sayers Croft. We are going to be going at the beginning of May – it is a wonderful experience and the children gain so much from this. We have letters for you all to sign up. There will be a more detailed session about Sayers Croft nearer the time.
Thank You Thank you for attending and we look forward to getting to know you all!