JCOMM in-situ Observations Programme Support Centre Budget Report
JCOMMOPS Operational Budget = 650k$ per year NEEDS k$ TC Argo/JCOMMOPS 160 TC DBCP/OceanSITES 130 TC SOT/GO-SHIP 110 Engineer 60 TC Sc. Com. 50 TOTAL STAFF 510 TC Argo/JCOMMOPS Missions 20 TC DBCP/OceanSITES Missions TC SOT/GO-SHIP Missions 15 Engineer Missions 5 TC Sc. Com. Missions TOTAL MISSION 65 Rent 30 Overhead 45 TOTAL BUDGET 650
Mandated Time Allocations TC/Network/ToR Mandated Time Allocation in-line with staff Terms of Reference and work plan (reviewed within JCOMM OCG). Argo DBCP OceanSITES SOT GO-SHIP JCOMMOPS Mandated Time Allocations TC Argo/JCOMMOPS 2/3 1/3 TC DBCP/OceanSITES TC SOT, GO-SHIP 1/6 * * Time allocation comes from TC feedback on real work share activity
JCOMMOPS distribution costs according to TC time allocation Networks Obligations Argo (k$) DBCP OcSITES (k$) SO T (k$) GO-SHIP JCOMMOPS TOTAL (k$) Regular Contributions 192 135 50 45 10 115 548 Costs Staff 105 85 72 18 Mission 15 5 Rent/IT 30 20 Diff1 (contrib-costs) 42 -10 -55 -15 Overhead Head 55 Extras missions SC. Com. Ship Activities Diff2 (contrib-costs) -75 Distribution diff2 17 8 4 12 Obligations 2018 167 137 68 119 32 127 650 2018 Network efforts +2 +18 +74 +22 +12
2016 Contributions to JCOMMOPS = 725 k$ New Zealand
WMO JCOMM Trust Fund: 2016 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS= 529,000$ Contributions allocations: 72% Balance of funds for JCOMMOPS at 31 Dec 2016: 169,807$
WMO DBCP Trust Fund: 2016 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS= 141,553$ Contributions allocated to JCOMMOPS: 30% of each contribution Balance of funds for JCOMMOPS: 0$
IOC JCOMMOPS Trust Fund: 2016 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS= 211,626$ * * * * 2015 and 2016 contributions Contributions allocated to JCOMMOPS/Argo: 95% 37% AIC & 58% JCOMMOPS; 5% Argo Director Balance of funds for JCOMMOPS at 31 Dec 2016: 268,249$
CLS JCOMMOPS Trust Fund: 2016 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS= 50,826$ Contributions allocated to JCOMMOPS: 100% Balance of funds for JCOMMOPS at 31 Dec 2016: -16,296$ (CLS bill of 30k€ not paid for 2016) ACTION WMO: to pay 120k$ for JCOMMOPS support infrastructure (30 for 2016+90 for 2017) !!!
IOC JCOMMOPS EXTRA Funds: 2016 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS= 58,129$ Contributions allocated to JCOMMOPS: 100% Expenditures 22,174$ for TC SOT/GO-SHIP salary Balance of funds for JCOMMOPS at 31 Dec 2016: 35,955$
2016 JCOMMOPS Total Expenditures = 799,850 $ It covers TC DBCP/OceanSITES for 8 months during 2016 JCOMMOPS Staff Support $411,663 JCOMMOPS Staff Travel $41,481 Operational Infrastructure $214,086 Development $90,976 Activity $4,295 Financial Charges $37,348 It also includes 60K$ for rent and 38k$ for IT operations during 2015
2016 JCOMMOPS Balance: Contributions - Expenditures = -74,246 $ The negative sum was balanced by expenditures made on behalf of all programmes with money which was designated for the general use of “JCOMMOPS”. The majority of this are contributions from France and Brittany for support JCOMMOPS staff and facilities at Brest. All programmes benefit from this additional support, which allows JCOMMOPS to operate at a reduced cost to each programme. The value received by the programmes is greatly enhanced by the synergy of sharing resources. A negative value means that the programme received more services from JCOMMOPS than they “paid for”.
DEBTS cumulated during 2014-2016 JCOMMOPS DEBT IOC 169,617 $ IOC/GOOS has advanced money from non-JCOMMOPS extrabudgetary funds for the hiring of Champika Gallage (TC DBCP/OceanSITES) for the period of 24 October 2014 - 6 March 2016, including project support costs. OOPC DEBT JCOMMOPS 14k$ 2016 WMO/JCOMM TF Expenditure for TC OOPC= 164k$ instead of 150k$
JCOMMOPS anticipated budget 2017 IOC TF k$ IOC EXTRA TF k$ DBCP TF k$ JCOMM TF k$ CLS TF k$ TOTAL k$ STAFF SUPPORT TC ARGO/JCOMMOPS 160 TC SOT/GO-SHIP/JCOMMOPS 36 27 TC SOT/GO-SHIP (SSA) TC DBCP/OceanSITES 30 TC Sc. & Comm. 21 33 Engineer JCOMMOPS 90 STAFF MISSIONS TC ARGO 20 TC SOT/GO-SHIP 10 5 TC Sc. & Comm Engineer RENT & I.T. Support I.T. DEVELOPMENT IT Dev (DBCP/SOT) ACTIVITY 1 18 DEBT JCOMMOPSIOC 170 TOTAL EXPENSES 252 126 247 59 760 Anticipated Contributions to JCOMMOPS 60 112 379 50 727 TF STATUS at 31 Dec 2016 268 -16 458 TF STATUS at 31 Dec 2017 76 115 302 -25 468
REFERENCES for 2014-2016 budget 2014: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EuHG8n6PMx3O2RJh2mWlomykXaIuRzJ0ESAud5NRkp8/edit#gid=1489444025 2015: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lxQ8prcV3ggJO0T61XIU5SrADzCng0_EVMPttKCeZ6o/edit#gid=688551598 2016: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Wo4BnTXr2oi1JdF3JzszdSoPZV8viD5vffF3XBZXWXI/edit#gid=181148571