Sports, Extracurricular Activities and P. E Sports, Extracurricular Activities and P.E. Information Fairfield Middle School
Must have physical to stay for tryouts. Fall Sports Football Boys’ Soccer Girls’ Basketball Girls’ Tennis Tryouts begin Wednesday Sept. 6th 3:30-5:30 Must have physical to stay for tryouts.
Winter Sports Tryouts begin Monday Nov. 13th 3:30-5:30 Boys’ Basketball Gymnastics Wrestling
Spring Sports Tryouts begin Tuesday March 20th 3:30-5:30 Baseball Girls’ Soccer Softball Boys’ Tennis Track and Field
Eligibility Eligibility Must have a HCPS Sports Physical. Physicals must be completed by a physician after May 1, 2017 for a student to be able to tryout for the 2017-2018 school year. Must have a signed HCPS Student-Athlete Concussion Policy on file with the Athletic Director. Must have medical insurance. (policy # on physical form) All grade levels can tryout/participate. Must maintain a 2.0 GPA
Why Get Involved? Build leadership skills Connect to FMS Form new friendships with a variety of people Learn new skills Showcase your talents
When and Where… Most clubs begin meeting in October. The frequency of the meetings depends on the organization. Transportation must be provided by the family.
Extracurricular Clubs and Activities Leadership Interest/Skill Service Alpha Academy (boys) Art Club Do Something Club Delta Academy (girls) Book Club Jr. Beta Go For the Goal Chess Club SCA – Student Council Association Drama Club Destination Imagination (DI) FBLA - Business FCCLA – Family, Community, Career Forensics (Speech/Debate) French Club Model UN Newspaper TSA - Technology Yearbook
Steps to SUCCESS in Middle School Health & Physical Education Here at FMS we have 5 HPE teachers. Follow the directions of ALL HPE teachers. First day of class please report to the main gym and look for your teacher’s bleacher section. Lock up ALL your personal belongings (clothes, jewelry, money, laptops, cell phones etc.) . ALL students are issued a locker and lock for their personal belongings. Students must use a school issued V54 lock included in the required $5.00 PE fee. Learn to use a combination lock before school starts. Classes will begin to dress out for P.E. the second week of school.
What do I wear for P.E. class? Students are expected to dress out each day when in physical education. FMS students should bring a pair of athletic shorts and a t- shirt to wear for PE. Students are required to change clothes for PE class. It is not good personal hygiene to participate in P.E. class with the clothes you wear to your academic classes. All physical education clothes must meet school dress code policy (no sleeveless shirts). We will have a few uniforms for sale during fee day. The cost is: $6.00 for shorts/$3.00 for T-shirt.
Dressing out for Health/PE continued….. Sweatshirts and sweatpants may be worn outside on cold days over the uniform and may be kept in the gym locker for unexpected cold weather. Bring a pair of tennis shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Sixth graders have HPE 1st block and the grass is usually wet in the mornings. Tennis shoes are mandatory. Stick or glide-on deodorant containers are required of each student. Use of spray is prohibited. Cell Phones are NOT allowed in class. Lock it up!
Earning my grade in Health and P.E. Grade Break Down 40% health- Includes participation, classwork, quizzes/tests, and projects. 60% Physical Education- Includes participation, sports’ assessments, skill assessments, and classwork. The largest percentage of the student’s physical education grade focuses on full participation. Participation grades are based on relative intensity and positive contributions to the activity. Examples that will not earn points include (but not limited to): Lack of participation, standing around talking. Not wearing appropriate shoes and clothing which can limit safe participation in the activity.
Success = Being Prepared for PE Class. Do I have PE or Health? Your teacher’s Physical Education and Health schedule can be found in your HPE Schoology class.
HPE grade: How do I earn extra credit the 1st week 2. Read PE student expectations with parent/guardian. Homework 1. Review handout with parent/guardian. 3. Parent/guardian & student sign/date the student Expectations form and return to your teacher next class period.
Important Medical Condition Form 4. Complete the student medical form. If no medical conditions write NONE. 5. Fill in parent/guardian & student information at the bottom of the medical form. Return the PE Expectation form and medical form to your teacher next class period.
Looking forward to a great year. QUESTIONS? Looking forward to a great year.