Summer Learning in Year 5 Numeracy This term we will be focusing on learning to: Read, write and order numbers to 1,000,000 Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100,1000 and 10,000 Add, subtract, multiply and divide using written methods Secure our timetables Identify factors and multiples Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 Read and write decimal numbers as fractions Literacy This term in Literacy your child will be learning to: Spelling Year 5 will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Get Spelling units and securing the spelling of the Year 5 and 6 spelling bank of words. Handwriting Year 5 will continue securing our use of cursive handwriting. SPaG We will be focusing on securing previous SPaG learning and beginning to: use brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis use modal verbs or adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility Year 5 will be linking our history topic of ‘Ancient Greece’ with a unit of work on Greek Myths. They will be listening to and learning a range of myths and using ideas and language from these to inspire them to write their own. P.E P.E kits will be needed on Mondays and Wednesday. This term children will take part in Bikeability lessons and swimming lessons as well as their usual P.E sessions. Homework Spelling homework and Numeracy homework will be given each week. Library day Year 5 will visit the library each Wednesday.
Year 5 Learning Overview Summer 2017– Ancient Greece Science Earth and Space Forces History Ancient Greece. Personal , Social & Health Education and Citizenship Feelings and emotions Religious Education Places of Christian Worship Computing We are software developers – using ‘Scratch’ to programme a game. We are toy designers - using ‘Scratch’ and ‘internet explorer’ to design a toy. French Vocabulary for school life in France Music Music sessions will continue to be taught weekly by our specialist teacher, Mr Withers. P.E P.E sessions will continue to be taught weekly by our specialist teacher, Mr Panther. Year 5 will also be taking part in Bikeability riding lessons and also swimming lessons this term. Things to remember Reading – Children make fantastic progress with their reading when they read regularly. At Limbrick Wood we ask all children to read for 10 minutes each evening with a family member to practise their fluency and comprehension skills. This is still important in Year 5 when many children become independent readers as it allows them to gain a deeper understanding of vocabulary and the comprehension of a text. Library - Children will visit the school library each week, children can only choose a new book if they return their last book.