Erasmus IP- Summer school Presentation of Hungary Hartman Gábor Kasza Eszter Kujáni Zsuzsanna Szent István University Gödöllő, 2011.06.21.
Location of Hungary A landlocked country, situated in the Carpathian Basin Area: 93 030 square kilometers Neighbouring countries: Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia 2 Major rivers: Danube (417 km), Tisza (597 km) Largest lakes: Balaton, Lake Velence 3 parts of Hungary: Transdanubia The plain between the Duna and the Tisza Trans- Tisza region
Agricultural endowments in Hungary Main sectors of cultivation by cultivated branch Cereals 37,1 % Forests 24,4 % Arable land (exc.cereals) 20,8 % Grassland 12,9 %
Results in the agricultural sector Share of gross agricultural output: Crops 53,7 % Animals 36,8 % Services and other 9,5 %
Agricultural trade Main imported product groups: Animal feed 10% Edible products 9% Meat 9 % Dairy products, eggs, honey 8 % Main exported product groups: Cereals 18% Meat 13% Oil-seeds 10% Fruit and vegetable products 8%
Food industry Main products: Milk processing 10,1% Meat processing and preservation 9,4% Meat and poultry products 8,7% Bread and fresh pastry production 8,7 % Fruit and vegetable processing 8,3 % Poultry processing and preservation 8,1 % Soft drinks production 7,3 %
Problems In Hungary there are more farmers after 50 years old, than young farmers Dual system: big industrial production and in the other side a lot of semi subsistenced farms Decreassing competitivness in agriculture • Long food supply chain who cause changeable raw material prices • Low added value that means few transformated agro-food production The Hungarian bureaucracy is very complicated and slow because of the undeveloped institutional structure The agricultural equipments and machines are too old
Problems solving Motivation of the young farmers Complex long-term strategy is necessary The bureaucracy should be reduced by the well-organised rural policy institutes The agricultural need higher purchase price The agriculture equipments and machines should be updated and innovated
Thank you for your attention! Have a great time in Hungary!