Total Defence Day 2017 P6 Cohort Activity
What is Total Defence? Total Defence is a framework for an all-round response to threats and challenges and involves all Singaporeans in the following 5 aspects: Military Defence Civil Defence Economic Defence Social Defence Psychological Defence
The 5 Pillars of Total Defence Military Defence Keeping Singapore strong and secure from external threats Civil Defence Taking care of our family, friends, and people around us in times of crisis Economic Defence Having a strong and resilient economy Social Defence Living harmoniously and looking out for one another Psychological Defence Being a resilient people
How can we keep our country safe and strong? “We accept friends from different backgrounds and will not allow prejudice and stereotypes to affect our relations with one another. We stay united and strong at all times.” “I can start saving up for rainy days. I can also start adopting environmentally-friendly practices such as conserving electricity and water.”.” “I will stand up for Singapore, and stay to defend it in times of crisis. I will not give up the fight easily.” “I can keep myself fit and prepare myself for National Service (NS). I support and appreciate my family members who are serving NS.” “I can equip myself with some basic first-aid skills and help anyone around me in times of crisis.”
Threats that Singapore may face Terrorism Pandemics Environmental Issues Economic Crisis Social Tensions How can we respond to these threats? How can WE play our part in Total Defence?
Our Responses to Potential Threats Tension/Conflict with an Asian neighbour
Our Responses to Potential Threats Haze Bomb Blast at a public place Suspicious Object
Our Responses to Potential Threats Asian Economic Crisis Cyberattack
Our Responses to Potential Threats Racial Tension/Riot Online Outrage Shooting Incident at School
Our Responses to Potential Threats Disease Outbreak Aftermath of a Terror Attack
SG Unite! TD Card Game You should receive the following in your deck: 1 play mat and 21 cards (+ 1 blank card)
How to Win? Are we ready? Game On! OBJECTIVE: The player with the most points wins. STRATEGY: Collect as many cards as you can from all of the 5 Total Defence (TD) pillars. Resolve the threats in the given scenarios using any of the 5 TD pillars. You may use the prompts on your play mat to guide you in your responses. Are we ready? Game On!
How do we start playing? Get into groups of 2 or 3. Take out your individual play mats from your respective decks and place them in front of you. Use only 1 deck to play as a group. Remove the blank card. One player shuffles the deck of cards and distributes them to all players equally, with the cards facing down. 3 players: 7 cards each 2 players: 10 cards each (1 random card to be removed at the start of play)
The youngest player starts off the game by declaring “High Threat” or “Low Threat”. Each player (P) reveals the top card on their respective deck. Since P1 has called for “High Threat”, he wins the chance to respond to ANY of the threats in the given scenarios. High Threat! P1 P2 P3
P1 chooses to respond to P3’s card on “Suspicious Object”. P1 reads the chosen scenario and can either: provide a response according to the TD pillar question shown on the card, OR b) state another TD pillar he would like to provide a response to, as an individual or the community.
(a) P1 provides a response according to the TD pillar shown on the card. CIVIL DEFENDER! I will report this suspicious object to the bus driver so that he can report it to the relevant authorities. Note: You may refer to your play mat for some prompts on how you can respond to the various scenarios according to each TD pillar.
OR (b) P1 may choose to respond according to another TD pillar, as an individual or the community (other than the one shown on the card) SOCIAL DEFENDER! I will help look out for other fellow passengers and inform them to stand away from the suspicious object. Note: You may refer to your play mat for some prompts on how you can respond to the various scenarios according to each TD pillar.
The rest of the revealed cards are to be placed in the discard pile. When everyone accepts the response, the player wins the card and places it on his play mat according to the pillar he has chosen to base his response on. The rest of the revealed cards are to be placed in the discard pile.
If the player gives an unacceptable/wrong response to the threat highlighted in each scenario, another player may steal the card by giving his/her response. He/she gets to keep the card on his/her play mat if the answer is accepted. Note: A teacher /an adult may be called in as a referee to judge the response, when necessary. CIVIL DEFENDER! I will remove the bag from the bus and bring it down with me at the next stop.
Player who wins the first round will decide the threat level for the next round. Each player reveals the top card on their respective deck. Say P1 declares for “Low Threat”, and there is a tie between 2 players: Since both P2 and P3 have the lowest threat cards, they both get a chance to respond to any of the scenarios. To determine who gets to respond first, P2 & P3 plays “Scissors, Paper, Stone!”. Low Threat! P1 P2 P3
When any one player has run out of cards, reshuffle the discard pile together with the unrevealed cards. Play continues until all cards are exhausted or cards cannot be equally distributed.
Calculating Your Final Score: Count the total number of cards that you have on your play mat.
Special Card – Design your own! What other threats do you think Singapore may potentially face in the near future? Design your own scenario and question on the blank card. Allocate a threat level 1 to 6 to this special card. Add it to your deck and use it to add a more challenging option at your next game! Threat Level Threat Scenario Question
“Together We Keep Singapore Strong.” What have you learnt? Threats are real and we are vulnerable to them. We need to be prepared so that we can respond to these threats should they happen to Singapore. Each of us can play our part in Total Defence to keep Singapore safe and secure. “Together We Keep Singapore Strong.”
Congratulations! You have played your part for Total Defence. Each of you will receive a TD Magnetic Collar Badge. Be a TD Advocate in your daily lives, even beyond the TD period. Continue playing SG Unite! at home with your family members. To download additional playmats, please go to
How to Play SG Unite! Card Game (Video Clip)