All important information will be posted on Blackboard MA 15800 Spring 2017 Instructor: Cuiyu He Office: MATH 709 Email: OH: Thursday 11:30 am - 1:30 pm (MATH 211) The course webpage is located at All important information will be posted on Blackboard
Classroom policies Attendance is expected Please arrive to class on time If you can not make it on time every class (long walk between classes etc.) please let me know If you are more than 20 minutes late you will not be able to take a quiz that day
If you want to email me Look at course webpage or Blackboard for information before sending emails. Most anything you need will be located here Sign with BOTH your first and last name (Don’t forget to mention your section number as well) Grades cannot be discussed through email
Course Calendar Calendar shows dates that lessons will be covered and exam dates and times All homework will be completed and graded online using LON-CAPA. No assignments will be turned in and hand graded The 2 lowest online homework grades will be dropped at the end of the semester
Online Homework All homework will be completed in LON-CAPA. There is a link to LON-CAPA in Blackboard. Assignments are give well in advance. There will be no extensions given on homework. If you know that your schedule is busy at certain times you should make adjustments to complete the homework before the due date.
Assignment Hints Most problems allow 99 submissions Matching, Yes/No, Multiple Choice and few others have a limited number of submissions Pay attention to due dates. Homework assignments are due by 7:00am local time the day of the next lecture on Wednesday and Friday and at 7:00pm on Mondays
More Hints Never approximate an answer unless the questions specifically asks you to, in which case you will be directed how many decimal places to enter (for example, if the answer is 1/3, LON-CAPA will not take 0.33) If you do need to estimate, never round early in the calculations Pay attention to cases (upper and lower) when entering variables Make sure when entering answers in interval notation, they must be written from lowest value to highest value (such as (2,5), NOT (5,2))
Quizzes Quizzes will be given often Quizzes will be worth 4 points each Everyone must turn in their own quiz However, If you are caught turning in a quiz for a student that is not in attendance, you will lose all of your quiz points for the semester and a report will be sent to the Dean of Students.
Midterm Exams There will be 3 midterm exams in this course. The midterms are all multiple choice, last 60 minutes, and are given in the evenings. A seating assignment will be emailed to you before each ex. Please mark the following dates for the exams: Monday, January 30, 6:30pm Monday, February 27, 6:30pm Wednesday, March 29, 6:30pm
Exam Conflicts There are NO MAKE-UP Exams. At the end of the semester, the lowest mid-term exam score or half of the final exam score will be dropped. If you have a conflict with one of the exam dates (such as an evening class or another exam), notify the course coordinator no later than one week before the exam During the exam, no one is permitted to leave the exam room during the first 20 minutes, and if you arrive to the exam after 20 minutes, you will not be allowed to take the exam
Final Exam There will be a comprehensive final exam given sometime during the last week of the semester The date for the final will be announced some time during the semester Do not plan to leave campus early
Calculator Policy You will need a 1-line scientific calculator. The TI-30XA is the only calculator allowed on quizzes and exams 2-line calculators, programmable calculators, and graphing calculators are not allowed
Math Help Room (MATH 211) MATH 211 is the Math Help Room
Additional Resources WISP – WIEP Math and Science Tutoring COSINE Science Help Center Student Success at Purdue List of help resources available on campus Links for finding tutors
Academic Adjustments If you have been certified by the Disability Resource Center (DRC) as eligible for academic adjustments on exams or quizzes see for exam and quiz procedures for your mathematics course or go to MATH 202 for paper copies. In the event that you are waiting to be certified by the Disability Resource Center we encourage you to review our procedures prior to being certified. For all in-class accommodations please see your instructors outside class hours -- before or after class or during office hours -- to share your Accommodation Memorandum for the current semester and discuss your accommodations as soon as possible.
Grades There are 500 points available (with one exam or half of the final exam score dropped): Quizzes 50 pts Homework 50 pts Exam 1 100 pts Exam 2 100 pts Exam 3 100 pts Final 200 pts
Estimating Your Grade Percent Grade 98%-100% A+ 70%-74% C+ 90%-97% A 65%-69% C 88%-89% A- 60%-64% C- 86%-87% B+ 57%-59% D+ 78%-85% B 50%-56% D 75%-57% B- 0%-49% F
Changing to a Lower Course If you are finding this class too difficult, you have the opportunity to drop to MA 15300 College Algebra You will need a signature from the MA158 course coordinator David Norris (MATH 810) and the MA 153 course coordinator Patrick Devlin (MATH 804) You have until Friday, January 27 to drop back to MA 15300.
Possible Campus Emergencies In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, exam dates, deadlines, and grading procedures are subject to change due to a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Visit the MA 15800 website or contact the course coordinator if you have questions (MATH 810,