Ancient India
Geography India is a subcontinent of Asia because it is separated from the rest of Asia by the Himalyas, the highest mountains in the world.
India has two fertile river valleys created by the Ganges River and the Indus River. Indus River – Notice the green? Ganges River – What does the green represent?
Indus Valley Civilization Harappan Civilization The first urban civilization in India arose near the Indus River after the river flooded and left fertile soil behind. Because of the rich soil, farmers grew crops. As families began to have extra food, they had more time to spend doing other things, such as building houses or making tools.
Indus Valley The Indus River is located in Pakistan. Find it on the map. It was along this river that a civilization developed around 2,500 BCE. It is called the Indus Valley Civilization. Two major cities of this civilization were Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.
Two Ancient Cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were large well-planned cities in ancient India. Each city had as many as 35,000 people.
Aryan Invasion Around 1500 BCE, a group of nomadic warrior- herders crossed the narrow Khyber Pass in the Hindu Kush Mountains and invaded the Indus Valley culture. These people, the Aryans, came from Eastern Europe between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, probably looking for pastures for their animals. Flooding and earthquakes had weakened the Indus Valley culture and they were unable to withstand the newcomers.
Government Divided into tribes. Tribe led by chief and tribal council Tribes formed small states Each state ruled by king and council of warriors Economy Agriculture and farming System of barter for goods
Religion The Aryans introduced Hinduism (polytheistic) The Aryans recorded their religious beliefs and traditions in the Vedas and Upanishads. Buddhism beings around 500 BCE Siddharta Guatama Buddha (means “enlightened one”)
Social: Caste System- There were four classes called varnas in India’s social system with one group of people that did not belong to any varna. They were called the Untouchables A caste is a social group that someone is born into and cannot change. A caste dictates what job you will have, whom you can marry, and with whom you can eat or drink.
Intellectual Sewer and plumbing systems in Mohenjo-Daro Planned city systems