Unique Properties of Water Mrs. McAven 8th Grade Science Riverwood Middle School
Review Video Sticky Water: https://nc.discoveryeducation.com/player/view/assetGuid/82B97329-DFC9-4BC4-B45F-62B8890EA56B
Sticky Water: Explanation Review Video Sticky Water: Explanation https://nc.discoveryeducation.com/player/view/assetGuid/548AB5F3-A099-4CDB-A7EE-B4CA25B19967
Surface Tension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MBHf7j7bVs Review Video Surface Tension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MBHf7j7bVs
Surface Tension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ__rbsytjI Review Video Surface Tension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ__rbsytjI
Water Property Review The water is sticking to the side of the glass. 2. Water droplets combine together in the atmosphere to make rain drops. 3. Salt dissolves in water. 4. When I dropped a rock in the river, it sank. 5. On the coast in the summer, the ocean takes a lot longer to heat up than the air and land. Water molecules have a positive end and a negative end.