Of all the things to be considered while working towards getting a desalination plant to start, probably site selection is one of the first and difficult choices to make. Desalination in itself is a very requirement intensive process with hefty reverse osmosis systems, the supply of water and electricity in large amounts.
Even a single little mistake on the part of decision-makers can lead to a loss of millions of dollars. The stakes get higher as the plant capacities get higher. One must, therefore, keep in mind many points that are crucial in the selection of a location for desalination.
Near to resources: The location should be such that the plant has economical and feasible access to huge amounts of power and water at the same time. Ideally, a power grid would be preferable due to large energy requirements of the plant. Extent and Shape: The location should allow the plant to be built in an optimum shape and extent to facilitate many other activities. It must be enough to include marine pipelines, intake head structures, the inland pit, the water pumping stations, the post-treatment systems, the inland pipelines, the main facility structures, product delivery subsystems and the power supply system are all comfortable accommodated in optimum places. This reduces civil, electrical and other work costs.
Near feed water supply: Is situated near a marine environment that allows feedwater intake in any amount with feasibility and reasonable rates. It also gives a steady and constant feed of water supply whenever needed. Eco-friendly: A location that allows the disposal of brine, wastewater and brackish water without harming the environment. This is important as any harm above the recommended level to the environment can lead to the loss of operating license.
Topography: The location is suitable for building large steady structures and is geographically optimum to construct bigger establishments without the danger of falling down. Regulations: A location where the regulations of town, rural or urban development, environmental law, and restrictions can be met with ease.
Local bodies: The construction of such a plant has full support from the local authorities and the population. Not having such an approval leads to problems from the community in the future. Which is why skipping it is not an option. Taxes: The location should be such that it does not inhibit the development of the plant by incurring heavy taxes from the area. The area must be conducive to make it easier to implement the project in the existing infrastructure.
The site selection is one of the most important parts of making a successful desalination plant. Based on the pointers above it is established that building such a plant is not easy or a one man’s job. Collaborations with many departments, companies, and the local community are needed for successful running and implementation of a big desalination plant.