ROAD ACCIDENT FUND COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION RFP /2017/00033 Supply and delivery of Corporate Uniform Date: 07 July 2017 Time: 11:00
AGENDA Background of the RFB Scope of work Evaluation Criteria Mandatory Documents Disqualification of Bids Submission of Bids Contact details RAF Ethics Office Questions and Answers
Background RFB/2017/00033: Request For Bids: Request to appoint a suitable service provider to supply and deliver Corporate Uniform for a period of five (5). Advertised on 30 June 2017 Closing on 02 August 2017 at 11h00 (AS PER THE CLOCK AT THE RAF RECEPTION)
SCOPE OF WORK The RAF uniform is required for designated employees. All material and designs should be in line with the new RAF Corporate Identity and convey the brand values.
Mandatory Documents Standard Bidding Document (SBD) Valid Original Tax Clearance Certificate Bid Conditions B-BBEE Certificate
EVALUATION CRITERIA The bid will be evaluated based on the following requirements: Mandatory (Comply or Not Comply) – Bidders who do not meet the mandatory requirements will be disqualified. Technical Functional requirements Part 1 (minimum threshold of 40 out of 60) will go to Part 2 minimum threshold of 70 out of 100 (Part 1 + Part 2). Price and B-BBEE (80/20 points).
MANDATORY EVALUATION CRITERIA Comply Not Comply Company Experience The bidder must have a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in providing / manufacturing Corporate Clothing. Please provide reference letter/s from Corporate Client’s / customer’s on their letterheads where corporate clothing was provided / manufactured The letter/s MUST ALSO INCLUDE the company name, date, contact person, contact numbers, nature and duration of the project. The reference letter/s must not be older than 5 years. (If the letter/s does not include all of the above requirements, the RAF will not accept the letter/s as being valid.) Please note: The RAF will not accept a list of references and/or references listed on a table. The reference letters must be in the form of individual letters from the respective customers. Substantiate / Comments
MANDATORY EVALUATION CRITERIA Comply Not Comply Bidders must submit a manufacturing capability report with a minimum score of 80% with the bid documents at closing date and time of the bid. (The report must not be older than 3 years.) The capability report must be issued by an organisation accredited or recognised by SANAS. The capability report must address manufacturers' capability and capacity to manufacture the product(s). The capability report has to address the following elements: Production capacity and capability Company/organisation Facilities Quality control systems Incoming inspections In-process quality control Final inspection Packaging Non-conforming product Communication/documentation control and work movement In the event of the bidder sourcing the product(s) from another manufacturer, a capability report from the manufacturer must be obtained and supported by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which must be signed by both the bidder and the manufacture who owns the capability report has agreed to manufacture for the bidder. Substantiate / Comments
MANDATORY EVALUATION CRITERIA Comply Not Comply By submitting a proposal for this Bid, the Bidder(s) confirms that they have read and understood the terms and conditions as set out in the attached SPA, which terms and conditions the Bidder(s) accept in the event that the RAF awards a contract to the Bidder(s) pursuant to this Bid. Amendments, Deletions or Additions to the SPA will be at the discretion of the RAF. Substantiate / Comments
MANDATORY EVALUATION CRITERIA Comply Not Comply Failure by the Fund and the successful bidder to conclude a contract within 21 business days following the issuing by the Fund of the award letter to the preferred bidder, will result in the bid being deemed to be non-responsive which will then entitle the Fund to consider other responsive bids and award the tender to another bidder or bidders. Substantiate / Comments
Technical Evaluation Criteria Functional criteria Points 6.3.1. Portfolio of evidence in relation to providing / manufacturing of corporate clothing 40 6.3.2 Project Plan for implementation 20 6.3.3 Samples of material 6.3.4 Item quality evaluation BIDDERS SCORING A MINIMUM OF 70 POINTS OUT OF 100 FOR TECHNICAL EVALUATION will FURTHER BE EVALUATED ON PRICE AND B-BBEE TOTAL 100
Disqualification of bids Bidders shall be disqualified if they fail to: Submit a valid and original tax clearance certificate Submit true and correct information Comply with mandatory requirements Comply with prescribed response format Attend the compulsory briefing session
Submission of RFB responses Original signed bid document and Pricing clearly marked and indexed with all pages numbered. One (1) original tender document with one (1) copy clearly marked as original and copy (RAF/2017/00033) envelope, to the address provided below. Separate the Pricing Submission Address : Road Accident Fund Eco Glades Reception (Block F) 420 Witch-hazel Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria CLOSING TIME : 11:00 am (PER THE CLOCK AT THE RAF RECEPTION)
Submission of RFP responses Bid responses sent by courier must reach the reception at least 36 hours before the closing date, to be deposited into the Bid box. Submission Register must be signed at the reception by bidder when submitting bid documents. Important note: Please ensure that the attendance register has been signed Name of company Contact details Late response will not be considered
Contact Details All queries must be forwarded to Enquiries and clarification will close on the 14 July 2017 @ 11H00. Q and A pack will be published on RAF website on 19 July 2017.
Thank you Questions and Answers