Mrs. Prince’s Kindergarten Class 2017-2018 Contact Information:
WELCOME! Outline of tonight’s meeting: Kindergarten Expectations Our daily schedule What we learn Classroom behavioral management PAX Scholastic Curriculum Math in Focus, Phonics Dance, Daily 5, iPads/eSpark Technology In and out of the classroom (eSpark and GoNoodle) Assessments Things YOU can do at home to help your child succeed!
A day in the life of your Kindergartener… Morning Work (7:25-8:00am) Morning Time: Calendar, weather, etc(8:00-8:30) Bathroom Break/ Snack Time: (8:30-8:45) Guided Reading (8:45-10:05) Writing: (10:05-10:30) Lunch/ Recess (10:46-11:25) Specials (11:25-12:15) Monday: PBL, Tuesday: Keyboarding/Library, Wednesday: Art, Thursday: Music, Friday: P.E. Bathroom Break Math (12:15-1:15) Second Recess (1:15-1:35) Pack up/Dismissal (1:35-2:00)
Behavioral Management Bloomz Bloomz app/website Earn points for good behavior Points taken away for poor choices 10 pts earned, next level PAX PAX Quiet, Good Behavior Game, Tootles
What kindergarteners Will learn this year…
Curriculum Things you may not know about… Phonics Dance Daily 5 Guided Reading Groups D’Nealian Style Math in Focus Math Groups Technology in & out of the classroom: iPads/eSpark NO Pictures, APPs in folders Tumblebooks/Beavercreek Libraries GoNoodle
Assessments MAP RIMPS Intervention Services Monthly Assessments 3 times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring) RIMPS Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan Assessed every month Parent meetings every quarter to discuss growth Intervention Services Title: Mr. Holbrook Intervention: Mrs. DeWine Monthly Assessments Letter ID (capital/lowercase) Letter Sounds (include short/long vowel sounds) Sight Words (30) Number ID 0-20 Count to 100 by 1s and 10s
What can YOU do with your child at home? Read every night Check the weekly newsletter and ask your child open-ended questions about what they are learning Check my teacher page on Beavercreek City School site Check (and empty) take-home folder every night Monthly Activities Homework Reviewing our 30 sight words Work on letters/sounds/number recognition Working with them on the iPad, etc. but…PLEASE don’t give them answers or let the older siblings do it for them. They need to become independent!