E – Active Marketing L 7 Ing. Jiří Šnajdar 2013
The Internet has changed the ways individuals communicate and how the world coducts business. Web transformed traditional retaling by selling goods and services over internet. A company in practically any location could compete globally and the size of an organization´s operation make little difference. The internet is a open enviroment, just a click away.
Internet represents more than a means to conduct business transactions Internet represents more than a means to conduct business transactions. It is a communication highway Web helps create online communities that conect buyers and sellers in new ways. It includes interactive company and brand Web sites, social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, blogs and other communication formats. It offers a multichannel communication systém that allows businesses and customers to speak to each other and listen to myriad of voices. Today´s business can use internet to actively interact with customers. The result is an e-active marketing.
E-active marketing combines two major components of internet marketing: e-commerce and interactive marketing. Both activities are vital to an organization´s online presence. Many of today´s consumers rely on the internet to research products, to shop, to make comparisons, to read both favorable and unfavorable comments by other customers and interact with other consumers and businesses. An effective IMC program incorporates these new elements into the advertising and promotions plan.
Recent study reveald that many companies are reducing traditional marketing budgets and moving the funds to online communication. Many marketing experts belive that online searches, e-mail, social media, Web disply ads and mobile marketing will soon become a significant portion of marketing expenditures. Web changes the ways consumers communicate and interact with companies. Online communication channels are pushing companies into “real-time“ communications.
E – Commerce Selling goods and services on the internet is the focus on e-commerce programmes. E-commerce involves both businesses selling to consumers B2C and businesses selling to other businesses B2B. The primary drivers of preference include convenience, selection and perceived value of merchandise. Further many consumers may make purchasees at retail stores but first use the internet to collect information.
E-Commerce Components: Catalog – Product information Product navigation Shopping cart Payment systems – easy, quick, convenient checkout Store locator
Customization functionality Customer reviews or feedback applications As e- commerce moves into real-time communication and active interactions with customers, businesses are scrambling to make Web sites relevant to consumers.
Consider how users will interact with the brand and then develop means of brand engagement. Allow for dril-down of search results by grouping products around brands and common parameters. Encourage consumer interaction via blogs, feedback applications or customer reviews. Develop a simple, secure checkout procedure.
E – Commerce Incentives Financial incentives Convenience incentives Value-based incentives
Consumer concerns with E – Commerce Seller opportunism Security concerns Information privacy issues Brick and mortar purchasing habits
B2B E – Commerce E – commerce represents a key part of many B2B operations. In many buying situations, purchasing agents use the internet to compare prices and product information. Once a business account has been established the customer finds it easy to plce an order and the price may be lower than those offered by traditional outlets. Consequently competing in e-commerce requires an effective e-commerce site and strong distinct brand name.
The number of hits on a B2B Web site directly relates to the amount spent on advertising and sales promotions. Financial convenience and value-added incentives can also be offered to business buyers. For businesses ordering merchandise, supplies and materials using the internet can save purchasing agents considerable time. Convinience represents a highly attractive incentive for many companies. E-commerce programes offer benefits for B2B companies.
A growing form of e-commerce in the B2B sector is online exchanges and auctions. These exchanges allow buyers to purchase a variety of commodities and goods in lower prices. Many online markets are operated by intermediary companies that match buyers and sellers.
Interactive Marketing Interactive marketing is the development of marketing programes that create interplay between consumers and businesses rather than simply sending messages to potential customers. The programes feature two-way communication and customer involvement. The internet is ideal medium for interactive marketing because of the ability to accurately track browser activities and translate the information into instant reactions.
Interactive marketing emphasizes two primary activities. First it assists marketers in targeting individuals, specifically potential and current customers, with personalized information. Second it engages the consumer with the company product. The consumer becomes an active participant in the marketing Exchange rather than passive recipient.
Steps in developing Interactive Marketing Strategy: Cultivate an attitude of giving Gain trust Identify your one- word brand Define your ultimate vision Choose your communication channels Evaluate and adjust
Online Advertising Online avertising represents a highly effective method of reaching customers, especially the younger more internet-savvy market. Consequently budgets for online advertising have steadily increased. Funds devoted to online advertising have become a larger portion of overal advertising and marketing budgets. One major advantage of online advertising is the number of matrics that allow advertisers to measure results almost instantaneously.
Banner Advertising Classified and Media/video advertising Company- Sponsored Blogging Online Social Network (Facebook, Twitter) Consumer Generated Advertising Consumer Generated Reviews E-mail Viral Marketing
Summary Increased usage of internet by both consumers and businesses has led many marketing teams to develop an Internet presence. E-active marketing combines two major components of Inernet marketing: e-commerce and interactive marketing. Web changes the ways consumers communicate and interact with companies. The key is to integrate e-marketing strategies with overal integrated marketing communications plan.
Online social networks include Facebook, Twitter and others. Social media have become a major part of the integrated marketing landscape. Consumer-generated advertising includes crowdsourcing etc. Consumer-generated reviews opportunity to create forums for customers to discuss product benefits and problems.